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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Anderson is intresting. I'd have thought a story of an american' shot in cold blood' would have entered at least the local folk law. After all on a Island 9 miles by 5 nothing stays secret. I'll do more digging. This might intrest you Dennis Vibert's report on getting to England. notice he reckons 50 bombers in Jersey. Knowing the size of Jersey airport. a grass feild built 1937, but very well equipped, I wonder if that many would have fitted. http://www.guernsey-society.org.uk/donkipedia/index.php5?title=Vibert%27s_report_in_full The website is a nes one.
  2. There were also various jokes about people turning their backs and bending down . The battery version being preffered due to it being powered.
  3. Britain At War is by subscription.
  4. Ah yes ma boy! But I come from the posh end, St Brelade!. :-D:-D Checking up there were Fiffty nine escapes from Jersey. The first was Dennis Vibert, his first attempt was a faliure the second attempt he got to Portland and was picked up by a Destroyer. The boat was about eight feet long, and he had to pay customs duties for it's import. Both boat and recipt were at La Houge Bie, and are now in the Maratime musuem. Of the others, most attempts were following D-Day from the east coast, to reach France. Cartret being the closest point, about fourteen miles from Gorey. sounds easy till you know the waters. Most famously associated with escape attempts was the Bertram family. This family lived at Fauvic on the east coast and provided hiding places and strorage for escape paraphinalia and boats. I've found pictures of the funeral of Sgts Butlin & Holden. The prescence of older graves in the picture back up this being at the Mont A L'Abbe sight. Two others of my old haunt Lotrign at Noirmont. the first is the early open range finder pit, the second the armoured cupola finally fitted. Maurice gould's story desrves a whole post. I will check details and add it.
  5. Tracing the IWM records, they are apparently at Duxford. There is a post script, documents microfilmed for the official history commisioned by the Stes of botgh Island's for the bok by Charles Cruckshank, which I have. So now we have poloticians to deal with! Found this on the net as well. I've never seen it! Though to be fair Gorey is at the end of the world!
  6. Surley thats the date of work May 1958?
  7. Pathfinder!!! You stupid boy! :n00b: As second choice, Britiain At War is very mixed and intresting.
  8. Tony B

    Lady be Good

    Is that the film where the ghosts disapper every time one body is found? At the end only one is left.
  9. Go for it, and let us all know what happens. If we don't stick together, were picked off individualy.
  10. The confusion over spelling is mentioned in the report Page gave after the war. We are going from English, to German, and at the time French, or more particular Jerriase, was the official legal language of Jersey. This continued up to the mid nineteen seventies. My Father's death certificate in 1971 is in French. It is probable that something was put in the local paper at the time, the Evening Post, still going God bless it. Though the Occupiers were hot and cold over the civillian population being at such cerimonies in case of 'unrest'. Though they were very keen to show that it was all conducted 'properly'. I'll send some e mails off into the blue and see what happens. Go for the Pinzagauer! Got to be easier, and a nice vehicle! :-D Alan the info so far on Anderson is even more intriguing. Shot by German Police. Surley as such it would have been a war crime? Yet I've never heard of any such event. A date he was shot down might help. After a quick check through books and the net, it appears the only War Crimes trial proposed involving the Channel Island's was against Max List commondant of the camps on Alderney. No trial ever took plce. Unfortunatley this brings in the good old 'conspiracy' theorists that the Islanders were all collaborators and the British Goverment wanted to hush it up after the war.'
  11. Sounds like Here we go Again! Does he have a copy of the build sheet from Dodge archives? I would also write to DVLA, recorded delivery and ask for the reasons in writing why the age related plate has been refused, state quite clearly you expect a reply within 28 working days. Find the part in DVLA code of conduct that covers such matters and quote it. You can almost garuntee they won't reply, so then to the Ombudsman. http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Governmentcitizensandrights/Yourrightsandresponsibilities/DG_10013518
  12. Thanks Degsey, being a long old treck. I'll try more tonight.
  13. Oh Degsey, Alan. Talk about headbanging time! I was going through the books looking for info and pictures of German Naval ships. I found on the back of the dustsheet of one book a small photo showing German Soldiers carrying a coffin draped in a Unioun Flag. The picture is described as the burial Sgt Dennis Butlin, RAF & Sgt Abraham Holden RAF. Dated 6th June 1943 There bodies had ben recovered from the sea. Now the caption describes the funeral as taking place at Mont A L'Abbe Cemetery, which is to the west of St Helier on Westmonut (Originally called Gallows Hill) and the background of the picture does definitley look like Mont A L'Abbe. Apparently 'shot down returning from a mission over France'. However the CWWG describes them as at Graves 1 & 2 at St Helier War Cemetery Howard Davis Park, the EAST side of town. Now I know some US casualties were repatriated, in aboput 1970-71 if I remeber so it apperars a number of re-internments took place. But when? So I'm going to be stymiied till I can get back to the Island, and into the archives.
  14. Have you put a proper tester on the batteries to check they really are A1? Or a couple of these from Frost They repalce the battery connector so stay on and you just unscrew the nut. Great pice of kit.
  15. Just to make you green. On quest the other night an Irish Pinz fitted with THOR and Starstreack launcher. It would solve your snake problem. :-D
  16. the usual silly question. Was the Taskmaster equiped with a three point link and PTO. After all on a grass airfeild, someone has to cut it.
  17. It Depends, BOAR in Belgium, it used to be 15 euro for the week. That paid rental for the site and any local tax. No public just vehicles owners, and it was GREAT!! So paying isn't nesacarily a bad thing.
  18. I am always jealous as hell of somone with the skill to make models like that!
  19. Bloody Hell Jack. Did you run amock with a hammer in a mirror factory? Do remember you have a thousand odd friend's shioulders to cry on.
  20. True Degsey. War and Peace was much more fun way back when. Trouble was it became to big for it's own good.
  21. Bit's turning up all over. As an aside, the ground of the Cemetery was donated by Thomas David,. He was also a well known J clas yacht owner, Westwind. Westwind was sucuttled in Hurd's deep of Alderney. Where a lot of ordnance was dumped. a replica Elenor has been back to Jersey. http://www.thisisjersey.com/2010/07/22/visit-by-eleanora/ Picture 6 shows Corbiere light, off which PT 509 lies. Alan, the USAF casualties are 0680067 2nd Lt E.G.J. Pallantine Buried 6/11/1944 16047394 Wm. H. westemeir Buried 1/12/1944 The position of the Island's wind and currents etc are such that casualties from far out in the Atlantic, or as Charibdiys , the Bay of Biscay, can end up on the island's. One German Dornier crashed in St Quen's bay and a Thunderbolt also crash landed at St Quen's on the dunes. I'll go through the books and and sort dates and pictures if I can. The best place for a lot of period photos is the Holocaust memeorial site. http://www.thisisjersey.co.uk/hmd/ The most poigniant burial for me is Maurice Gould, though he is strictly a civillian. He and two thers attempted to escape from the Island by boat in 1942. The boat capsized. One was drowned Maurice and his companion were taken by the German's and sent to a camp. Maurice died there in 1943, age 19.
  22. going to have start a whole new one of the process of finding out! :-D
  23. To back up what Joris says. The main thing is fun, but most shows have a rating amongst us. I would go to the show where I know the other exhibitors. So if an orginiser makes it attractive for us to go, the reputation should be good, and we keep going back. If the great unwashed then get a good day out, they come back. result all happy.
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