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Lord Burley

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Everything posted by Lord Burley

  1. What a quality restoration.I have photos like that somewhere of my one restored by Tony Sudds 20 years ago.:thumbsup:
  2. Thanks for the pics John. I think i only took one.
  3. Mark!. Next time i will bring the kettle:thumbsup:
  4. Well i have to say that yesterday was one of the best pageants i have attended. Due to a glorious day the show was well attended,and lots of people asking questions on the vehicles that were there. Mark(Heliops) won best vehicle for the second year running with the 432(well done mate:thumbsup:),and it certainly attracted the crowds. Had a great run to the show with the Ferret. CW did point out that at one point i was travelling through penge hi street at about 45mph. It took us longer to get home,as the roads were busier,and at every set of traffic lights we were asked about the Ferret,and people were taking pictures on there camera phones. HMVF members in attendance were Myself CW PW Heliops And a fleeting visit from Metroman. Who asked Mark to get the kettle on,but never returned.
  5. The boat maybe of interest to CW,as it looks suspicously like the RAF rescue boat that is on display at RAF Hendon.
  6. Since we have been doing the week long stays there,we have always used saturday as our last day. In fairness the organisers should reduce the entrance fee on the sunday,as most prepare to leave.
  7. He,s busy with the conversion. Was still there till late beavering away.
  8. I quite like that. CW is running along similar lines with the conversion work on the Champ.
  9. On again now. And featuring the Deltic engine amongst other things. Great viewing.:thumbsup:
  10. The one with the scaffolding and tarps around it is Ark Royal,its in dock for a re-fit. I have a stack of photos i took while there in march.
  11. Its easy for me to make the comments,as i have had experiance from a previous job where a tragedy did happen. A driver for our company had stopped on the hard shoulder to aid a group of four people broken down in a Metro. The metro had pulled as far off the shoulder as possible and was part way on the embankment. Logic tells you,that in a situation like that. That all occupants leave the car and stand on the embankment. But two people remained in the rear of the car,while the cars driver and passenger were talking with our driver on what the problem was. In a split second a pasiing artic side swiped our lorry,twisting it around and catapaulting it in to the back of the metro killing the two rear occupants instantly. The police report said that if the Lorry had not been behind the car,then there was a high probability that no deaths would have occured. The artic driver was charged,and recieved a prison sentance. Our driver had to live with what happened for the rest of his life.
  12. This cost an astounding amount to commision. And i suspect is still having problems,as it doesnt seemed to have moved much since i was there in march.
  13. A lot of them are waiting to be scrapped. The invincible has been mothballed. But apparently it has had so much stripped internally that its highly unlikely it will ever return to sea again.
  14. I couldnt think of a worse place to help anyone out. Like as been said the Highways agency officers do that kind of job. All the MV owners were doing is adding to an already dangerous situation. In the past when i have broken down,i have told the people accompanying me to carry on rather than stop with me.The traffic officers have been along soon after. Most deaths on the motorways are hard shoulder accidents.
  15. I went down there yesterday. The champ engine is sitting on a pallet ready for its new customer. CW has opted for a Rover 4.6 as the new power plant. He might have to work a ZF box in to the conversion as well,as he is not too sure the the unit will match up to the champ box,even with a modified bell housing and adaptor plate. He is also looking at making up a new exhaust sytem as well. It will certainly cause a stirr on the the show scene when complete. Then again CW doesnt like conforming to the norm. Doubt it will make Beltring though. Hell of a lot still to do.
  16. No! the F.C. 110 2B was in production before the 101.........
  17. :rofl::rofl: Also the barking of "Get that bloody exhaust sorted out" to a certain Ferret owner. CW knows how to upset a few when he is in his right frame of mind.:rofl:
  18. CW said........... "I never comment on other peoples vehicles as a rule" The sentance " What on earth would possess you to want to buy that" springs to mind :rofl::rofl::rofl:
  19. This would have been around 1999. I went down there to view two 101,s he had for sale.They were both in poor condition and hadnt moved in a few years. The "para" LtWt was stuck behind them,and also hadnt moved in a while. It had a load of junk piled on top of it as well.
  20. I took a trip around to my local T.A centre during the week. There are two in the yard. Looks like they havent been moved in some time.
  21. Welcome to the forum. I saw a para LtWt at Serlo,s premises in Pulborough some years ago. I do hope it was not your one,as it looked in a bit of a sorry state. It was dumped at the back of the yard with a few 101,s and CVRT,s.Can you post some pics of the Bedford and your past Landrovers????. This forum thrives on pics.:thumbsup:
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