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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. I was going to ask about brake and acelerator. I've had some exciting moments with that combination. My advice would be change them to normal layout. You can drive them for ages, then at the critical moment forget which way round they are.
  2. Now that is the sort of Jigsaw I like! You lucky ......... A lot of officers took private vehicles with them during the Great War, a follow on from the paractice of purchasing thier own horse and occasionaly they were 'Bought into service'. Can you get any more info on Major Munro? His service record, branch of the srvice etc might give more hints.
  3. Same with fuel carried on comon pipes, only when it gets to a specific fuel suppliers base are additives put in in. Lovely word used to describe it 'Fungibule' product.
  4. That should keep you going for a long while.
  5. How the chuff did he get it in the BASEMENT? :wow:
  6. The old saying : 'Good Oil and Grease is cheaper than repairs'. You need a high temprature grease, and that is Lithium based.
  7. Better still! Get a trailer, then the MV stays 'Original'. A 1 ton Beer Bowser!
  8. Does the manual speciffically say 'Grease'? If not I'd avoid using any. This is another do you or don't you argument. The only place it could really be useful is in the pins or bolts through the bushes or on the outside of the bushes themselves, a very light coat of copper grease or anti size compound. To much can make them a right sod to fit in the first place.
  9. Simple heat gaurds, cut sections of tin fitted around vunerable points can help a lot and are cheap and easy. You can get various goos that coat manifolds to keep the heat in, but they can be pricy. Other thought is an electronic ignition, not the cheapest option, but cure a multitude of problems. Fuel could be gassing, check the fuel lines are not running near anything hot.
  10. Still after that lot it'll be the Great Grand kids problem next time.
  11. Welcome in Maxime, always nice to talk with people from Belgium,
  12. Hi Jon, as far as the Dodge goes, TRY HARDER! after all you then have a perfect test pice for your blends, an intresting advertising prop , and the excuse to have a lot of fun. (you do realise the Straight v multi viscosity argument is almost coming to blows? Are you sure you want to be in the middle?)
  13. Ron may not tell, but the going rate for white metaling on classic car cranckshafts is in the £125 a journal region.
  14. I've found three places that use D on the headstamp around the turn of the 20th Century. Dumdum Arseanl in India 1895 till about 1913. Thne two German marks Gustav Genschon at Durlach and Koniglicue Munitions Fabrick at Dresden.
  15. Apparently the round was developed to be fired through a modified Mauser 98. Having hunted through dimensions its the only one I can find close. The use of a stripper with the round is also specifically mentioned. It was designed as a big game round . Next to have a look through headstamps.
  16. A clear picture or list of the headstamp would help. Though this seems to be the best match at the moment. .425Westely Richards Magnum.
  17. Paint work has come out nice. What did you use in the end?
  18. You have at least proved one thing. Screwball neighbours are a world wide phenomenon.
  19. Yes, but! What if you are putting the vehcile onto the register for the first time? Half of it is to ensure the vehicle is what it says it is. So will that still need inspection?
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