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Everything posted by ashley

  1. There was also a good one in the series about the Iranian embassy siege, i can`t remember the others. Ashley
  2. Tony then it is OFO 703 cheers Ashley
  3. O.K unless you move ...then to get your details changed you have to send it in. Ashley
  4. Hi, there was a series several years ago on the History channel regarding the SAS i wonder if this is one of those? i will see if iam allowed to watch, but the wife is unwell at present and has h firm grip on the remote control :cry: Ashley
  5. Hi tony and team, you can add us to the list reg OFO 703 for me, do you need the boss`s (wifes) vehicle number ? Ashley,+1 and +1/2 +1/4 (quadraped) :-D Ashley
  6. Sory chris did not spot you........ (must be the jeeps) :cool2: Ashley
  7. Have met Phil at a couple of events this year, nice bloke, and he has ideas/plans/hopes for more shows which he spoke of at Rita and Pete`s meet. Ashley P.S. a picture of champs....... and no Chris G in sight ???must be a first !
  8. The jeep in the top right hand picture seems to be pulling a rather large trailer ?? Ashley
  9. Pictures and write up page 82 of the latest windscreen issue. Ashley
  10. Do not forget page 82......a couple of pictures and a write up of the the SPTA event in May...even a picture which shows my best profile..? Ashley
  11. When i first went to Beltring driving the jeep, i didn`t take a tent because i thought i would buy a cheap one on site, which I did and was promised that it was in perfect condition :rofl::rofl:several trips back to the stall holder soon peed him off and i got a fairly decent tent (though i found out it was not waterproof later in the week) so i brought a civi tent for future shows. Last year i brought a 9X9 from Pathfinder for Beltring, suited me fine :thumbsup: This debate re tents runs paraell with the uniform debate with those for and those against. But i do not agree wit separating the two camps at shows. Ashley
  12. Hi Robert, there is a concrete pill box on a flatbed truck (possibly a Thornrycroft) but don`t quote me. Ashley
  13. Aaaahhhh real mans heaven Ashley
  14. Afew more......... sorry all the titles seem to have dissapeared..the shot of the trees is apparently Jacks well camoflauged GMC Ashley
  15. sorry all slight hicup in the photo front...here are some to start with
  16. Well all, the Poole Park service has come and gone for another year, fewer vehicles this year (and fewer members of the public too) mind you the weather forecast was not too brilliant. Pictures to follow soon. Ashley
  17. Dave you fool, ..............you`ve left the price tag on ! now we`ll never get `J `to by any ........espechially if he converts it back to £. S. P. like when he last brought them (according to inside info) Ashley
  18. Hi Neil, any more info ?........if only i had the cash, but there again most German vehicles are usually fairly technical from what i have heard ? Ashley
  19. Will do Steve, as in previous years (hope the weather holds out) Ashley
  20. Hi all, best post be for i forget again Poole Park remembrance service HMVF/MVT members to attend meet up at Albion Rd 9(industrial estate )be for 0900 entry to park @0930. Then after service to Poole quay to lay a wreath , optional run to the clay pipe pub for lunch. Ashley
  21. The last time i was at Saumer i gave the (very) young soldier who couldn`t understand English (i don`t speak French) 10 Francs and i climbed in/out, all over the vehicles i wanted to Ashley
  22. Good lord ones bad enough cant they loose them again !
  23. Hi, spent part of last week in sunny Southsea in the caravan, Came across this site but only realised its importance on my return home. The two pilbox`s gard the local municipal baths! http://www.ecastles.co.uk/cumberland.html http://www.english-heritage.org.uk/server/show/nav.14270
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