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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Trouble is DVLA themselves, thay made a monumemtal balls up on my licence last year. Despite I and my manager pointing it out to them , they insisted they were in the right. So the manager said will you give me your decison in writing? They then said YES! So I could have legally driven for another five years! Fortunatley me and company decided to follow the protocol anyway, and uncovered something which could have ben nasty if not dealt with.
  2. Not for 4 more days! Got a nice little letter from DVLA about it. So no paper starts 8th June 2015. Now you need to 1 get onto www.gov.uk/view-driving-licence 2 Have your Driver number 3 Your national insurance number 4 Your post code. Then you will et a 72 hour valiid code. As in my job it is a legal requirment that the company review details every 6 months, another total balls up.
  3. Brookhouse did manufactuer an ARP trailer, just wiped the illustration off the computer :red: But very similar.
  4. Tony B


    Not, brown yellow and smelly then?
  5. Tony B


    How do you know it was the TOYOTA's body fluids! :red:
  6. I did here the excuse 'It was so big I didn't see it!'. Used when someone rammed the back of a stationary bus.
  7. Want to bet a mobile phone was involved somewhere? :cool2:
  8. Tony B


    I see the airbag rather desperatley trying to push the tank off. Don't work!
  9. Welcome Richard. Go for the Dodge, better value and much more usable, especially if you have family. The 51 is the one I'd recommend. The 52 is just more complexity and weight unless you really want a winch.
  10. He did say it was dark and 6 volt lights! The other joy is vacum wipers. Vacum + 6 volt+ night + heavy rain = I don't want to be here!
  11. Police and Ministry. I rememebr an event in London where about 280.000 people marched, a lot coming in by coach. The Ministry decuided they'd have a full scale effort. . A record number of PG9 (Phrohibited Vehicle Notice number 9 ie It don't move!) Recovery companies still call it the Money Print Day
  12. Bloody hell! It's done it's time then. Knocks 8 bells out of the equipment doing that. She is one good looking truck though.
  13. If you read the wording, an MOT is 'At the time of examination' a few minutes after and you could be unroadworthy. I had one Sherpa van, got it tested, drove back to base about ten minutes. Drove into the yard and hit the fence. A brake line had blown.
  14. Looks like it might be fun to rat it! Get the beast going and leave it rusty. Looks great!
  15. Well, just put up for two for sale at 1960's prices!
  16. Been looking at this one, it does look to be a period trailer, especially the weird hitch. Though the thing about a trailer is there generic, wether there was a specific ARP or CDC spec I haven't found it.
  17. This is supposed to be an ARP trailer. Note the hitch, a plain round ball. Anyone any idea how the thing hitched onto a vehicle?
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