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Everything posted by gritineye

  1. Regarding the US v UK price differential, I'm surprised no one has mentioned the Beltring (W&P Show) effect, it seems to me that this, along with the fact most people have a local (1 hr drive away) show often affects UK buyers judgment in a way that just doesn't happen in the US with it's vast distances.
  2. And that mud really stank when stirred!.......:nut: So well done those two....whoever they are :clap: :clap: :thumbsup:
  3. Thanks chaps, the drawing is a great help Andy, googled for ages trying to find one. So it looks like just the part that the bin fixes to has been cut off for some reason. Ffixer, thanks for your offer, I may take you up on it if I get stuck making the repair, no rush :-) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Trying to find a drawing or pictures of this type of mount, as bits seem to have been hacked off this one, and other bits bodged on for some reason. Any help would be much appreciated Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. That's very depressing to read, let's hope it is recovered, will share Jacks FB post on it.
  6. Stunt Welbike... http://www.stilltimecollection.co.uk/gallery/Classic/Classic%200241.jpg
  7. Intentional insurance fiddlers deserve everything they get, but I wonder how many people who are refused settlements, because of similar unintentional false statements or failure to declare, are added to the uninsured driver figures. Has anyone ever been prosecuted for driving uninsured because some some really picky insurance company? Very hard to get insured after that I would imagine and a bit unfair..
  8. Had a discussion on this very issue at W&P, and the Rugged Robin was mentioned, so in case anyone is interested it is insured TPF&T any driver for show and off road use, all mods declared. As it is SORNed it is insured on a number issued by the insurers to avoid it appearing on any DVLA database, this was their idea and perfectly legal. Cost went up this year but it still Averages out at under £3 per show day, quite happy with that :-) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Just like to thank all the new mods for taking on the task, more hands make light work :-) well done! Onwards and upwards! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. The Beltring effect Ice in the 50 cal ammo box Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Had a great day today, sun shine and who cares about a bit of mud in the roadways, walking around is OK if you pick you route. Had a look round a lot of the stalls and overheard a few traders talking, they all seemed quite happy. Not sure if the Barmy Army mud wrestling actually happened though, as I got Elvised out and had to leave...still quite noisy but IT'S BELTRING!! As they used to say "Be there or be square!" Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Tried 140 in the gearbox, oil pressure went of the clock, bent the innards of the gage, now have to allow for no oil pressure reading 15psi. I think the holes in the 'flutes' are too small for thicker oil.
  13. This one? http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?22530-New-Ultra-Low-Sulphur-Red-Diesel-from-01-01-2011&highlight=bug+diesel
  14. Post WW1, but surely no one will mind seeing Race Burrows' 1922 Triumph complete with leather strap on the forks, at this years Ardingly Show, great bike, great name.. With Shane Burrows' 1926 Ivy [ATTACH=CONFIG]64746[/ATTACH]
  15. Be careful buying Locktite products off Ebay, they are often very near their use by date, OK for most uses if used straight away, but in your case any deterioration in the products performance could possibly cause you grief in the future. Some sellers state the u b date, others may not, so worth checking.
  16. maybe, it does look like it's got a bit of indigestion ...
  17. Tell Rex The Rugged One is loaded and ready, just working on the 50 cal mounting..stronger so it doesn't fall on my head :rolleyes: He will like last year, be taking the dryer route, cruising down the Medway, :captain: hopefully the water should be high enough to drive out at Stolly's Folly....
  18. Nice to see a Police Person aplauding such behaviour, common sense in action..:thumbsup:
  19. Dark arts indeed, and seemingly a bit of an enigma, but at last these Pseudo Phantom Portaloo Pilferers can be exposed! Who do they think they are just slipping into our wartime time space continuum and making off with any Tardis shaped object they fancy? As expected our Alien alert surveillance system was triggered, and images where captured...but cleverly (yes aliens are very clever) they kept their faces hidden. Luckily the last frame captured revealed one of them, realizing it was being filmed, desperately trying to contort it's ghastly visage into a close resemblance of one of the most cheerful and likeable humans around, but we aren't fooled..we know what they were..
  20. The weather will be unexpectedly hot and sunny due to a new hole in the ozone layer immediately over the Hop Farm site for the duration of the show, normal conditions will return shortly afterwards.
  21. You have summed my thoughts on this subject almost exactly Mike, thanks for saving me the brain ache putting it into words..:thumbsup:..where's that Like Button???
  22. When you download and install Firefox there is the option to import your favorites from other browsers, they want it to be as seamless as possible for those who move. Give it a try, you can alway go back to IE at any time, it will still be there..
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