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Everything posted by ferrettkitt

  1. Good one hadn't realised that, I changed a lot of my settings to be more security concious but missed that one.
  2. I couldn't think of a more fitting reward for his shoplifting exploits
  3. Good for him the government has enough tax of us as it is.
  4. ferrettkitt


    This cat may look all nice and friendly she plays with fingers, hands and arms as if they were mice about to be eaten painful Schnapp Another Tuxedo cat
  5. Nice work... the Bedford QL is one of those vehicles along with the Austin K5 that I wouldn't mind owning in the future. Its one of the few WW2 vehicles that I would like to own. Keep up the good work its nice to see something other than American Vehicles being restored.
  6. I have a friend who makes Bio Diesel machines he runs 100% Bio in the summer and 50% Bio & 50 % pump diesel in the cold weather, he seems to be regularly changing his fuel filters something like every four months or so. If you use new vegetable oil straight from the can or the supermarket shelf tax is due to customs and exercise. One of my friends customers was using 50% new vegetable oil and 50% Bio, C & E fined him and I presume had his van off him as well just to top if his good day. Tax wise you can make 2500 litres for you're own personnel use but you must keep records. Don't be tempted to sell it to friends if you make a batch thats poor quality only you suffer make it for a friend it buggers up his engine you're liable and if C&E finds out you're liable for a nice fine plus the missing duty. Making Bio Diesel involves the use of water, methanol and caustic soda at its most basic level. If you're making Bio yourself you end up having used vegetable oil stacked up around the back yard / garage. Not the most pleasant smell plus you have the waste products to remove as well. The glycerol caustic soda mix can be made into soap and I believe a handy brick for the barbecue if mixed with sawdust. Vegetable oil isn't all the same liquid either some vegetable oils have different points at which they will be either liquid or set to a jelly like consistency and be unusable in the making of Bio Diesel. Knowing which oil is useable and which isn't takes experience and collecting from fast food outlets that don't tend to cook burgers and the like in the oil, animal fats can not be broken down in the process to make bio diesel. Thankfully I have no where to store used oil I might have been tempted to do it myself. Lastly the collection of waste oil requires that you have a waste oil collection licence at £150 for three years. I'm know expert on Bio Diesel I don't make it myself but I do tend to listen and take on board the reasons why I don't fancy trying it myself. I would have been really keen if the Ferret could use it really really keen
  7. Oh so true I can't complain its funded some of my purchases. Its a waste but the foreign government might not have the ability or the will to sell surplus military items to its own people. The recent fun and games in the middle east would probably have confirmed that to many institutions the world over. You won't say it I will scap'm all! Rust / corrosion on four wheels..... keep death off the road, oh sorry thats keep me off the road!
  8. How easy is it to have the road wheels retreaded? I noticed that a few of the wheels were missing tread/rubber. Have the road wheels been cut as well as the armour or is that an optical illusion?
  9. Thats the reason why they shouldn't be sold off while any remaining soldiers from that era r still alive. All departments of the government should still have to abide with the data protection act, whether they do or not.... well thats a different matter. If this information is going to sold should it not have to go through some kind of quasi public tendering process? Have you thought of using the freedom of information act to ask what the governments intentions r for this data. Don't ask don't get. Whoever gets the information ain't likely to give it away free to many suck... willing to pay
  10. Having not used android I don't know about its possible uses but I had to change my password last night as my password was 927 days old.
  11. Go on do it, you will soon learn to double de clutch or spend lots of pennies on having the gearbox fixed. Ask for some advice or better still have someone show you what to do before you buy.
  12. My goddaughter loves that Beeber chappy along with the band from the Disney channel (forgotten the bands name) Southpark took the pee out of them justifiably so! All those years of indoctrination by Motorhead and ACDC didn’t work!! Whats the world coming too:banghead:
  13. Coloured paper.... think about it how many staff do you see checking bands inside the show I haven't seen them. The shows to big I'll put money on it that its been done all you need is a two man tent pitch it up next to a mates tent you're sorted free camping free show.
  14. It used a very simple formula (KISS) keep it simple stupid. Some of the best inventions in the world follow this formula the humble tin opener for instance the one with the simple handle with two holes in it with a bottle opener. How many times have you seen the 'new' version that doesn't stand up to the original for simplicity.
  15. I'd be surprised if someone hasn't already thought of going in as day visitor with tent in a bag and just finding a spot to pitch it in and bluff it out for the week.
  16. I take it they didn't survive more than a week perishable goods
  17. By all accounts it has a largish military trailer parked behind it which it taking up room as well as the vehicle. Looks to be parked up in a lay by so not impinging on emergency vehicles possibly passing by. Whether its correctly registered or not the Police will take it at face value that it has been correctly registered, taxed and insured. What the council might do is research whether a vehicle like this is correctly registered and can then find a way to have the vehicle removed.
  18. He would be better off storing it elsewhere and not bringing so much attention on himself and the military vehicle movement. Less is more sometimes
  19. I was perusing withams auction site and came across the Landrover 110 V8 Snatch, is it just me or does this vehicle look a right mess. I know the MOD has to gather as much money as possible nowadays due to budgetary constraints but a starting price of £3500 (reserve not met) seems excessive for a vehicle that has a known gearbox / transmission fault. Is this taking the pee out off military enthusiasts? http://www.mod-sales.com/auction/vehicle/related/35334/LANDROVER_110_V8_SNATCH_-_TUM_(HT)_WVPK_PATROL_(DESERTISED).htm
  20. I have a canvas that had been fine until last years snow and cold weather but after that bout of weather I found that it had perished and ripped quite easily. My suspicion was that it had become water logged frozen and then become unusable.
  21. And they said that I couldn't drive both cars at the same time :pfrt: to them
  22. That seems to be common to all government projects be it RAN or RN.
  23. And some of them carry items that don't belong to them out the same way that they came in.
  24. Likewise if you want it on my site happy to do so
  25. If I still had the turret I'd be interested sold it a few years ago. Answer to that really is no thwack it on epay most Ferret things seem to go well at the moment:cheesy: If you want me to place the pictures on the for sale page on my website can do. Its not up at the moment won't take more than five mins to do if that Same goes for anyone else with Ferret bits to sell must provide an email address
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