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Lord Burley

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Everything posted by Lord Burley

  1. I bet you were ages there going through that lot :
  2. Window channeling is easy to get.Most independants stock it. About £3-£4 a metre.
  3. Happy Birthday to our brother across the pond:thumbsup: Have a good one.
  4. He must have been a great help to you over the years Clive. i bet he was a mind of info on some of your restoration projects. Codolances to you and his family.
  5. Neil Sorry to be so despondant. But i think its time you used these two articles on the Stalwart............ And then take the said two items along to RR and do the same to them!
  6. Will it be the same Spitfire that presented itself at Damyns last weekend??.
  7. Class 7 i would think.
  8. Great trucks. Cant fault them. on my second one:thumbsup:
  9. Well i must say i had a very enjoyable day. infact it was one of the best shows i have been to in a long time. Enjoyed the 25mile drive through London and then eastwards in the Ferret. Surrounded by tourists at the Tower of London all taking pics. the only downside was that i couldnt stick around for the display by the Spitfire. CW must have enjoyed himself. As its a long time since i seen him like this..................
  10. Pics of the H1 please. I love the American stuff.:thumbsup:
  11. Moderated by me as the post was completely irrelevant and pointless. Mark - I have sent you a PM. Rgs, Jack - have posted it in red so it is clear that it has been moderated.
  12. I will be there with the 101. Giving the Ferret a rest after yesterdays incursion with members of met police in the limehouse link. Moderated to remove a racist term. Jack.
  13. Nice pics. The secrets out. This is the Champ CW has just bought for his next project. It will be two wheel drive and have nice GM LS1 fitted.:thumbsup:
  14. Here you go mate.... http://www.milweb.net/go/sadman/ Maverick on here has a connection with them. Are you going Damyns?? Headcorn or Mayhem?? Regards Mark
  15. Is there a way of hooking a CVRT tent to the side of a Ferret??. Or is the Ferret not tall or long enough??
  16. Welcome Greg. Thats incedible effort with the field hospital. Very nice Dodge as well. How many show do you display your set-up at???.
  17. Not surprised they cant shift it at that price. And the only one i saw at Beltring was the one of Withams stand.B.t.w took at visit to my local T.A center during the week. They have a virtually brand new one there. 1000mls on the clock. Hasnt turned a wheel in 3 years.
  18. It wasnt Paul that told me. But someone that works for him.
  19. I was told that the one on show at Beltring was the best example they have. The rest in stock require various degrees of work. Including quite a few that are missing parts. There wasnt much negotiating in the price. With at best £250 off the £6500+v.a.t asking price. I know there are a minority here that like the vehicle(me included).But i thought the price considerably high for a vehicle that was not well recieved or liked by the armed forces,and had limited scope for export due to the shortage of spares.
  20. Another one here who is not a fan of L.P.G conversions. Had a multipoint sequential system fitted on my previous Ram. It never ran right and would constantly throw the emmisions light up. Coupled with the fact it used to rattle the cats(not Cw or Pw).I had the system checked by a number of specialists who all said it was fine?????. A friend of mine had it fitted brand new on a Ford F150 Harley Davidson. After 26,000mls it had to have a full engine re-build due to damage caused by it constantly being run on gas
  21. Neil. Dont take this the wrong way. But i have to ask. Is it really worth all the aggro and expense. Just to take it to one show a year????.
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