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Everything posted by Snapper

  1. Good stuff. Thanks for the info. MB
  2. ah the Uttermost Ends of the Earth.... Good to have you with us on the Friendly Forum. MB
  3. Welcome to the Friendly Forum, John. Post some snaps of your interesting motor and bowser for us to admire. Cheers, Mark
  4. Nice to have you with us on the Friendly Forum, Andrew. Where abouts in NY State are you out of interest? Post us a snap of your Ferret when you have time. MB
  5. I've bloody got one and I can't afford one. M
  6. I think the word I'm looking for is wow! This is an interesting story. I suppose we can only truly rely on the internet - which can be a wonderful thing. MB
  7. Hi Jaap, Welcome to HMVF. Hopefully you've seen the Just Ordinary Men living history group who portray the Airborne Recce. They are a great bunch of lads. Have fun with us on the Friendly Forum. Best wishes, Mark
  8. Great to have you with us Matt. Love the Matador. Great job. Have fun with HMVF and hopefully you'll find the mechanical brains on the Friendly Forum to be very useful. Cheers, Mark
  9. Welcome aboard! I do hope the Friendly Forum proves to be a good home for you. Best wishes, Mark
  10. I stopped at the Sterling . No further comment required. The sheer amount of guns was staggering, though. Looks like Southend sea front on a Saturday night. MB
  11. I could do the Monty Python translator here - but would it be appreciated? Welcome to the Friendly Forum. You will find a lot of interest in military fire engines here - which I hope is what you mean! Mark
  12. Welcome to HMVF, Dan. We have a growing contingent of members from the USA. Some have been with us for a good while, but we do have a good bunch of newbies. Enjoy your visits to our forum of wide based military interests and we look forward to your input. Best regards Mark
  13. I did something really romantic. I tided the garden and took all the rubbish to the dump. Wife V happy.
  14. We do have the son-in-law of the late, great Willie Tait as a member of HMVF. He led the raid to sink the Tirpitz. MB
  15. That would be true. Big effort by Lord Strathcona's Horse, among others, from the Canadians at Cambrai. Glad you enjoyed the trip. It has to be done.
  16. Hey Tim Good to have you with us. A mate of mine in BC has a posse of Bedfords for his business and he likes them. You have a good looking truck there. Best wishes, Mark
  17. Sort of thing we had on our cars on the mean streets of Hackney back in the seventies.
  18. No mate - it was dead funny. I just didn't want to scare the poor lad any further.. :-D
  19. I would imagine a band of rock apes were attached to a Gurkha battlegroup and this is the formation sign required. Failing that and Stevie Wonder was doing the tailoring that week. M
  20. No, the use of cars and armoured cars was a bit topsy turvy. This sort of wire cutter also shows up on cigarette cards from the time - they certainly wouldn't have been used in any "first wave" scenario as far as I know - but there would have been periods from 1914 in particular when odd cars were rumbling around getting into mischief. MB
  21. I actually guessed right. Thus befitting my station as a something or other. Good thread. Love the snaps and the edumacation. M :-D
  22. Great truck. I love them. I've done a lap of Duxford in one snapping the ZiLs overtaking us....
  23. Got to agree with Enigma. This is a very nice site - just right and not over the top. Congratulations. I really like the fact that these small memorials crop up in places. Great to see snaps of them and that people care about them Cheers MB
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