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abn deuce

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Everything posted by abn deuce

  1. Welcome Captian Crank Yes lots to read and see here . Once you get settled in We would all enjoy seeing a few photo's of your Collection .
  2. Good Job , I m sure your very pleased to have that job behind you .
  3. Yes my Better Half has driven my CCKW along with the Ben Hur several times , Being a Farm raised Woman there is not much that fazes her. Previously she had mastered operating a Case 580ck loader backhoe I had had for a number of years as well.
  4. What of the Hollywood re-bodied half-tracks used in that same scene as the German vehicles try to cross the soon to be washed out bridge . In my opinion if the bogie's had not been shown it might have passed for a German half-track, but its only a detail a Vehicle historian would notice , that 95 percent of the general public would not .
  5. Surely if they are not casting properly then they should not be billing for those that have been made poorly the failure is theirs.
  6. A pity that casting is are not usable, on the other hand it lets you practice your machining methods. When they do the next castings will you have them do more than one , just incase the same problem happens again so your not waiting for them to redo .
  7. Thanks for posting , great group of HMV's
  8. So Tragic, I recall watching one documentary about the work done to contain the hot material outside of the reactor , they had people basically making their own lead coated smocks to offer a few additional minutes shielding as one by one they had to go up onto the remaining roof and shovel a chunk or two of what ever was there down inside the wreckage of the old reactor then leave the area asap as another took their place. Those they spoke sometime later said they knew the risks and if they did not do this then someone else would have to . Very courageous .
  9. Yes thank you and who ever the owner is for sharing the step by step painstaking reconstruction work .
  10. Thanks for finding this and posting it .Many thanks to the RDAF for their very difficult and costly recovery work as well.
  11. Welcome norm79, looking foreword to hearing your stories and comments on the friendliest forum on the internet .
  12. Welcome Jamesi100 Lots of interesting vehicle are posted here , perhaps you will located just what your looking for , may be its Russian or American or British Enjoy the Friendliest Forum on the tinternet . Oh if you have any photo's from your service days we would all enjoy see them .
  13. A tribute to remember those 4 legged soldiers in all the wars Something went wrong...
  14. Welcome the Friendly Forum , pull up a duffle bag or crate and join the discussion in what ever area you find your self wondering into .
  15. Found this collection of captured WW2 German war films , a bit of every part of the military service aircraft ,vehicles ,submarines , in every area of operations including German officers in Japan. Something went wrong...
  16. Great Photo's , gives more back ground to what things are really like over there .
  17. Seems like it has lots of detail , not shot from a distance and simplified
  18. I had read the all the posts and debated if I should make a post .... I should have in hind sight re-checked the postings again before I did SORRY ! Safariswing . I know the problems will be sorted out and that the patch will fix a number of things , since I had not seen the problem posted and not sure it might be at my PC I asked .
  19. Not sure if it's a forum bug or my PC's problem but when I click on the "go to the first new post" on any thread it loads the thread/page and counts down as the postings load but does not take me to the "newest post " it simply leaves me at the first post almost all the time which causes me to re-read parts of the thread to see where the new material begains.
  20. No matter what , your english is far better than My French ! We all speak perfect Military Vehicle Here .
  21. You must have sent countless hours putting everything right on it . Looks outstanding now , hope it will be a faultless and faithful ride for you for many years to come . Welcome to the Friendly Forum .
  22. Can't say if it will be good therapy for you to view some of the things posted here or not , Still glad you have found us and you are sure to be entertained in any event .Feel free to add any comments if you would like to share some of your experiances.
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