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Everything posted by ashley

  1. Sorry all, had to bow out due to family issues, sorry to have let you down. Ashley
  2. I second that ,thanks abn deuce Ashley
  3. Cheers for that Richard. One other thing struck me this year, was that in the ginger gammon bar in the evenings there were very few uniform`s in attendance during the evenings unless they all wore camo gear and the cola i was supping :whistle: :whistle: was Xtra strong
  4. Hi, this year though the vehicle fields had increased in size ,there seem to be quite a few of the old regulars missing from the show, or maybe because a lot people were not in thier usual places made finding them harder i.e the Famo, to name one and usually opposite him a Belgian (?) chap with a grey h/track. just my views. Ashley
  5. Disappointment :cry:/ good news for some looks like i may not be able to arrive until Sunday A.M, as the wife has agreed to work a night shift on the Saturday night (wish she would learn to navigate a calender !!! ) Take a day trip to France and this is what happens when your back is turned :cry: Now lets see if Jack can behave on the evening run ! Ashley
  6. Jack, has asked me to bring a tent for next year to eavesdrop on Vics stratagy and plans for the return skittles match, as he intends not to be second to no one :evil: :evil: Ashley
  7. Hi, though not British..... in R. Cowdery all American wonder Vol 2 there are drawings and two (poor quality) photos of american camo`ed jeeps in a MM style. dated Oct. 1942 which shows black applied camo on either an olve drab or sand base. Ashley
  8. I am trying, but at present fine tuning my "crash and burn technique" (not by choice) Ashley
  9. Hi David, not too sur what the boss is doing yet :-D but SWMBO now has a generater for the use of !Last time she came along as it was her chance to tow the caravan for the first time and was a good learning curve for her,.. me i got lost but there again some one has to do it :whistle: anyways we shall wait and see. Ashley
  10. Hi Tony, added to next years agenda. Ashley
  11. Hey yeah, with Jacks weathered outdoor looks he could borrow a towel , wrap it around his head and get a discount for us all claiming to be Punjabi Goodness gracious me !!! Ashley
  12. Hi, one reason for girls to join the scouts is because they can camp under canvas which the guides no longer do as far as i know. Ashley Ex British Scouts Western Europe
  13. Hi HF, this sounds more like Jacks taste must be an `age thing` `Lemon sponge anyone ??`or just the pink sections of the Battenburger for some ?? Anon
  14. ME ! I was in the Co-op when it all kicked off :pfrt: :pfrt: though i may have contributed to the meyhem Jack started :whistle: :whistle: me thinks we should go to a chinese they are much more of a challange and will have more of a sense of humour :dunno: well have to see how the mood takes us on the evening Ashley
  15. sorry all, i have had to bow out of this event,due to the moving dates being announced. Better start packing. Ashley
  16. Hi all I also heard that the panther is for sale ?? any one else heard this Ashley
  17. Yeah well, when you drive a real mans vehicle ,not one of them jimmy things you are allowed a few secrets. But be warned any potential thieves of the towel will have to face the newest member of the family whose sole purpose is to guard the towel. And be warned she attacks in an instant and chews stalwart tyres for breakfast !! Nessie the guard (pup) NB those are not my pink striped trousers!! Ashley
  18. Hello all, i have been asked to release this statement...... yeah, eh, well, eerrrmmm, i am sure you`ve adjusted the colour in this picture for it is a light `burgundy` in real life. From ` The leader of the washed ones` Anon
  19. Hi Neil, very sorry to hear your sad news, when my father was in hospital (a place he rarely visited) i spoke to him on the phone (thursday evening) and told him i would be down on Friday eve.. "dont bother its only a bad cold, i`ll be home on Friday out of this place" but he died next day at 62 yrs old. Himself a 25 year man R.E. many stories and tale of his service some of which i remind myself of when the anniversary comes around. If he had wishes carry them out if possible,or yo never forgive yourself for not doing his final wishes Ashley
  20. Hey Jack, did not realise you were that old :-D to be a WW2 listener on the old crystal set (according to my grand dad) A
  21. ashley


    Ive no problem. Ashley
  22. MMMMMM... did not see that as i was in the bar at the time and it was quite dark, also i had drunk a few pints and was not seeing to well anyway Ashley
  23. Hi, saw that my self very impressive indeed :schocked:. Must have been about 10 feet away when these pictures were taken !!! Ashley
  24. Hi Mark, looks very nice indeed, just be carefull Jack does not turn up with his bedding whilst at a show if it is cold and windy or wet :shake: Ashley
  25. Hi all, a couple of years ago on being sent on an errand to the local supermarket , spotted a young lady walking towards me down one of the isle. On reading the the motto on her T-shirt it said "I DO HAVE A FACE YOU KNOW" so i looked up, smiled and carried on walking by :blush: There was also a young lady at Beltring which had " Touch me" written on hers across the chest :eek2: :eek2: Ashley
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