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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Looks like it. Theres always a ham for the camera.
  2. I wouldn't leave it alone! You never know what might crawl out of that stuff! :wow:
  3. Ill bet that raised more than the local equivalent of 'Oh Dear how silly'!
  4. Hum, how long before it gets dragged in the Calais situation?
  5. Yes we know you have a Beautiful country! Stop showing off.
  6. Welcome in. I'm old enough to rememebr a few of those, or was it the 'Mechanical Horse? Running about.
  7. Welcome in, unfortunatley, the humour gets worse. Will be coming up to the Centenary of the US Expeditionary Force in Europe in a couple of years. As I do Great War re-eanctment any useful info or tales very welcome.
  8. Two Brens and as stated a Sten MkV, the 'Posh ' version of the Sten with wooden stock, pistol grip & foreend.
  9. Certainly! This is the beast http://www.oldbike.eu/museum/1940s/bikes-1900s/1943-bsa-mk-v-roadster-irish-army-issue/ Unusally for English bikes it has a coaster brake. It is noted that they were used by US forces. Mine has a 1941 date on the rear luggage carrier.
  10. Welcome in. I think this may be the type of bike.
  11. Need some more chainsaw chain oil off you!
  12. Go to your local Saddler and buy a couple of tins of New Zealand Rug waterproofer for cotton rugs, or check out the Nixwax site. The other one was Thompson Waterseal but formula changed recently,
  13. One sorley mised member of the MV Fraternity, known to many, George Bullouck had a never fail answer to such problems 'Put the kettle on we'll have tea and think about it'. Rarely failed. Though his other classic was 'George have you checked the oil?' 'Yes, it's in the cab'.
  14. Thanks guys. Battening sounds a much easier answer, and as said allows ventalation. Time to measure up and price stuff.
  15. One thing the Dodge designers where not on thier top game about is the canvas over the back of a Wepaons Carrier. I'm thinking about placing two sheets of 3 mm ply across the top of the frame and using that to support the rear canvas. However! The frame curves away. Can anyone tell me if 3 mm ply would bend around a 30 ' or so curve or would I need to steam it? I do have a couple of steam cleaners and a wall paper stripper (Somewhere) available. Would these work?
  16. Just tell her if she gets to stroppy, you'll fit a rocket on the bottom.
  17. A Power Wagon like that is definitley on my Lottrery list as a 'Daily drive'.
  18. The RN changed from cotton based old fashioned kit in the 1970's to man made modern fibres. Lasted up till the Falkland's war. The flash and burns on skin from man made fabrics are horrific compared to the natural fibres.
  19. First came in in the early 1970's commonly known as a 'Windy Jacket' and much coveted at the time. They repalced the old black 'Oilskin Jackets' .
  20. It'll definitley worry the locals in the supermarket car park.
  21. Welcome in. Any pictures of your Dad's exploits?
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