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Everything posted by gritineye

  1. :goodidea: And they seem to be holding up so well...:wow: Love the manually applied through the broken windscreen exhaust brake too!
  2. Not military, but it just shows that some of those rumors about buried stuff may well be true! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-gloucestershire-18194870
  3. Oops..sorry bout that, now sorted..good job someone's paying attention!
  4. Yep, they would be good, although there is a built in smoke discharger, via exhaust!
  5. Well spotted Tony, the Jake brake was specified and fitted but was found to be redundant when that effect was discovered! Portee version was ordered but confusion with the Thetford product meant the designers weren't exactly flushed with success..
  6. Yep... NATO hitch as standard on this contract...so towed artillery is a desirable option!
  7. Already got one, :-D now relocated to roll bar, still need more firepower..
  8. Not bored at all Paul, properly informed input is just what we're after....:tup::
  9. Same as supermarkets pricing Tony, confusion marketing means someone somewhere will always get it wrong, so a chance of more profit for DVLA / VOSA / HMG / HMRC and jobs for the boys :mad: :nut: We where talking yesterday about the first Stock car meeting at Arlington Speedway, mid 60s, no one had a trailer so racers where towed on a pole, the kn****red towing cars couldn't manage the hills so they where pushed most of the way by the even more clapped racers, much fun was had and there where police directing traffic when we all arrived. No problem at all! :angel: The only red tape was holding the rubbish wiring together!
  10. I'm with NFU insurance, they will not cover a trailer that has cooking gear permanently fitted, although a living van is OK without it, but they are quite happy for you to carry the cooker and bottle in the towing vehicle, as most campers do. A loaded trailer is not allowed at all, a living van that carries your personal possessions and equipment for living in the van is not considered loaded. Anything in it that is for use outside the van (awnings barbecues etc.) is a load. Some folk weld a dummy load on so it is part of the trailer. I've never heard of the trailer having to be the same age as the towing vehicle before as Tony says, that's a new one on me.
  11. I need to take some new pictures of Rugged Robin, he needs to look like a gun ship, the more armament on board the better, within reason! Is anyone going who would be willing to oblige with the loan of their guns for a short while? You will be able to keep hold of them as it would even be better with a fully tooled up uniformed crew, British of course! Not sure which day yet, just need to get some good quality shots of it looking as if he really means business, and you may become even more famous than you already are! This pic isn't menacing enough!
  12. It was mentioned by Steve Wright on his Radio two show just now, he said something like 'Surely those old cars are the ones that really need testing aren't they?' :rolleyes: Expecting him to read out all the readers texts agreeing with him now...
  13. Agree entirely Degsy, been saying that for years, how often do you hear on TV/radio 'Where are all the chirpy little sparrows gone?' next breath 'How fantastic we just released umpteen Sparrow Hawks/Kestrels/Eagles into the wild today' They don't seem to get the connection!:nut: We never saw a Buzzard round here till a few years ago, now there are loads, suspect it's the sweet little bunnys they're eating though, so that's OK. 'Experts' used to say only feed garden birds in the cold weather, now they say feed all year, all this does is concentrate the birds in one place, so they're easy to ambush!
  14. Big bang on my window today, it was a magpie bashing a sparrow off the nut feeder, knocked it to the ground and flew off with, the carnage continues..all feeders now moved to within the hedges. Our late neighbor used to shoot magpies with his 4.10, till his license was revoked, seems you're not supposed to do that in gardens.
  15. Odd you should say that, my Scammell door glass is laminated and a few weeks ago a vertical crack appeared in the outer glass layer. I think this is due to half the glass being in shadow from the canvas covering the cab, and temperature difference in hot sun. I have seen this happen before when the inch thick glass top on a rare and expensive art nouveau dressing table (not mine ) cracked due to the curtains being half drawn. I had a 50s Ford F100 once, both lam door glasses cracked right across at the bottom.
  16. :rofl:That really made me laugh after the first one you posted..that's more like the grin we all know!
  17. :thumbsup:Well done Martyn, but you've made me really want one now! :-D
  18. Sad to report empty robin's nest this morning, don't think they where ready to fly..hope I'm wrong. :cry:
  19. So there would have been hundreds spare to disappear into local garden shed boxes then, even better! Thanks again.
  20. Thanks for your fantastic response and great pics Steve, given the provenance and going by what your engineer said, until evidence appears to the contrary, I am inclined to go with the Airship theory, Interesting the Marine suggestion as it was a Naval Airship Station.. For anyone who hasn't seen it there is more on Willingdon Naval Airship Station in this thread..http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?11712-Bomb-damage-near-Eastbourne-E-Sussex&highlight=willingdon
  21. Nice collection of lodgers you've got there Jim, they work so hard don't they! All Scammell movement stopped here as well! Robins can't resist the rear end of an Explorer chassis, some years there have been four nests, and it has happened every where it has been kept over the years. It seems inevitable that the Magpies will have them though as they are squawking in the trees nearby all the time. A wood pecker has been drilling into the blue tits box as well, now reinforced, magpies having a go! It's a wonder any of chicks manage to survive at all..
  22. That's interesting and different, nice to see the Ward still working..:thumbsup:
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