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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Can't do any harm. Good bit of basic maitainence anyway. Have a good look at the cap as well.
  2. Best ever desizing mix I've ever found, quite by chance, is Burnt gear oil and Disiel mix. Added bounus it disolves the crud and the rust.
  3. I've just spocken to the Birmingham Proof house by phone, very helpful . How to apply for a duplicate. Contact either of the Proof houses, arrange an appointment and take the de-ac along to them. They will then do the paperwork for you and examine the firearm. On verification, which may take some time, a new certificate will be issued. As far as De-Acs go it isn't nessacary to go through an RFD. Both houses can verify each others marks. Telephone Birmingham 01216433860 London 02074812695
  4. Talk to a local Registerd Firearm Dealear is the easiest. Though you can contact Birmingham or London direct and ask for guidance. The Firearm laws are actually quite aminable, if you are trying to do the right thing in good faith.
  5. The other tried and tested is to heat some old motor oil till it just starts to smoke, then pour it down the bores and try to turn.
  6. Apart from the brass bits? Blueing wa sthe common finish. I use a stuff called Stovax Graphite Black Grate polish on the black parts of de-acs. You can get Cold Blueing , but never seems to work properly.
  7. Definite worsening of the condition. Yeah, post some pictures.
  8. I'm suprised then he hasn't tried the oldest farmers trick then. It's amazing how effective holding a burning rag over the air intake can be on a cold frosty morning. Another old trick, take a couple of jerrycans of Disiel fuel and bury them in the muck heap overnight, by morning they are nice and warm, just right to pour into the tank.
  9. Try John Bizal, the problem is the postage costs more than the part, but he does have most things.
  10. Don't it just Roy! As far as the Great War goes you know something, right up to the time you find out something diffrent.
  11. Or, most likley, it was originally proofed at Birmingham. :blush: Military US firearms were never proofed. I have a MB42a that came over lease lend in February 1941, Clearly marked Property of US Goverment. The rifle spent it's time in service, ending up in a Sea Cadet unit. When they gave up the armoury it came to my RFD who called me. There was no proof mark on it. It has since been properly proofed by the London house. Having had another close look at all my various paerwork, the certificate for my Webley is clearly marked Duplicate, so they are available.
  12. Just checked my London de-ac S&W. Just to be awkward, it has both a Scimitar mark, and two cross swords. :red:
  13. No unfortunatley I've no drawing of how to modify. I belive there was an official modification at one stage. Someone on the forum might have a Quad with the mod and could give details.
  14. Don't care what drives it! I want it!
  15. The Major does sound a very intresting person. Must start doing some nosing about. Nothing wrong with finding your job intresting, wish I did with mine, any way! Provenence, adds to a vehicle value, not to mention fascinating.
  16. It is the marks on the firearm are important. You can get a new certificate easily enough, but better to go through an RFD as they have the Proof House trust. Birmingham marks are two crossed Swords, London have two crossed Sabres, both with date numbers. The latest Proof Act, 2007 speciffically says 'This act does not superscede previous Proof House marks' so if anyone suggests 'Further De-Activation' they don't need it. The marks are legal are for the standard required at the time of de-activation.
  17. I've got Frank's ignitions in both my Dodges. Best bit of kit I've fitted. One has run for about ten years with never a problem. Not the cheapeast but you do get the quality.
  18. And! Due to warm up again, so you'll have the excuse for driving about Topless! (Vehicle that is, don't want to scare the great unwashed! )
  19. Have you got snail cam adjusters on the wheels? If so, jack up each axle, then back them all off till the wheels revolve freely then adjust each wheel up one at a time. Takes forever but eventually you will get decent brakes, and pedal. May also be one of the pull off springs getting tired. I may be teaching you to suck eggs, but get a couple of brake flexi pipe clamps and isolate each wheel, that will pin point if one wheel is the problem.
  20. As always the guys on the ground are normally level headed. The worst are when they have just got the warrant card and out to make a name for themselves. I had great fun with one young copper some years back when he was being puppy walked by a longtime mate. The young sprog tryed to give me a parking ticket, he got a fast lesson in how to deal with the public, the importance of looking at time plates and not to put his gloves on the MOP's vehicle. My mate just stood back and let it happen.
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