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abn deuce

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Everything posted by abn deuce

  1. Jack I recalled that even before the clip started , amazing how you fit that under the hood !
  2. Has Anyone come across any of the equipment that was used for this purpose , the speaker and wire or tape recorders etc. should have made it to the surplus piles at some point I would have thought. Here is the link to the subject on the realmilitaryflix.com site http://www.realmilitaryflix.com/public/445.cfm?sd=61
  3. the Herks that were lost , would that include those lost on the ground in combat areas as well as those lost while flying ? Much was asked of those planes to fly pushing the limits of crew and cargo in awful weather into remote primitive sites and so the number lost could be higher .
  4. That post 19 just what Jack needs to take care of the bugs as well as a method of thrust propulsion to move his GMC
  5. I m looking foreward to all the new dyed in the wool jokes to be posted , but it seams like it may be a case that many may not be of whole cloth kind so let the yarn's begain and see who can put Us in stitches first .
  6. Outstanding and you have worked so quickly ! Be sure to post a video when its done so we can all see it climbing and steering around obstacles !
  7. I d have thought near the top of the list would be the RR Merlin engine in full song during a low pass at an air show or better still at the Air races in Nevada , be it in a Spitfire or a P51 Mustang . While a trio of Packards in a PT boat at high speed would also be very impressive.
  8. yes I saw the Corgi and was very disappointed as it did look military at all ! with or without Giraffe.
  9. There are many more photo's taken after the Dieppe raid on the Archive site and many more I thought others would post other items of interest to them from there as well . I think I counted 80 plus photo's of the mission to free Mussolini , of photo's of the bomb blast at Hitlers bunker , others taken all across Europe and sure not all are Military too many show how the German Military delt with the resistance and others. It is still important to see all of this history the evil and try and find the good. As one of the member has on his signiture area " Lest We Forget "
  10. In the rough unfinished or comletely restored I think I can speak for a lots of people and say all photo's are of interest so please post the pics of your WC42
  11. AlienFTM Tony B :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: :tup:: Well Done !!!
  12. First the German caption translated by babelfish then shorter english caption German: Description of original in federal archives: Exercise, tank close fight Scherl picture service training with the armored infantry division " Großdeutschland" , which consists predominantly of volunteers from all gaus of the realm and who run in this war unsterblichen fame to their flags attached. The training of the replacement for this nuclear troop, which " at the spare brigade, is particularly careful and versatile; Großdeutschland" , the homeland troop unit of the fame-rich division, takes place. UBz.: Tank close fight at the driving model. Completely systematically practicing at the driving follows the training at the standing model. The explosive charge is attached at the tank model dazzled by nebula hand grenades photo: Schwahn 5.11.43 5558-43 5558-43 [Germany, training at spare substitution of the armored infantry division " Großdeutschland" , Tank fight. English: A German mock-up of T-34 tank, for training, upon a chassis of the Polish tankette TKS
  13. Does anyone have a photo of the Bedford Giraffe as I googled it without success so far .
  14. How many quarts of oil are needed for a oil change ? and is it SAE30 ? and how much anti-freeze ?
  15. If this were constructed even if only as a model would it run afoul of the deac weapons laws ?
  16. if you go to this link just scroll down to the year you want to view and the thumb nail photos will be shown there then click on a thumbnail and it will be enlarged there isnt a slideshow and found it slow but interesting to look thru all the photo's rather than do a sub search http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Images_from_the_German_Federal_Archive_by_year
  17. From what I find the measurments for the battery are 9 1/8 " length 7 1/8" width and 9 1/8" height the military battery type would be 1M the closest civilian equivalent would be 19L of course it also says the Willys MA were 6 volt . the measurements for a G503 MB,GPW would be 10 3/8 length 7 1/8 width and 9 3/8 height military battery type 2H closest civilian equivalent 2 also 6 volt
  18. German Federal Archives photo , gas engine model ? caption :More easily charge carrier (V-engine) " Goliath" (Sd.Kfz.303a, equipment 671 or Sd.Kfz.303b, equipment
  19. nice photo of how they deployed the propellor drive while moving caption: North France. - Soldiers in Porsche amphibious vehicle type 166 (" Schwimmkübel") in a channel ?
  20. tank engine repair with 3/4 tracked carrier with crane caption : Soviet Union. - Repair tanks of a III (the 11. Pz.Div.?), under employment heavy traction power car 18 t with crane (Sd.Kfz. 9/1
  21. original caption : The Balkans, Yugoslavia. - German soldiers with dividing an Italian reconnaissance or armored infantry vehicle Better Caption might be more like Hans and his brother who were not good in math at school still had not come to realize even with the wheels removed their vehicle would not fit into the garage .
  22. tank engine repair caption : Greece, Crete. - " repair tanks of a VI; Tiger I". Exchange of the engine; Propaganda course Crete
  23. Tank recovery in Russia by German unit from the German Federal Archives site caption :Soviet Union. - " Enterprise Zitadelle". Tank VI (" Tiger I" ; Tower number 114) becomes of 18 t traction power car and catarpillar east ((RSO) towed
  24. perhaps caused by locked brake or sabotage ? caption Soviet Union, Jalta. - " more burning (more bombarded) supporters; M. Gotthilf Ric… " on snow-covered road
  25. a one off ? made for rocket test facility interesting design from German Federal Archives site caption : Peenemuende. - Army laboratory, rocket testing ground. For observation purposes of converted more easily traction power cars 1 t, armored Sd.Kfz. 10.
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