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Lord Burley

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Everything posted by Lord Burley

  1. Couple of other questions?? Whats the seating position like. As when ever i see them being driven here. The drivers always seemed very cramped. Also top speed??. I came across 3 a few months back coming through the Dartford crossing. I was fully loaded in the 101 towing a Sankey as well. They didnt look like they were hanging about. I got the thumbs-up as i passed.and carried on pulling past 70mph with O/D engaged. They didntseem like they could keep up. P.S could you p.m me with details of shipping a decent one other and prices??.
  2. Annoying bits??.Can you give any details???.
  3. Ive had a few LtWts. I would say go for a 12v G.S model. The 24v FFR versions are fitted with heavier duty springs. And unless you have the extra weight of the radios in will give a bone jarring ride. Here is the last one i owned........... And one that i had 20 years ago that was my daily driver for 5 years.........
  4. Are the the Pinz,s original Austrian build or UK build???.
  5. Are the other Pinzgauers for sale????
  6. Fitting a set of "Mud" rails will solve all your problems.
  7. Lord Burley


    One of our lot nearly got wiped out by a Panther in Spa Belgium.
  8. Lord Burley


    I'm sure Martin Cross on here owned something similar.
  9. Can you give a story behind the turret???. And any pics of Ferrets in Canadian army service??
  10. Ive seen Paddock Hill catch out quite few drivers with disasterous results. Was that a brown trouser moment???.
  11. You must have had to stand on the brakes before Paddock Hill bend at that speed in the fox
  12. I'm not that convinced. It looks in remarkably good condition for something that has been sitting there for nye on 50 years.
  13. Ive used these in the past http://www.lincon.co.uk/ And always done a good job. I doubt you will find anyone in south london
  14. Ive got a 12 volt penthouse lamp for the 101. Anyone got one fitted to theirs??. Ive also got a 24 volt one for the Ferret. But on both i'm missing the 3 pin lead. Any ideas on where i can get a couple from??
  15. I dont think we need to. As i'm sure the people from CMV will see this thread.
  16. Are you sure not many in the U.S??. As most that post on Yahoo are from across the water.
  17. It wont be cheap as its a T.S. restoration. I suspect it will go out of the country,as i have already recieved huge intrest from the states.
  18. Nice to see some good british kit in the colonys.
  19. Anymore pics of the 101 behind??. Is the BV206 Ex Withams??
  20. This will be coming up for sale soon.......... Restored by Tony Sudds 20 years ago. One of five i think he done before he went in to the parts business.
  21. I'm in S.E.London if that helps. More than welcome to come around and have a look.I'm about 18 miles north of Gatwick. You dont own a Griffith by any chance. Noticed your user name.
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