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Lord Burley

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Everything posted by Lord Burley

  1. Thankyou to you both for the explanation:thumbsup:
  2. Maybe some of the track specialists can add something. But surely this set up must make the whole thing unbalanced and terrible to handle off-road. Look how much unsupported over hang is left.
  3. We can never have enough. Great to see all the current stuff in use. Carry on posting......:thumbsup:
  4. Great picture thread. Any reason or answers as to why this is missing its rear wheel.........................
  5. Yes the hull of a Challenger was breeched in Iraq two years ago. The driver lost a leg. He has resumed light dutys.
  6. Ah. But we can fire live weapons. If we have the appropriate licenses............ The use of firearms was seriously curtailed in the UK after the Hungerford and Dumblane massacre,s. But It is still possible to own and use firearms as can be seen by me above. You have the right to bare arms written in your constitution. Nothing like that ever existed in the UK
  7. The M240 is just a re-named F.N. Mag/ GPMG.
  8. I'm younger than you!: Its just that ive been in this game since i was out of school.
  9. Back in the day i used to use Metamets in Belsize Park. Unbelieveable stock of original parts. I used to get them. And Tony used to fit them.:
  10. Sorry. You are correct. I tagged the wrong pic with one i put on another forum.
  11. He left the same time as me. They love a show dont they.:
  12. Well done. A nice buy with lots of charachter.
  13. I always like the Rapier set-up. On permernant loan from BAE... Some rivals to the 118-118 crew......They were manning the entrance in this morning.... What sort of tent is this on the side of the Daf radio body. Doesnt look like a CVRT tent.... Forum member LtWt,S 101 was there. But i couldnt seem to pick him out amongst the other " Aussies" ....... My little one enjoyed the weekend. I need to get her some proper trousers though..... Not military. But a personnal favourite for me was this V8 petrol Peterbuilt.....
  14. Well i'm home and unpacked. Very enjoyable show and a great weekend. Thanks to Terry and Mark and the Mayhem team for putting on a great show. Highlight for me was the Alvis display team....:thumbsup:
  15. Nope. Got here at 5 yesterday afternoon. I am in the far field the quiet one with the family. saw Paul (Cripp) today. Great relaxed show. And a nice impressive display by the CVRT,s in the arena this afternoon.
  16. Did anyone see the article on the RB44 in this months CMV??
  17. I hope he,s ok. Sounds nasty. I will be there in the morning.
  18. I cant see any pics. Seems i have to enlist as a member?
  19. Had a great day yesterday. Made even better by the fact i met a blast from the past from the old show days. Havent seen him in nearly 18 years. A very prolific member in his day.
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