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abn deuce

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Everything posted by abn deuce

  1. I guess along the lines of a Leyland series not sure which one maybe a Retriever. Interesting that the steering wheel appears to be centrally mounted ?
  2. true enough , but at least when they finish you have a vehicle big enough to give all of them a lift at the same time :idea:
  3. :tup:: Thank you for the information , Yes I knew of the gantry but not of the counterweights makes perfect sense.:coffee:
  4. What is the function of the large support brackets bolted on the front of the vehicle ? The rear body is a bit high :shake:? , I m guessing to clear a winch mounted on the frame , seems it would severely limit the trucks use especially crossing slopes .:shocked:
  5. Was the original photo on the monitor the one of Catweazle's Paris Hilton groupie or the one of the turret totty hottie with the engine head gasket ? I m thinking it was one of the chorus line Dancing Girls group pic's
  6. So one tank for Petrol and one for Diesel for the club mobile fueling point ?
  7. great site will be visiting it to look for updates, Great photo of Scammell climbing the wall
  8. May you have a happy Birthday , Will you be celebrating at home or visiting a Pub ?
  9. Found this on the cckw.org site a fantastic movie of airportable CCKW 352 B2 ? unloaded from C47a assembled and driven have a look!! and watch the C47a loaded with fuel drum's almost do a nose over . http://resources.ushmm.org/film/display/main.php?search=simple&dquery=truck&cache_file=uia_dJNDsP&total_recs=466&page_len=25&page=1&rec=4&file_num=3688
  10. Is the chassie number or other numbers known ? perhaps its still around with some unsuspecting owner long removed from the original theft.
  11. Should you find you have one two many Clark airdozers I think I could find a home for it ? :cool2: :-D Oh by the way Welcome to the Most Friendly Forum on the tinternet . We could always put those dozers to work on the ever expanding club house project and It seem'e they would be handly on the off road course as the Scammells have completely flattened the hills and filled in the dip's and what they have not changed the Tracked Vehicles have finished off . It so bad that the mop's were found trying to use this as an entrance to the near by shopping center . :argh:
  12. just found this on youtube and thought you might enjoy it

    interesting group of service related songs in that subject

  13. interesting vehicle , never seen it before . Please tell more of its spec's !
  14. perhaps the beer was left but the electrons were taken ?
  15. She photograph's well in black and white , Well Done .
  16. No I dont think any would call you mad . Its the price of having a vehicle road worthy again . Its not likely to ever need as much work again as most of it original wear came from moving those Huge doors .
  17. a site on the web thats pretty complete on the basic's of GMC and other vehicles


  18. Sure is a lot of CCKW's seems to be lots of tippers / dumptruck's and a few compressor trucks , I wonder if mine's in there somewhere ? Got mine thru Vam Dam's in 1990 .
  19. Don't forget about using oak to make cask's to age a verity of alcoholic based beverages , of course the inside first has to be suitably charred to release that tannen and other elements of the oak also .
  20. I think I found the perfect way to store a Grasshopper on an afv take a peek
  21. Thanks for posting the finds . Hope a few of them will be at least used to rebuild other ones being saved from being scraped.
  22. A fine Soldier , He has earn his rest , amoung the brave .
  23. He made plans , I see from the articles, I hope that the collection will be protected and used as he hoped they would be . Sadly another Military historian and collector enthusiast has been taken too soon , I wonder how many like him will ever be . My condolences to his Family .
  24. Yes I saw these in Sams Yard in the late 80's
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