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abn deuce

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Everything posted by abn deuce

  1. Some great luck find those period photo's , seems they still turn up in shoe boxes or boot sales, so important they are saved before someone tips them in a skip !!
  2. Are any of these units on the surplus market ?
  3. Welcome Marmon to the Friendlist forum on the webs. While you will have people envious of your good fortune .... there should never be any Hate mail ever that's not our way . true someone may park a rather large and heavy vehicle on top of your unattended car but that's not hate mail . :-D:angel:
  4. Stills of B-17's flying with a view of the anti-aircraft flak these planes and their brave crews flew through to carry out their missions Something went wrong... this second clip will only play to the 4:03 mark Something went wrong...
  5. Sometimes things don't happen as planned , due to battle damage as in no brakes , damaged controls or tires , or injury to the pilot or co-pilot . These aircraft show just how rugged they were built and how well they preformed. third clip of the series part 3 you can also see a verity of vehicles including a refueling truck fire Something went wrong...
  6. Everyone makes a mistake now and then , at least no one was reported injuried . Something went wrong...
  7. Great job I m sure it never had it so good in its military life , a workout and a long shower !
  8. abn deuce


    Yes , you can count on it happening at some point . Creative wasnt he! Ok what kinds of meds was this person on ?
  9. Hi Radek welcome , looking foreward to seeing more photo's as you work on your Dodge . Thats one tough and rugged machine.
  10. Welcome Andy , fine group of Vehicles you have there .
  11. Well done Richard and Clive, with all the posts that you have made to pass along those bits of wisdom and humor . MMM guess it takes som e people more posts than others ?:cool2::-D
  12. Interesting detail about the Shermans , having to be cut in a exact way ! A good start , getting the feel of the camp and all. Suprised that the clothing you got fit you ..... I would say many in the US Army would say the gear almost never was the right size !
  13. I hope those doors are power operated !
  14. One tough Plane !! any lower and either they would have been plowing furrows or bought the farm as We would say here . Amazing that with that little bit of elevator they were able to maintain control :wow:
  15. link on warbird alley on the F-4 Phantom http://www.warbirdalley.com/phantom.htm The link on wikipedia on the F-4 phantom II http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/F-4_Phantom_II
  16. Yes Ray you should start writting that book , Many veterans say oh I didnt do anything big , no one would want to read about what I did ........ First person accounts of the real life in the service help to document how things really were done , how the average soldier got through his service , I find that just as interesting , I m sure I m not the only one by far .
  17. Your vehicle gets better looking with each photo !
  18. Welcome Simon , I hope this will be the year you get the GAZ69 back on the road . I m pretty sure there are a few forum members who have them also so may be able help answering questions at least , if you get into trouble with your restoration .
  19. Welcome Dave , Pull up a crate and enjoy the show .
  20. Welcome Trustmeimamechanic , I had a couple of friends with m38's and they had no more problems than the fellows with the MB's and GPW's
  21. WoW , not much that you have done on the rear bogie that could be done by one man , must have been several to be able to guide and move parts around even with the tel-lift .
  22. A huge verity of Vehicles , I m sure it makes for a lot of looking and asking by the owners of the different vehicles and not just joe public . Will some one be posting a few photo's of the event ?
  23. Welcome Ray , You will have to tell us some of the interesting things you came across during your time in the Military .And about your collection of great HMV's !
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