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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Makes a BMW towing a caravan look sane!
  2. Best to go with an organised group. The paperwork takes damm near twelve months to sort out. That's if the French don't add any more hoops and hurdles.
  3. Ther actually quite common in older vehicles. Ask Rosie, I'm sure she can supply a suitable replacement. :-D
  4. Superb restoration, that is still a very practical vehicle for day to day use. Enjoy her to the full! I know driving a 1939 Wlolsley always makes me smile.
  5. The fractured leg thing is a Thompson splint. Intresting history (Degsy! Stop yawning!) It was designed by a Chiropractor, and the mediacl proffesion deflamed that it was an abomination and would never replace amputation! Still in use today. Some vehicles were retro fitted with resucitation units, see photos of the back of Ole's. This was after the 1982 Ambulance strike when military vehicles were used in a civillian role.
  6. Welcome Jason, do you have the trailer for the back?
  7. Well stop thinking then! The S*it happens anyway! :-D
  8. Yes, and no need for Senapods in this case either!
  9. Another one praying for a snowy winter? Being gentle around here is giving you rubber gloves when you are detailed to latrine cleaning. We expect high standards! Awards are being sought.
  10. Did you know? The average person spends Three years of their life in the Loo. :readpaper: At least Rambo has started using a bath! It used to be the sheep trough! The sight of the poor creatures trying to drink, then spitting and coughing was pityful.
  11. The Royal Logistic Corp musuem currently have the records of British Vehicles. http://www.rlcmuseum.co.uk/
  12. Smiles and tears are always close. Your Gran would have been proud of you, think of the good times.
  13. Good news both you and Ferret are alright, but next time as the old joke goes 'If you want to get the wheels off the ground, use a jack!
  14. My quote from them both Dodges, £181.89.
  15. One shell in from back end, and one from front. Apply a long string and fire. Still SOP I belive .
  16. That was probably Bosnia, where there traces of a red cross on the radiator grille?
  17. The club house will be bolted if you DON'T!! :iamsmiling: Make sure you get soundtrack as well!!
  18. She has a quite a history the Old Girl. :-D And still only two out your way? :cool2: I did ask a First Gulf War veteran about the red cross on the roof did they dispaly it? His answer was 'No the RAF and Army Air Corp knew what they were, and the Yanks thought it was a target'. I have finally had the combination of dry weather and time off, so have finsihed Katy's re vamp. New paint new stencils care of Axholme, stippled on to get a genuine finsih, she is also care of an artistic friend of mine to get some 'Nose Art'. She is now marked for a vehicle on a USAAF base 'Somewhere in England' during late 1943 early 1944.
  19. Best wishes to you both, he must be a very understanding man! (incoming!!!!!!!) May you win shares in a Vineyard!
  20. Ah, not that far from Ver Sur Mer! I usually end up there as I have friends in the villiage. :-D
  21. Just got my renwal quote from Premium Choice for both Dodges. £181.89! They also do specalist 4x4 cover.
  22. Actually, the tropical problem was solved by an amazing new highly technical adhesive. It was called....Araldite! :-D
  23. Welcome John, there is a lot of Knowledge of the good , and bad, parts of owning 101's here. You know of course how a 101 owner gives directions? Via the petrol stations! :-D
  24. Welcome Mon V! Where abouts in Normandy are you? I'm looking forward to bringing my WC54 over, my WC51 has been over three times.
  25. You have done her proud! I'm glad she has gone to a loving home, I really was neglecting her. One sad part, I never had her and Carol's Katy together. But would be an excuse to come over to see you! :-D
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