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Lord Burley

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Everything posted by Lord Burley

  1. Just looks like me and you Dave. I thought mark would have been out and about promoting the show. But i didnt see him about once. Is Mark still alive.:
  2. I will be there. I found it very relaxing last year. I suspect the usual suspects will be there. Safariswing doing the Pyro,s. Grasshopper,Cripp,TooTall,Heliops,Nick Johns. Anyone else??.
  3. Well there didnt seem to be that much armour there this year. Not compared to previous years.
  4. Sorry It was 3rd BN 25th Marine Regt 4 marine Division. Based at Brook Park Ohio.
  5. Silly me. Didnt look to at the thread starter regarding reserve unit.
  6. Some nice pics of the Amtracs there. Just one question?. Are you a reserve corp unit??. As i thought all front line units had converted to the M4??. By the way have you seen that great but very sad documentary on the 3rd Battallion 25 Marine divisions time in Iraq??. Any more pics would be most appreciated:thumbsup:
  7. Thats ok. I will be out by the weekend:D:
  8. Nick if you are around CW,s tomorrow. I will have those pics of the weapons carrier and the phone number if you are interested.
  9. I drove a 432. Lovely piece of kit to drive. So easy as well.
  10. It was just after 8 when the pic was taken. They were having a nice breakfast:D:. We followed past on the same road 45 mins later in the Ferret. By which time they had gone.
  11. Outside the Oakdene cafe.................................. The last two being Lee,s i presume.
  12. Me and Dohun at the Debden Carve up Sept 1988.......... Dohun occupying the LH cuppola of the Scimitar..... And me next to Che Guvera in the Scorpion. This was the same Scorpion that i made an unsuccessful attempt at driving it out from a bog. Only managing to bury further past its tracks........:
  13. I dont know who deals with disposal now. It used to be under the Defence reutilization program. And all vehicles were disposed of by aution at RAF Molesworth. With Molesworth gone i dont if the program is still in place or where the are sold from.
  14. Hello mate. I remember seeing you lying on the floor while the paramedics attended to you. It looked very painful. You came over and had a chat about the Ferret later in the week. We were the ones that had the Ferret under the camo shelter.:thumbsup:
  15. I know we have the gallery shots from the official website. But this is for Forum members to get your pics up........ This H1 has bugged me for the last couple of years,as its marked up with RAF markings. And has a full compliment of Britis weapons. I have been unable to find the owner to explain something about it...... the Ferret..... .....And me giving it some in the arena with the mother in law on board........ It was intentional................:
  16. I didnt think it was WW11 as that term "style2 used in the description.
  17. Another bit of armour would only make her more miserable. Look at the picture of happiness from last years trip in to the arena..... :
  18. I know of someone who has just sold two Ferrets out the U.S for around the £12,500 mark. One of them was to a dealer.
  19. I like the RE0. I saw a few of them stuck in storage at Lakenheath last month waiting for disposal. They all seem to be using the Stuart and Stevenson FMTV series of trucks now. Getting back on topic. I would say GMC in keeping with the display.:thumbsup:
  20. Ive always liked em. Good load carrier. i can get more in it than a 101. And more comfortable. Stop trying to tempt me with the 432.:
  21. The clansman in the pic??. Is it not for the manpack??
  22. I didnt buy anything. I had my eye on the RB44 on withams stand all week,and would have bought it if the price came down. My own thoughts. And the advice from others were that Paul(Withams) had limited resources to take stuff back on sunday,and that i should stick around,as he would be out with the marker pen. Not wanting to suffer the same fate that Lisa suffered a couple of years ago when she lost out on a 4 Tonner that had been knocked down to a silly price,i was ready with the credit card. The pen came out.But alas the order was given to move the RB44 to a local T.A center for collection later in the week.
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