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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Best I can do , look carfully and you can see basic detail.
  2. Why vote? Some screwed up goverment always gets in, regardless! :-D
  3. Welcome Luc, you have a great country. Where about's do you live?
  4. Welcome, the Forum has grown to cover a lot more than vehicles now.
  5. Welcome, sounds like you'll fit right in. Though here in the Old Land, we tend to count sheep jumping fences if we can't sleep.
  6. But does it come with all those extras? :wow:
  7. It's BORIS'SES! The latest plauge on London Transport, twice an hour Boris harangues you about 'Going on Line- to get ahead at the games!. Bring back the Gremlin's PLEASE!!!!!
  8. Welcome Stella, we finally have a bit of leverage over Jack now! He is very sensitive about his curly locks! :cool2:
  9. Listen Mate!! So far this week I've had to put up with two burly bus enginners arguing the culinary refrerences of that **** book in the rest room, a lot of my female colleagues in very frank discussions , that cause me to blush and a local shortage of cable ties Not to mention the dissaperance of the garge's main enginnering tool, red gaffer tape! :iamsmiling:
  10. Welcome in Adrienne, as for the allegation I was posing, no I always appear that still when I'm working! As for modelas the world is crying out for some decent die cast Dodges and Austin Gipsys.
  11. You DID ask! And though I may well regret asking, who keeps putting in idents to the Club House stores for cable ties?
  12. Bonjour mon ami.! I am from Jersey so please excuse my French! :-D
  13. There can be an easy answer. Check that the gear stick where it is attached to the top of the selector is properly positioned. Had the same problem after changing the relaease fork on my Disco. The gate can also be wrongly positioned not to give enough clearance. The transmission tunnel is quite a tight tolerance, that can interfere. The roll pin through the bottom of the gear lever can wear and cause a lot of slopping. Even the gear stick itself may not have enough bend and stick. The spring may also not be allowing the gate to come up, and just plain dirt in the linkage. All the silly things I've come across.
  14. Like any burucracy it depends on who you are dealing with. It appears information was taken lock stock and barrel from DVLA and just thrown in the air to se where it landed. I know of companies that have thier older vehciles acpted as exempt but three or four year old vehicles rejected! I can drive any vehicle I like from the yard, hald way bettween Swanley and Footscray to the Tesco store at Foots cray. Coming out, because the exit is no right turn I have to go about 400 meters down to the Crittals Corner round about. Then I can swing my 4 door Land Rover 200tdi round the roundabout and go back up the road. A two door Discovery 200tdi commercial, I have to take the first exit onto the A20 go about three miles back up to the Swanley turn off, then come back anoter two or three miles through Swanley to get back to where I started. Why? Because one half of the roundabaout is outside the LEZ, the other half is inside! :banghead:
  15. Welcome, you should find a lot of bits and help here. Quite a few of us have WS 19 sets.
  16. I'll sort it and post if anyone is intrested?
  17. Depends on what the 110 has on the log book, a county station wagon no problem a UTILITY, regadless of body , you can't go in unless you pay. Go figure, it's a real *** fo the likes of me who go in and out of the zone in two hundred yard increnments.
  18. A lot of my female colleagues are spending a lot of time discussing this book, it's getting very scary!
  19. There is no real refrences I've been able to find to Tolkien's work during the Second World War. He was an exprt on Norse and Eiropean sagas, as a lot of German code words refered to this stories, I've been told he was attached to Bletchley Park to advise on what such codenames might reveal. During the Great War he was a signals officer in the 11th Lancashire Fusiliers, arriving in France 6 June 1916, he did see front line action but was invalided home with fever and never returned to the front. I did a Level 3 Communications project on the Great War a few years back, part of the project was a presentation on J.R.R. Tolkien and the influence of his Great War service on Lord of the Rings. Both Lewis and Tolkien were commited Christians, compared to the Narnia books, Tolkien's lack of any religious trend in his books was wondered about at the time.
  20. A bit of advise? If you get served Venison or scrambled eggs, RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!! :shocking:
  21. Roadsure have been very patiaent with me. First a Jersey Registration, which require a special cover note, as the insurance has to be displayed on the windscreen, and she was kept 'Overseas'. Then a transfer back to UK adress, then a change to UK registration, all with a smile and very quick and easy.
  22. I've also used ordinary clothes washing powder in the past. That worked well, got all the muck off and keyed the paint at the same time. I can't tell you what Sugar Soap is, it is a generic name I've not been able to find a formula. It is sold in UK at DIY shops as a surface cleaner/ paint preperation, either as a powder or ready mixed. It is just a standard surface preperation.
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