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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Tony B

    Big ray

    One of the lectures at Ag College had been a Health and Saftey inspector. He had a gruesome set of photos including flipped up tractors, and a set involving what was left of a 6 foot welded circular saw blade. I've come close a few times to having tractors flip over. Who says Farming is an idilic life?
  2. Welcome in. Post the pictures and see what happens.
  3. Christmas come early! Are you rescuing it?
  4. The MOD taking the wrapping of spares very seriously. There is a specific department for testing and development.
  5. Tony B

    Big ray

    Sorry to hear about this mate! Give your son my best, there but for the Grace of God. I know the feeling, job must be done, but if nessacary tie the silly sod down!
  6. Um, those land mines were using as club house doorstops?
  7. That explains something I read complaining that Monty wore 'Two badges he wasn't entiled to'.
  8. I have mine with them, and their predessescors. I have to say they have always been very helpful and competive. I messed them about with Katy, first in storage in Jersey, then on Jersey plates to bring her over, which requires specific paperwork as the disc has to be displayed like a tax disc, culminating in changing to English plates. They were always very helpful and prompt, and no extra charges.
  9. Welcome Rory. Gordon will be the man, he's up your way.
  10. Well two have turned up actually. Both concerning No Win, No Fee acident lawyers. Power of the Internet, all this clever adaptive software. :-D
  11. Anyone get the same advert on the top of the page as me?
  12. Well worth looking about a certain Nautical type insurance firm tried uping my premium to £745!! :wow: The Old Foggies special got that down by £375!! I had to give up my membership of Club 18/30 though.
  13. A lot of re enactments groups offer third party insurance. the best lot for such policiys seem to be Hiscocks http://www.hiscox.co.uk/events/exhibitors.
  14. Unfortunatley a few years ago a certain politician decided to cut the British Legal Aid budget. So with great fan fare he introduced 'No Win , No Fee' legal services. And the Bandwagon is still acelerating!
  15. Have you seen the coulour of the Water of the Nile? :-D You should be able to get the formula mixed oe soem of the Classic Car sites do Eeu Du Nil high temprature paint.
  16. Ah to h*ll with it! It is a Dorset Horn.
  17. There was one, a beuatiful sight! It crashed unfortunatley. The noise of two Merlin's was divine.
  18. The curiosites and very unusaula? Their in the club house bar, every night. Welcome in.
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