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abn deuce

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Everything posted by abn deuce

  1. Quite a nice looking vehicle . Very distinctive paint job. what period of WWII did they do that ? What branch of the British military was that vehicle asigned to at that time ? Glad your with Us again .
  2. Welcome Lofty Nice to have you with us . Please post any photo's you mave of your K2 in what ever condition it was in when you took them .
  3. I beleive it is a prototype and never saw production .
  4. Welcome Chester , dont worry about the english even those who use it as a native tongue dont always get it right and I m sure your english is lots better than my trying to speak or write Czech ! Oh yes your understood just fine .
  5. Welcome to the friendliest forum on all the interweb . Be sure to post photo's when you receive your vehicles . Perhaps you will find a friend or two that are members here who live close to your area ?
  6. Thank you for the additional information , I dont know of any structures as large as these on this side of the pond .
  7. Nice to be able to share the ride . Looks to be a bit tight to manover a vehicle that size in a car park? I m sure it not all that bad since you do it all the time.
  8. Making progress , thats great. Your Pinz is looking darn good and will soon have a working air conditioner too ? super
  9. Yes indeed Both of you have a very happy and joyful day with your families.
  10. Will this movie be released with english subtitles ? Do they hope to have a major studio promote it world wide ?
  11. Yes many good restoration projects , far more than the two or three I thought might be in the group .
  12. Yes a real gold mine for all those with Ferrets , would you think that these are n.o.s parts and not rebuilt spares? What kind of time limit would they have to work out a deal with the present owner before he decides to just scrap the lot ? I m sure if they were to purchase in bulk a container shipment would be the best option on shipping the lot back to Britain.
  13. Anyone tending bar now ? I d like a cherry cola [_]) in my mug .
  14. Very aggressive looking with that bar armour surrounding the cab !!
  15. Great set of photo's a really nice piece of machinery . I hope that at least one will be saved for the future when the military finishes with them .
  16. The real thanks goes to Karoshi if he had not posted it I would not have know of this either .
  17. I found this link on the 514.co.uk site . I read it through once ok but then when reading it again aloud to the wife it really got to me , having to pause many times as my throat seemed to have a immence lump caught in it . Please take a moment and read the article , every day these brave Veterans are leaving Us faster and faster ... We all are that much poorer for not getting to know them and listen to them before its too late. I hope some of you will or might be able to attend this final memorial to a Brave and Proud Bomber crew of the Lady Luck !! http://www.sj-r.com/bakke/x1520844855/Dave-Bakke-Saga-of-World-War-II-B-17-crew-will-end-in-England
  18. I guess that will depend on how big the void turns out to be .
  19. Thank You , I wasnt sure if it was chalk , the collapse of the tunnels makes sence if they were not braced or lined , and yes for them to have lasted this long with so little damage is great , are most of this just passages ? or are there rooms that are viewable or has that portion become blocked off by collapsed sections
  20. Hello Chester and Welcome , sounds like a fun time a long drive to a new area to search out a new vehicle for the collection . Good Luck with your collection .
  21. Its still not to late ! it may be sunk but the scrap mans torch has not had its way yet . True it's now more complicated needing to be refloated before it can be saved , but IF someone or some group can be found to supply the money It CAN be and should BE saved !!!
  22. Damn that is a shame , so close !!!:wow::banghead::banghead::banghead:
  23. Antarmike ,It does seem they could have engineered the pin to have been threaded into the casting from the outside complete with a taper area to keep the lubricant inside instead of having to split the case off the rear assembly, and without the fantastic help of that modified wrench , you would had to remove that gear to get access !!! If it's a pivot point only there should not be that much torque being applyed that would need to be a worry , or baring that why isnt the shaft pinned to prevent its rotation once its installed ?
  24. What she took offence to your choice of cologne ???
  25. WOW a combination of Christmas and Birthday combined !!!! to be able to explore all those crates and not knowing what your about to uncover , one might find a part or assembly that has not see the light of day in decades that one has been looking for to complete a restoration . The flip side would be yes you find things you need but if the price is sky high what a disapointment , ahh that's the way this hobby can go . A really great find for you seems to be all post WWII , so nothing for me there .
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