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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. One small point. Front Position Indicators laights, ie sidelights. I don't know if your vehicle has them. My MOT inspector on the frst check for registration on Katy did point out they had become standard in UK during the 1930's. Fortunatley he allowed the convoy markers to be side lights. Since the change in MOT regulations I don't know if you now need one at all, even if it is to bring the vehicle onto UK register. I've used small LEDS on the Dodges, very little shows and they do help when some numptty sees the headlights and comes hairing on assuming the headlights are the width of the vehicle.
  2. Stop him being blown backwards? Seriously it does mean the crew member cannot get into the back blast zone. Is that a spotting rifle on the top bore axis?
  3. Her's a couple of the MOD's finest verbage to get you started. :STANAG 4360 Specification for Paints and Paint Systems Resistant to Chemical Decontamination Agents for the Protection of Air and Land Armament STANAG 4477 Specification for Paints and Paint Systems Resistant to Chemical Agents Painting and packing used to be a DERA responsobilty, though who'd have it now DSTL or QuinetiQ I don't know.
  4. :DYes that one confused the hell out of me with registering Katy. At that time you could still go and ask a person in a local office. The answer is they don't have one. At the time the vehicle was built nobody had dreamed them up.
  5. Welcome in. Your going to like this place.
  6. Knowing most councils, park it on the drive and they would be doing you for planning permission. :undecided:
  7. In the late 90's I worked at DERA Aquila. The Military Department of Paint and Packaging was there. There were a series of pictures on one wall showing the various effects of paint when photographed under Infra Red light. One of the sequence showed the results of the then Matt IRR paint and the 'new' eggshell type finish. Although the drab paint was slightly more effective, restrictions on lead based paints coming in at the time and the eggshell finish being easier to decontaminate, being smother, that was the one introduced. The guy who ran the section was once in charge of painting all Londons bridges. He used to make 1/32 and 1/24 commercial model kits of aircraft and vehicles to demonstrate the various paints and finishes. I once asked him the best paint to use on Land Rover chasssi. The answer , which he told was a just quick one, took about half an hour.
  8. Great to see her out and about, dusty and battered rather than a High Polish , Don't Dare Breathe On It musuem exhibit. Pity you can't get smell as well.
  9. MOT failure= Woodworm! I'd see an old Sunbeam Alpine, that had wooden flooring fail on dry rot.
  10. Yeah see what you mean, that needs eyes on that know what they are looking at.
  11. Is this what you need? Sorry upside down quick scanUser handbook for radio installations in FFR B vehicles January 1963
  12. If it has been sitting about you'd be advised to drain all the fluid out of the system and refill with new Dot3 or Dot 4 fluid. Don't use synthtic the system probably won't stand it and the seals go. A quick check is jam the brake pedal down overnight. It's a bit kill or cure, the system may welll come up perfectly, or leack like a sieve.
  13. Welcome. Your Father has left the MV world quite a leagcy from the sound of it.
  14. Welcome in. A good few years back (And now I feel old!) I had acess to two dozen or so of the 1960's 70's bowsers all with Stella Meata filters. We used them for animal watering and track dusting. Thye were all painted red, and finally exported to Turkey. The reason for the red was , they couldn't go green as that was 'Military Equipment' so red was used and they became 'Fire Equipment' sold for about £250 each. If I knew then.
  15. You have several hundred people drooling already.
  16. Welcome in, and bearing gifts! Must have been a real satisfying shiver to track that down.
  17. Welcome in. I to share your fear! Wallpaper! The Devil's scrap book!
  18. The important thing is we both did something! the episode has had a few side effects, but I know he ended up bleeding as much as I did. Its amazing what damage the ends of a folded up metal framed ex miltary folding bed can do when someone is ramming into a persons face with real determination. He could have walked away when I discovered him, he chose to go for me with what I thought was knife. So all bets were off!
  19. Thanks mate, that is appreciated. Part of it is now public, my problems with the De- Ac's and as the rest seems going no where at the moment it might as well be told. My flat was brocken into one night whilist I was asleep. I woke and managed to fight off the two who broke in but got bit bashed about in the process. Fortunatley my WC54 Katy is left hand drive, so I managed to get to Jersey for the Liberation Day celebrations. If she'd been right hand drive no chance I couldn't have changed gear. Not the best way to start your holidays.
  20. Got this period photo with a nice set of numbers.
  21. If I could find the Bl88dy Labrador!Now possibley with the aid of an attitude adjuster, to book the time off. The age is getting to me mate, trying to keep with the Grandaughter.
  22. Can you give us some dates ASAP. So I can get them booked off?
  23. Yeah, but you know the old saying, the first time is done in ignorant bliss, the second time is done in the trepidation of knowledge.
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