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Just out of interest, what Servers are you using now (make, model), do they have mirrored disk drives and what operating system are they using? Also, do you run image or incremental backups and how often?

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We are now running on a virtual private server from EUKHOST. http://www.eukhost.com/vps-hosting.php


It always is a risk, moving servers since we don't know if the performance of this VPS will be good enough. On the other hand it gives us more diskspace and more options to control (like subdomains).


Backups are made weekly by EUKHOST but we are looking at offsite backups of the forum too. But it all boils down to cost and since we pay everything out our own pockets we might have to risk downtime to keep it within budget.

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Just out of interest, what Servers are you using now (make, model), do they have mirrored disk drives and what operating system are they using? Also, do you run image or incremental backups and how often?


Sounds like you're in the same line of work as I am (was??)! :)

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Did anyone else read posts 4 and 5 and think 'what the hell are you on about?' :???



Not really Adrian - but then I used to do that sort of thing for a living until Dearborn shifted my work over to Germany as a cost saving and I joined the ranks oof the early retired/unemployed!! :)

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Never mind Adrian........who was it, Mr Beckett, that pressed the wrong button last night and broke the forum?

I once was working an Evening shift on a Computer system, and one of the Operators, using a telephone, stretched out his arm and accidentally hit the Emergency OFF switch. The silence in the Computer room was deafening!

Edited by Marmite!!
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Did anyone else read posts 4 and 5 and think 'what the hell are you on about?' :???

OK, I'll try and explain.

Backup - copying files to tape or a disk so that you can recover a system if the files get corrupt.

Image backup - Full copy of a disk on a Computer

Incremental Backup - Copy of all files that were changed since the last Image Backup

Operating System - On your PC it could be XP or Vista. Servers might be VMS or Unix.

Server - A Computer in a remote site from your PC.

Mirrored Servers - 2 Servers both sharing the work, doing half each. If one fails, then the other takes the full workload until the other is fixed.

Offsite Backup - Keeping a copy of the files on a Server in a location away from the building the Server is in. Therefore if the Building the Server is in burns down, then you can recover all the files easily and get the system up and running quickly on a new Server.

Virtual system - A big Computer that is segregated into doing several applications at once (HMVF being just one), so that it appears to be several Computers rather than just one.


Most of my working life was running Housekeeping routines on Computer systems, mainly ICL, Burroughs and Dec VAX.

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