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Everything posted by gritineye

  1. Damned impostor !! Though he made a good stand in for me at Gingers, maybe I sould employ him as a stunt double too...
  2. Yeah :beer: we know how to paaarty...that was a good session Jack, must do it again!
  3. Blessed are the cracked, for they are the ones who let in the light......
  4. One of my all time favorite vehicles, often look at my Dinky toy one and plan how to build a replica! Pics please, we really do need pics...
  5. Typical American overkill, three too many wheels..:rolleyes: Hope you're not implying there's something wrong with me Andy, and there's nothing wrong with this chap either..so why go looking abroad? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-leeds-14662402 Something went wrong...
  6. New camera working well there Andy, nice snapping too!
  7. Checked this and a few other points very thoroughly with insurers. Re charity events and events run by individuals, and I am covered for SD&P purpose only, including attendance at vintage vehicle club events, rallies and road runs. If I attend any events that fall outside the above, this will be covered under pleasure purposes. Should I be paid to attend then I would not be covered, so beware those attendance/fuel costs/payments in kind (beer?) that are some times offered, good job I haven't got a steam engine then!
  8. Vulcan was displaying at Eastbourne air show around 4 pm, looked magnificent too! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Looks like you where in Medway Field, never got a proper look round there, shame I didn't spot the Bedford Beast, keep up the entertaining updates, catch ya next time...:thumbsup:
  10. Don't know about iPad, but it's dead easy from my iPhone using tapatalk Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. 'SD&P only, including attendance at vintage vehicle club events, rallies and road runs.' Suppose this could be read to say only club events though, it's a nightmare. the more you read the less you know for certain!
  12. :goodidea: :beer: :nono: :drive: :pfrt: :stop: :shake: :help: ............. :sleep: :morning: :mailforyou: :wow: :argh:........ :readpaper: :police:
  13. My NFU mutual Vintage Commercial Vehicle Insurance schedule says that it covers me for: 'Unlimited cover for legal liability to the public for injury' 'Up to £5,000,000 plus costs for legal liability for property damage'
  14. :thumbsup: Well done, so now you can have the pleasure of driving your magnificent beast on the road....enjoy! :drive::clap:
  15. Back on topic then, :-D here's one I recorded earlier, so live-ish edited highlights... Something went wrong...
  16. In a word Jules....K-Seal. Some will say it's not proper engineering, but I say life's too short..
  17. Who forgot to turn the cat vaporising force field off then? :-D Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. Thanks again for the replies chaps, Ffixer, agree a simple job, and I appreciate the offer but as a compulsive fabricator I'll enjoy doing it myself.. Skiprat, your thinking makes sense to me, good input. David, see ya there..
  19. Great thread! :-D The Solo Timed Non Cartridge Grease Gun Hand Filling sprint, points gained for each pump without airlock.. The Solo Scammell Explorer Propshaft Greasing sprint, points gained for each nipple greased without re-positioning vehicle.. The Solo Timed Scammell Explorer total grease up, points lost for every one missed, out of a possible 125, points gained for agility and style.
  20. Ffixer, it's the spent case bin mounts that have been cut off, and rather crudely, compared to where the part 6 shown in the drawing has been cut out of the centre. Found the missing rear pin and made a new catch plate/bolt /chain for it, you can see the rough cuts in this pic.I have tidied it up now and will wait till/if I find a bin to fit before making new mountings for it. Found this pic of a mk 1, it has the centre cut out like mine which makes me think both are modified mk 1s. as they both differ from the drawing. Could the rest of the bin mountings on mine have been cut off in service for some reason? Just one more thing, can't find any info on the functioning of the sights 2 & 14 in the drawing, could you enlighten me please? Link to one for sale http://www.dandbmilitaria.com/British-GPMG-Vehicle-Mount.html Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. Found these pics, shows some interesting machinery .. http://www.stilltimecollection.co.uk/search/q/0-0-0-0-0-0-0-1-pluto.html
  22. Not worth the trouble taking it off, definitely not if you're thinking of visiting shows in fields, as a couple of members on here found out at W&P this year....:whistle:
  23. Very nice work, looks great....:thumbsup:
  24. And you'll have every other Scammell expert telling you 'they never had those it's not original' Love pics like these, so many little details, like the canvas that seems to have been stuck onto the locker tops, never seen that before either..more please John, is it possible that your father was the inventor of the s/wheel carrier? He was obviously involved enough to take pictures of it.
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