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Lord Burley

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Everything posted by Lord Burley

  1. I will be there next week for a track day. I will try and get some close up shots.
  2. To be honest i cant see why you have given this the time of day. Its very obvious!. It really does amaze me how people fall for this.
  3. I know of someone that got £12,000 for a restored one during the summer. It went straight out of the country.
  4. I think he is confusing you with Phil Munga???
  5. Its still going. But the event of autotrader and Top Marques seriously dented sales.
  6. I have discussed many times on here Barts work. Nothing will ever equal Wheels and Tracks.
  7. Is it just me or does anyone else feel the same??. The content seems to have decreased along with the quality of the paper used,and the price has increased now to £4.
  8. Well. Got a reply back from the organisers to say that all applications for 2010 are now closed.
  9. Lots of countrys take part in regular exercises on foreign shores. This is what that probably was. Only a few weeks ago i was in Lincolnshire and saw a couple of RCAF F18 Hornets on low level passes. made a great sight.
  10. This is very old news. There were at least two examples of the "Barry skip" used by a detachment of special forces in Iraq. They were used for covert ops close to the Euphrates and Tigris rivers. Apparently same skips. Just different s**t. According to a mate who is very high in the chain of command.The Americans were so impressed with them that Delta and the 75th Rangers have been equipped with two squadrons of the Barry skip for use in Afganistan. Only problem they have had with them is that if left unattended,they have come back to find them filled with other peoples crap. All skips heading for Afganistan now are fitted with and electrode screen to deter would-be fly tippers.
  11. Just a question. But how can i attend with one of my vehicles. I'm located just 3 miles from the prosession and would like to display. Who do i contact. Regards Mark
  12. Great video. And excellent commentary from Mr Chormdley Warner
  13. Its neither an Apache. It looks and sounds very much like a Mangusta.
  14. I remember Spearhead along with the RAF one "squadron" that was along similar lines. Anyone else remember the "combat" series late 80,s early 90,s hosted by Aneika Rice and Emlyn Hughes. That saw rival Regts competeing against one another???. A rather naff format. But some good driving sequences featuring recce 90,s. and the odd ferret being hit with a LAW on the ranges.
  15. Or maybe the SU carbs are not well suited to off road use.
  16. Are they still available though. As the 101 guys have trouble getting them as well.
  17. No he is not on the forum. But he is doing well last time i spoke to him,which was about a month ago.:thumbsup:
  18. I like the price. But the pattern is too far removed from the track grip.
  19. Are those the ones being sold by Frank Burberry. If they are,then they are already sold. So you wouldnt have reservations fitting 900x16 bar grips????.
  20. Right. Some advice from you lot. I have virtually given up on getting a set of track grips. And was going to opt for a set of 900x16 bar grips,as its the closest in pattern to the track grips. A question though. I'm concerned that the sidewalls being thiner will not take the extra weight of the Ferret. Anyone give advice on this???.
  21. 2 years running and i had problems on the off road course with two different 101,s. Looks like another drain down of the fuel tank and a clean of the filters is needed.
  22. Sorry Ian. Not wishing to cause controvesy. He told me he no longer uses the forum.(His words not mine)From that i assumped he was no longer a member. Sorry for any confushion.:thumbsup:
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