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Everything posted by ferrettkitt

  1. Most definitely OfCom rather frown on transmissions of none licence holders. For good reason.... I shouldn't of mentioned it, to late now seemed a good idea at the time. Radios now don't rub it in to much now will you lol I'll try the throat mikes next time I am out and about in the Ferret.
  2. Must book in for this show this year I've been going to this show for five years and still haven't made it yet! Good pics!
  3. Its a cracking looking vehicle with a sweet sounding engine
  4. The boiling vessel plug is quite large and is a four pin male plug. Do you have a picture of where the plug would plug into on the amplifier? Is it 240 volts or ? DC?
  5. This is where the 351 came in as it has an intercom function that doesn't need the radio side of things to function so I'm led to believe. But to be correct you would need a radio licence to use the 351.
  6. Buy a Clansman 351 radio with a good battery and use the intercom function. Throat mics were very cheap on ebay they even come with the ptt incorporated into the lead. Not tried throat mics in an AFV.
  7. Thats brilliant exactly what I needed to know I've never needed to change one of these pumps before first time for eveything. Many thanks for the reply
  8. I have a power steering pump to replace on my better halfs car (Toyota Starlet). We would have liked to replace the pump with a new one or an exchange one but the price was a bit extreme at £250 (with an exchange of the old pump if they could find one). So I've bought a used one off ebay. A bearing has gone in the pump and its stopped working and its making a noise on start up plus it has those nice rust marks on the belt of a bearing going pear shaped. My question is should I replace the fluids in the system? Would the system need bleeding?
  9. Ditto the above but put Ferrets & RB44 in place of Land Rover Hopefully finish or have running 08BB48
  10. Not if you like living you won't its still an active range and most of the vehicles r literally out in the sticks
  11. Its the first time that I have seen it and looking at Clive's post above its a first as well. I can not see an artists name printed anywhere on the drawing so.... snookered for the moment
  12. Humber Pig http://www.operatorchan.org/wallz/src/wallz7352_1273968743173.jpg Obligatory Ferret wallpaper http://www.operatorchan.org/wallz/src/wallz8363_doire3.jpg
  13. Very much so more for Robin but I have MK 1 plates so next year this thread will come in handy. Thanks very much Thanks for taking the time to remove the plate as well
  14. Can't remember where I got it from so its not on the site but have a look below you might find more.Five years plus of saving so should be in some sort of order as well. I have a load more to upload and ask if I can use them on the site (I've kept records of where I've saved them from). http://s55.photobucket.com/albums/g147/ferrettkitt/Daimler%20Ferret/
  15. Think this drawing might be nearly right. Lewis any chance that I could use a few of those extra pictures?
  16. Not my pics I hasten to add I stumbled across them whilst looking for something else http://www.andydale.com/europe/war_peace/wpshow_2005/index.html http://www.andydale.com/europe/war_peace/wpshow_2007/index.html http://www.andydale.com/europe/war_peace/wpshow_2008/index.html http://www.andydale.com/europe/war_peace/wpshow_2009/index.html
  17. No racket he hooked the rope to the chimney pot and shimmed down the chimney... the fire burnt his backside but hey occupational hazard goes with the job
  18. I suspect that it is relatively easy to make its being able to have a look at one to copy. As it is you have to datum points already welded to the hull as Mike says and if the rubbers already have a cut out you have you're measurements. I think the one on the right is better than the one on the left
  19. http://flat222.org/gallery2/v/brian/army/QDG+Germany/QDG++Detmold/new+stalwart.jpg.html Good pic
  20. Hi Lewis, Any chance that you could take a picture from directly below with a few measurements? I'll draw it up and stick it back on here for Robin
  21. That's a heck of a lot of truck good buy
  22. Is it baseball bat proof and does it come with integral head protection from fists:D
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