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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Most of the war time stuf is similar if not identical to cavalary gear. A Pythchley rubber riding mack (And a weight lifting course to wear it) plus cavalary breeches, not Johdpors, breeches, the one that finish below the knee with laces. Jods go all the way down and are bloody uncomfortable to wear with long boots.
  2. It's the sugar/malasses content that actually does the stripping. You can buy the molasses itself and water it down or heat it to make it more runny and than slop it about. Silly question , but how big is the tank? Could it be taken out and sealed in a large plastic bag? Then you can fill it with degreases and shake it about. Sounds like it will take some time to soack.
  3. A lot of castles, one set of my relatives trying to keep the other lot on order.
  4. Bwlch, the Big Pit Museum, doing a thing on WW1 miners at the moment. Take the single track road from Abbageveny to Hay , that is an eye opener and Llanthony Priory is on the way , go at night for the most beautiful skies you'll ever see!
  5. Welcome in, yes worth saving. Be Weery carful though! You may well end up getting a Bedford to put it on!
  6. I'll take both shed and truck please!
  7. Thanks mate! Long story not for the forum , as it's public, but nice to be able to comminicate with you lot.
  8. Thanks guys. I won't have a chance to do anything till after the weekend at the moment. Life being a right **** at the moment.
  9. You may find the old top fits on the new cylinder if you want the remote resevoir.
  10. Villiage People , before they were famous.
  11. Clive, it's been said before but you are a marvel.
  12. Thanks guys! I'll have ago later and pass on results. What it's doing is nothing at the moment.
  13. Easiest answer is to cut a plate that fits existing holes then mount the ball to that. Nothing altered on the Jeep and can be converted back easily. The other answer is what I have done on my Disco , mount a Dixon Bates hitch, then hook , NATO or ball can be on seperate plates, fit as required.
  14. Maybe a poll on here and we all back the HMVF winner? Mind you , which one?
  15. The American's also scrapped two Big Bertha (The REAL ones) Howitzers during WW2. Point of intrest the Americans in 1914 reckoned thay had 75 years of high grade Hematite iron ore. By 1918, they had used 90 % of thier reserves.
  16. Mnaual says : Fill master cylinder bleed brakes , then pump once more. There should be about 1/8 inch gap bettween fluid and tip of cylinder.
  17. There used to be an old ad You can put a cacravan on a Volvo estate. I see you are upstaging it!
  18. Thanks guys. Its the tech manual I need. One has stopped working and I can't work out how to get it out of the case.
  19. Anyone got a manaual or the stripping instructions for one of these?
  20. MVT are the Miltary Vehicel Trust. http://www.mvt.org.uk/
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