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Everything posted by Snapper

  1. Oi - nowt wrong with PiL you plonker. You can keep your JLS and NDubz box sets.
  2. That's copyright infringement and is a no-no under the 1988 Act but it goes on all the time. You can legitimately demand payment from the publisher if you really want to chase them. It doesn't mean you'll get it. M
  3. Vietnam: An Australian War is a masterpiece. Another simple route for help is to contact the Rolling Thunder mob via their website and link up with their Aussie section.
  4. That sounds bad. I presume you're scanning your local scrap merchants. Lets hope someone in the vast HMVF network can help you. I don't think we've had an intro like yours. Good luck. MB
  5. We ran it in The Pathfinder and plan regular updates.
  6. There's a lot of money going into that project from what I've been told.
  7. This I knew, but I was in a rush - thanks matey. My mind was set on those classic WW1 period vessels which soldiered on until the next big flap. Of the battleships - they could have saved one of the KGVs post war - but hey - scrap iron is scrap iron. It would be nice if they saved one of the Type 42s - but can you see it happening? They strip the guts out of them for every nut and bolt anyway. But wouldn't it be nice if a Falklands ship of note remained afloat instead in a dry-dock being smashed up like the Fearless. I think we had a post on here via Lee from someone trying to save a frigate down in Essex - I never heard any more even though I left messages.
  8. Sorry I haven't been able to add anything to this thread for some time due to a major distraction. I'll try and do something about that....ho hum. MB
  9. That's a lovely snap of the Argyll. I love warship pix. Sadly I don't have many of the ships my ancestors worked on and none I do have are free to use. They were mostly small ships anyway, although I undesrtand my uncle Edward did serve on the Barham before WW2 and I have no idea which ships my grandfather served on during WW1. There is another cruiser restored in Belfast isn't there? One of the much older models, or am I imagining it. Other than that there is HMS Cavalier at Chatham. I think it's a bloody shame we have no tradition of saving grey funnel ships for heritage. Imagine if they'd kept just one of the battlecruisers like the Yanks have with the Missouri. MB
  10. Bloody interesting stuff. It's amazing what there is a market for. I would imagine that divesting the trappings of UK rule after independence would have involved destroying a lot of stuff like this which are now desirable. It was ever thus. Thanks for the knowledge young Clive. MB
  11. Will your gas mask fit under it Clive? It's amazing what things go for, but it is a handsome looking thing. Do you think many survive? I've often wondered how expensive the Irish Free State coal scuttle helmets might go for. The particular combination of uniform/equipment would make an interesting living history display. Good luck with your bid. :-D Mark
  12. All in good time, Dave. I don't understand the assumption you don't care for the thing either. It's sheeted up and that's what matters. M
  13. I snapped one at Thruxton D-Day show in 2001. It was an ex-police diving unit vehicle but was painted green. I agree they are interesting and the story seems to be one of all manner of unfortunate circumstances coming together. I only know the snippets mentioned in previous posts. Nice to see Mike has found a few in Malaysia. Always good to see something different. MB
  14. Interesting to learn the bulk have gone to Jordan. I DO like the batwing desert version. One would look nice with the MUTT. Ugly buggers, though - but always good to see some of them saved.
  15. Paperback edition of Bryn Hammond's CAMBRAI 1917. A superb book - lots more to come from this chap.
  16. Yep. My pix were useless. I spent so much time away from the arena that I only saw it moving for the prize giving and totally bollaxed the snaps I took. Typical...unreliable to the last.
  17. Nor can I. It might come in useful.....:cool2:
  18. I've only snapped the same one at Hendon. There is definitely one at East Kirkby...towed by a Bedford. There was a Commer tractor unit on the show circuit back at the turn of the century...I snapped it at the Hop Farm. Very interesting advice from Ted. Looking forward to seeing what you do with this Steve...didn't think you had much time on your hands mate! MB
  19. Think that was the French original. We had an M2 at Leigh On Sea which the commercial boat yard wanted to use for ferrying stuff around. I did something on it for CMV yonks ago and at some point the owners sprayed it desert yellow colour which looked fantastic but can't have been right. It disappeared a while back. The fuel bill was enormous, but it all worked... Some are used as amphibious stages and so on for gigs. Interesting. MB
  20. Joris will be doing it once he's finished sorting out the forum. We get our moneys worth out of him.
  21. Way too big for towing an 88mm. The Famo is 18 tons - not 8 tons like the Krauss-Maffei or Bussing NAG Sd.Kfz.7 which generally did the towing as per Airfix and Tamiya memories. There was a lovely one at Beltring this summer. My pics of it were poor. Hey ho! The FAMO seen from time to time belongs to the Wheatcroft collection. MB
  22. The curator, Ivor Dallinger, is contributing to The Pathfinder. I haven't had a chance to visit myself but it won't be long. Nice to see these snaps. MB
  23. My MUTT - an M151A2 was built by our good friend TooTallMike who is out there somewhere in the Surrey ether. Driving it is a dream - it clomps along and although I am a mechanical dunce and rely on my brother-in-law and friends to stay mobile, I am more than happy. Buying it was a brilliant decision. I do have concerns about getting odd bits, but where there's a will there's a way...or a credit card.....:coffee: Great to see you have one, Chris. Good luck with it. MB
  24. Quite the opposite. YOU should be sucking up to me. Happy Birthday slacker.
  25. Snapper


    It was incredible. I took 3.5 hours to get into London on main roads...(and fifty minutes to get home again once the lunacy had ended) The local roads in my area are just sheet ice. There has been no gritting. Without breaking into genuine politics - because we don't - if someone wants to form a True Grit party for my local area, I might vote for you one of these years when my favourite Raving Loony one parent family surfer dude anti-jedwardite gives up the ghost. There's nothing like policies - just ask your insurance agent. M:coffee::-\
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