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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Not nessacarily. Put a probe into the void and lower a camera.
  2. There should be a fair bit going on around the Somme on the 1st July 2016.
  3. Now there's a story in itself! Go on persuade him to tell the rest, after all he is a valuable first hand scource to anyone with an intrest in the history of real people (Any futher flattery he may need will be applied by the shovelful)
  4. 48 should make it a BSA. The frame though may be a lot older, 1930's, than the date on the rack suggests. I've recently passed mine on to a real military vintage cycle enthusiat (Knees are giving up) the frames were manufactured as one model, then fitted according to order. The holes in your frame that hold the back brake rods on the Mk V* are present on a MK V frame, with blanking nuts screwed in. A lot were supplied to US Forces, over there the preference is for Coaster brakes in the rear hub, though BSA were a world leading manufacturer of them. My guess is that a Coaster brake is a complex thing to manufactuer, given war time demands the twin rod system was decided on to save production cost and time. But it does tick all the Military Boxes. Rifle barrel by the way, it should fit onto a loose fitting canvas strap attached to handle bar, though your way is the most common seen. You are missing the rear U shaped rifle clip that fixed to frame, hence carrier is flat is on one side.
  5. Could be for wheel skirts. My Artic FFR had canvas flaps that rolled down over each wheel and the screen.
  6. How many teeth on main cog? That may give the answer . If the pedals have cleats on the end that is a military pedal, designed to stop hob nail boots slipping. .
  7. Australian? Looks to be a Mk V* that has lever brakes on both wheel, the MkV had a coaster brake in the back hub. .
  8. Heard them, by the time I was outside gone! Still the sound of Merlins can be enough.
  9. Welcome in. Get Gramps on as well, his knowledge and stories, invaluable.
  10. I do have a 19 set complete, was working when last plugged in about three years ago. I would consider selling to the right person if anyone is intrested. Need to clear out some kit.
  11. A bit of dust and mud never hurt asny MV's apperance. But if they were used 'At Home' on an airfeild for instance there would be a bit more cosmetic care and maitanience. So it depends on what your personal senario is. What does amuse me is when you say to a classic car person 'How far have you driven?' and they throw fits, what take thier precious baby on the ROAD! Like the Churchill Garage ad. What's the fun of having a toy if you don't play with it? Though my WC54 Katy is a Lady and gets cleaned and driven sedatley. My WC51 Ruby , is a hodlum! I and others have a lot of fun in her.
  12. Or when someone approachs you at a show. I've heard all sorts of stories.
  13. Welcome in Jim. Though be careful because you know 'I helped so and so with his vehicle, maybe I could just get a small one myself?,
  14. Get an airsoft SA80 for about £50, and prove it!
  15. I totally agree, if the vehicle isn't roadworthy, then it's nothing more than a museum piece. People might freack out that I have 'Modern' NATO tyres on one truck and truck road tyres on the other. My answer 'Try driving NDC on tarmac in the rain' To show the vehicle, you have to SAFLEY get there and home..
  16. The old argument! My WC54 has body work panel repairs all over it, probabaly from her 1952 rebuild. Would I repalce them? No, they are her fingerprint.
  17. A line about 40,0000 men and horses straining comes to mind. I did say the horses ran a mile!
  18. And that earned a Royal Appointment? Ouch!
  19. Yes Clive, I've sen that coat of arms, just trying to think where. Merryweather is coming to mind but need to check.
  20. Not some horrible answer to French Bidet?
  21. The Hauge Convention was the first convention speciffically to ban chemical weapons, asphixiating gases in 1899, so reasonable to assume it may be prior to that date. Unless it was used for sterilising?My guess would be Middle East somewhwere.
  22. No, they were supposed to be British Rail express delivery! Though may be the Royal Mail! They found a container of recorded delivery garunteed 24 hour mail, in a container in Aberden, six months after it was supposd to be in the Island. :undecided:
  23. Never in service! The horse's saw it, and ran for miles! :wow: P.S the jpg gives it away.
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