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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Is it a home built Bitsa, or was Dodge trying to use parts and develop a civillian version?
  2. Probably not. Cominmg up to the French Holiday time. Mess the English about but never your own people!
  3. Yep! Even caught a Cooper out at a show recently, he was carrying a cigarete lighter shaped as a revolver. I pointed out VCR, he went a bit red.
  4. With French ferry and tunnel workers?
  5. Thanks for the explination, so the real reason is 'Because I can have it!' that I understand.
  6. Well according to the UK Sun newspaper Tenerife is considerd.. somewhat free in behaviour. :red:
  7. Pump up tyres to help steering, and does the peadl come hard with use? A bit of adjusting and bleed me tinks.
  8. Ex Hongkong, so what language do you use to swear at it?
  9. the old M14 has now been revamp and is issued as a 'Marksmans' rifle. Scopes look original Redfeilds as well.
  10. Or a Freezer sparay. Thay are very useful especially with disimilar metals.
  11. Tried a new Dizzy cap? They can do some bizzare things and look OK.
  12. Classic story. Urgent panicked phone call from Seargent in charge of a dummy site 'Sir, Please send some air cover! Thier destroying my best decoys!'
  13. If it's alloy, the other alternative is cold. Place in a plastic bag in the freezer for a few hours. What about dumping in it in an old pressure cooker for a couple of hours?
  14. Nice idea about the steam cleaner. Never heard of that one before. Add some rad flush and you'd probably get a lot of muck out as well.
  15. Attach spring solidly! If you havent got any clip on the pedal rod a jubille clip will do the job of holding the spring very nicley.
  16. Looking at 'Other places' you'll be pleased to know, you're not alone! A number of various MV's seem to have been suffering point and capacitor failure in hot weather.
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