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abn deuce

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Everything posted by abn deuce

  1. Welcome to the friendlist forum on the net , Yes that how it works rafueler you have a peek around all the threads and if you have an answer or a question on something that you find just pop in with your comment but be preparded to supply snacks and soda when its your turn to host the party .
  2. best was to drive defensible is to drive a tank YEAH !!! something about those lugs on the end of the treads that keeps the other vehicles just that little extra away from the vehicle .:shocked: Ok and the fact that if they dont you likely wont feel much of a jolt as you flatten what ever gets in the way :cool2::cool2:
  3. Its always amazed me the size of the guns they mounted on those trucks , one would think the weight would have bent or broken the chassis fairly quickly let alone the high center of gravity when moving over the rough roads of the day , why they never used a three axle system ? was it cost only or engineering complexity ? The rear most axle need not have been powered .
  4. Yes it would be interesting to see a simular scene next winter with the Scammell with the rear tracks fitted , that just might have solved the traction problem , plenty of power it was just loosing traction due to the tires being unable to push the snow out of the way along with the drag of the depth of the snow on the axles. Hows the snow in the area where you were pushing your way though the drifts now ? Nearly all the snow in my area has melted , had upwards of 4' drifts and an average of 1' now traces or less remains the drifts down to 1' or so . Been 40's to 50's f the last week .
  5. I can see that part of the tunnel is lined with concrete but the un-lined or un-finished portion of the tunnel is going through what kind of material , rock or chalk or ? any details about this complex's construction why it was not completed or ?
  6. Likely failure to oil the old filters threads before it was installed originally, was it due to someone way over tightening it ? Glad you were able to remove it in the end.
  7. I Understood when things would not connect yesterday that it was being taken care of , withdrawl symptoms were begaining to manifest them selves but with exposure to O.D. in the form of Militaria magizines . war movies and staring at my blank pc monitor imagining that I was at the HVMF site got me through ........Just Barely !!!! THANK YOU Joris for all your hard work . :tup:::tup:::clap::thanx::thanx:
  8. Thank you for posting the photo's I m pretty sure I d recall those if you had posted them earlier. How did you repair the gear teeth ? weld and grind?
  9. Oh my that Sno-trak would have been so handy around here this winter ! What a shame its left to rust away .
  10. I hope the pilot of that inverted spitfire was not seriously hurt when that happened ?
  11. Great looking unit mixartillery , could you tell us how long it took to complete the restoration of that cannon ?Would you have any before photo's ?
  12. Sounds like a great friend to have and a very clever man.
  13. post away anything military related gets lots of attention around here .
  14. Welcome craigpalmer there are all those things and more just wonder through the threads but make sure you leave a trail of biscut crumbs so we can find you in the maze before its too late!
  15. Pretty amazing flipped on its side and back on its wheels and ready to go again , I guess? first levels were checked and fresh trousers and then started up ??
  16. Weclome to the HMV Forum , I m sure you wil find lots of answers to any problems you have to share with us and a few of the answers may be correct.
  17. Welcome Bart , nice to have you not only visit but join the forum as well.
  18. Interesting steering wheel mount must make for difficult cornering
  19. I knew of these sysyems being used in anti aircraft artillary shells but not in bombs dropped by aircraft heres a clip about them Something went wrong...
  20. a clip of A Swedish underground hangar with numerous antique aircarft and vehicles Something went wrong...
  21. found via the CCKW.com site a youtube clip on the Swiss Airforce aircraft tunnels Something went wrong...
  22. Of course any photo's military related are welcome ,these first series are beautifully sharp and good contrast .
  23. scenes from German newsreel of the Battle of Tobruk Something went wrong...
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