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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Check tyre pressures and for flat spots if it has been sitting about. I had very heavy steering on my WC54. Not suprisng as the front tyres were at 20 psi. :red: Also check wheel nuts. Has the four wheel drive lever been engaged?
  2. Welcome in. Local help with a WS19 set would be very welcome for me.
  3. Just started reading this again, for the umpteenth time. I once had a Range Rover that may have been Ex BRIXMIS, it was at least a Berlin Black. Before you all start, I got the vehicle from a friend who got it via his many years personal and proffesional connections to the SAS.
  4. I first saw it plastered over the walls of Main Building, and just about every other MOD Establishment. The other one was the cartoon of the man sobbing whilst Stores said 'I don't care if you can see it on the shelf. The computer says we don't have any'.
  5. The old system did allow for replacement with new parts from the same manufacturer if old parts were no longer available. So if a Land Rover circa 1960 had Girling brakes and the new type from manufactrer are Lockheed, away you go. Face it most vehicles including mine are Trigger's Brooms. Mine have Norwegian parts dated 1963, and Katy a set of new brake cylinders (Would you trust 70 year old brake parts?) Plus Katy had a major rebuild at US Ordnance plant in 1952. So what's original?
  6. "We trained hard, but it seemed that every time we were beginning to form up into teams, we would be reorganized. I was to learn later in life that we tend to meet any new situation by reorganizing; and a wonderful method it can be for creating the illusion of progress while producing confusion, inefficiency, and demoralization." [h=1]Gaius Petronius Arbiter[/h]210BC
  7. Would be wise when its on the vehicle to fix it in place. I use a bike cable lock, not required legally but makes you look a responsible person.
  8. Still jealous. You are doing the Old Girl proud.
  9. You are very welcome! Any good tales you want to share?
  10. Welcome in. What toys do you have? Most of have an intrest in all sorts of other oily machinery.
  11. Bet that turned a few heads! But whats the point of a toy if you don't play with it? Reliability, PROVED!
  12. Even I'll admit, that would be fun to drive through the forest.
  13. Monday, there have been Merlin engines buzzing overhead all day over Orpington and surrounding area. Lovely noise!
  14. At the bottom of the page is 'Mange Attachments' Click on that and it will allow you to chose a picture. Though the size is limited. I use Photoscape, a free proramme to reduce the picture size.
  15. :mad:Why is it , if you put a spanner or socket back in the tool box, 'So I know where to find it', it instantly migrates to the bottom?
  16. Welcome in. You have the right place to drive it. Just that a bull bar and winch? A Liitle extreme. Please post a picture.
  17. Definitley! No leg pull! The Jeep is a start, but aspire to the best!
  18. Tony B

    Big ray

    Though I only knew Ray through the Forum, he was a joy to interact with. I agree, things do seem a bit duller without his dry humour and insight.
  19. The procedure I've seen is quite complex. It involves cleaning and etching with a solvent on bare metat. As far as under paint goes, that would depend on the thickness and composition of the paint I'd imagine. You also neeed quite a powerful scource and darkness.
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