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Lord Burley

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Everything posted by Lord Burley

  1. Its a long time since it looked nice and shiny like that. Methinks you need to get the rag and polish back out.
  2. That takes me back to the days when i had a LtWt.:thumbsup:
  3. Britains Greatest Machines. new series starting tonight on National Geographic. Sky channel 526. Chris Barrie introduces some of the best inventions and vehicles to ever come out of Britain.
  4. Its good to see that they are still being used the proper way.:thumbsup:
  5. My one is buried in the back of the garage. Its quite big, It has a very intricate pattern when layed out. Here it is laying across the jeep some 20 or so years ago.........
  6. I have a very early camo net. Must date from the 40s/50s. It is made up of Hessian strips bound together with thin rope.Gives a good effect when layed out.
  7. Why cant we have our own passwords??. I find it very frustrating if i'm using another p.c and have to request new passwords has i cant remember the series of numbers and letters originally given. Please help.
  8. Its come off of one of the bases here.I saw one doing a demo one at Bentwaters. Impressive piece of kit.
  9. How shallow do you think i am. I never give a t**s about prizes. Ive never won them in 20 years with the jeep. So hardly going to start worrying now. Like i said. £10 entry fee for two vehicles,and £20 fuel for both still makes it a very cheap show to attend. Well for me anyway.
  10. Anyone going??. I know some people have commented about the £5 entry fee. Buts its only two miles down the road from me. So it makes it a hell of a lot cheaper attending this show than most others. I will be there with the Jeep and the Ferret.
  11. I'm down there with my 50th Defender. But i am thinking of bringing the 101 as well.
  12. Great thread. I didnt realise that rad was that big. It looks more at home in a routemaster.If you want proper power,then forget the Rover V8. Its past its best. I reckon a GM LS2 from the corvette should do the trick. 420bhp standard. And with the addition of a SC or turbo,s then 700bhp is easily achieved. Its the sort of power the champ is crying out for.:
  13. Does anyone know where i can pick up some parachute canopys from???
  14. If you come down to Beltring,then you are more than welcome to come around the arena in it. It might be enough for you to buy Mikes one:D:
  15. Welcome to the forum Graham. Do you own any vehicles yourself???.
  16. This was it on the Monday of Beltring last year. All fresh and ready for the show.... A few days in and every areana event we could attend we did. And covered in that f***ing dust............. A change of commanders halfway through. She wasnt happy......:
  17. It is the most practical of all the armoured vehicles to own. Especially if you lack space. Which i do. Its easy to manourvre. Fits in a normal sized lock-up no problem. Its powered by a 4.2 Rolls Royce B60 and fuel consumption is around 7-9mpg. I found the 432 to be a very easy vehicle to drive. Infact idiot proof. But the size and bulk of it would prevent me from owning and driving one in Londons congested streets. Give mikes Ferret a viewing if you are intrested in buying one.
  18. Sorry Lee. Posted the wrong picture up,as i managed to delete the original. The settings are the same,and nothings changed on the Ferret. Brian even still had the same "Ferret" clothes on.:
  19. Nope!. Never have a problem from the boys in blue. Only get the thumbs up from them. Like my brother said. Most of them dont have a clue that its civilian owned and think its still owned by the military.
  20. It was the annual monthly run for the Ferret on sunday. We normally take a 6 mile trip around part of the south circular. But this time we decided to take a bit of a scenic route and encompass a few tourist attractions, Followed a route down through kennington over westminster bridge around parliment square,and then onwards to buck house. We were literally stopping the tourists in there tracks.Lots of waving and :thumbsup:as we made our journey back south of the river. Had a few americans asking what it was,and thought it was great.I couldnt here a thing. But was picking the info up through the commanders comms set. With our time posing over,it was time to head back.Ferret is running great and all ready for its first show at the Bromley Pageant. Arrival back at CW,s yard with my trusty commander Brian.
  21. Mikke. Did you get my e-mail i sent you this afternoon??. I think i'm having problems sending mails through HMVF.
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