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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. C is now from 3.5 tons up to maximum permissible, rigid the old Class 2 C1 is the old up to 7.5 tonnes, I have that as my licence was in the steam age. C1+E means I can tow a trialer C+E is now C plus trailer, the old Class1 D is any vehcile with more than 16 seats , including driver P.C.V. D1 is up to sixteen seats including driver, again the old classes.
  2. What? Er, what were you asking? Anyway, might be a good time to change the whel cylinders. I had a Series 3 109 artic, that had been sitting about, brakes were a bit sticky, but went through an MOT OK. Then the following day absolutley no brakes!! As I took the drums off, everyone dumped brake fluid into my lap!
  3. So? Try jumping 12 volt off 24! The old engine spun over on that one! A lot of modern 6 volt battery chargers don't seem to have the gumption to charge a big 6 volt lead acid battery. I have ended up seriesing two 6 volt and putting a 12 volt charger with an initial 8 amp charge. After fiftten minutes or so I can bring it back down to 2 amps. That's on a very low battery, Best way is to get the vehicle started and leave it ticking over for an hour or so, or go for a good long drive. Check the dynamo is charging though. A multi meter wont cope with the ampage.
  4. Strange choice, though camouflage colours are not always obvious.
  5. Easy to find in the snow though. Is there something special about the weave or cloth weight or proffing that dictates the colour?
  6. Tilley now do a 'quick fit ' mantle. Much easier than the old ones. Also blowse the mantle out before lightinging. This sight is the one to check. They are good for all the bits, if a bit slow at times. http://www.base-camp.co.uk/
  7. Literally swords to ploughshares. How else could the steel required to rebuild industry and housing be obtained. A lot of German stuff was scrapped in the Channel Island's for the simple reason that the money was needed to get the Island's econmies started again.
  8. AN OBJECTION: Has been placed before the Moderators concerning Team Chav. Yesterday they took Gold, Silver, Bronze,..steel zinc , copper and any other metal they could find!
  9. Yes there is an inline flexi hose, and worth replacing. What might have happened is bit of dirt in the pipe going from the t block. Easy enough to replace all three.
  10. Just make sure all lights, and any other electrical accesories are turned off. Touch the 12 volt and remove as soon as vehicle starts.
  11. I will have you know I will be consulting my legal team Suet, Chargeit and Scarper over this matter! :-D
  12. Yes, are you sitting comfortably? I'm about to go into lecture mode. The mantle is cotton treated with Thorium, only other use is nuclear reactors. Initially they are just like cloth. When it is lit for the first time the heat causes a change and it becomes brittle and delicate, never try to light the lamp with a damaged mantle. The Parrafin vapour burns inside the mantle, which glows as a result of the heat, otherwise it would be a hurricane lamp. Cost about £3 each, but you can buy in bulk fromvarious internet sites. Or a full service kit from Tilley themselves, you do need a meth wick that clamps around the heater pipe to pre heat the burner.
  13. The Tilley storm is used by the military. If it has been sitting about get a new set of washers and seals before using it. They are all Parrafin, NEVER use petrol in them.
  14. When a wooden ship was built it was 'Disposable' , they only lasted thirty years or so. The same nowadays. Look at the problems preserving what we have got.
  15. Um, fiesable that theft charge could be avoded , the intent to 'Permenantly Deprive' has to be proven. That's why the offence of Taking Without Owner's Consent ' came in.
  16. Rubber ended up in short supply for all sides, especially after the Japanese invasions of the Far East in 1941. The whole subject is a research project in itself. In 1938 the Britsh Army was the most mechanised in the world. As usual being first we made all the mistakes and others learnt from them. It is wrong to say that Germany suffred from the Bombing Campaign, during the end part of WW2 German production actually went up. The Doctrine of vehicles was diffrent in the Axis, concentrating on fighting vehicles, so the logistics were still based on rail and horse drawn.
  17. Trouble is , keep all the old stuff, and you can't afford any new stuff! Kit wears out.
  18. So! That expalins all the cans of XXXX that suddenly appeared. I'm Appelling !:wow:
  19. Lies lies and Damm lies , as a certain country has said 'None of our athletes have been caught!' :cool2: I want to know why Degsy was seen sneacking round my pit with that can of sheep dip! I'm sure the morning tea tasted odd! :angry I HAD intended to enter the Winter events, the ski jump. Start at the top of any slight slope on a frosty morning, acelearte to thirty on NDC tyres and hit the brakes!
  20. Who ever made the call, all of sudden someone was dumped with a piece of very hot property, with a lot of knowledgable people looking for it. Time to be somewhere else! The power of the internet and the genral good will of 'The Hobby' in general. Just remeber to keep the eyes open for the rest of the kit.
  21. Owning any WW2 vehicle means , you allow time to get anywhere! See if you can run at a steady 40mph when your 68+ years old!. I normally allow 30 mph as my avaerage. The main thing is enjoy driving and owning them.
  22. Can anyone tell me the wording and size of leters that goes under the Caudecus on a WC54. I am giving Katy a complete face lift to a vehicle based in England during 1943, so the other usual question when would the Start go on? The photo I have of two in England have no stars.
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