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Everything posted by ferrettkitt

  1. Someone on the old Ferret heaven forum fitted LED bulbs to his Ferret (Ian Wallace) I'm sure he had problems in that the indicators didn't work correctly not enough resistance at the flasher unit for the bulbs to flash. Everything else worked fine brake and side lights. The only problem you might have is with you're vehicle insurance in that you're modifying the vehicle (for the better) but you should run it past them before you change anything. You only have to think about the various incidents of tourists abroad who miss something out on the insurance application form and then receive no insurance at highly critical time.
  2. One to visit in the future when I win the lottery or stop spending on military junk (the missus words). http://www.uss-hornet.org/ I have one of those I do a bit put it back in the box for awhile when I've had enough and then bring it out again when I feel like it. I have a Corvette HMS Snowberry to build as well not started that yet though.
  3. I thought that might be the same one If I was selling the manual and it reached those dizzy heights I'd be pleased as punch
  4. Twasn't me my god thats expensive!!:shocked: If the calculator has worked it out correctly thats £3.14 for every page (P&P not included).
  5. I do believe thats called servicing followed by the 12 month MOT any decent garage would warn you of any potential problems with a vehicle if you take it in for servicing
  6. I always wanted six wheels brrrrm
  7. If you were to plate a pre 1960's 3500 kg and above would you're intention be to use the vehicle for carrying a load / business use? If you intend to use it to carry a load would that invalidate you're MV insurance and would you have to find a company that would insure you're vehicle commercially? The worms r out of the can
  8. My Mini been off the road for over ten years and pre dates the 'sorn' legislation. In that time I haven't received any information relating to my Mini regarding the fact that it should be sorn'd. I haven't received any info off the DVLA at all. It hasn't been sorn'd in all that time that the legislation has been in force. Until I receive notification that I should be filling out a sorn form I am keeping my head below the parapet.
  9. That only works with footy players and only then because its dipped in freezing cold water. Buy a chocolate fire guard at least you'll know what the heat will do to it, plus it will give the dog something to eat!
  10. Rick You're inbox is full up again if you do go over to the area where the M's r give me a shout
  11. For the moment most of that 'scrap' isn't going anywhere its reasonably well protected if the owner refuses to sell. Lets hope he doesn't have a cash short fall. Rick I'm sure that Stoneleigh will relieve you of some of you're hard earned:)
  12. The first footage that I saw was Ricky Gervais singing into a microphone in 1983 hilarious especially as the sound wasn't on. Good one that thanks for posting
  13. Looking at the welding it seems to be rusty rather than a Stainless Steel weld, does that mean that it has been welded with mild steel?
  14. Have no fear Ricks more than willing to investigate the long shots
  15. A silly thought wouldn't it be possible to have the motor rebuilt? I know that somewhere in Urmston (Manchester) someone was prepared to rebuild dynamos.
  16. If you didn't want to remove the top layer you could always try placing a piece of paper over the plate and rubbing with a crayon or a pencil. All the knobbly bits would stand out then... If its a mess of corrosion thats probably a none starter but its nice and easy to do without resorting to a polish.
  17. A crated starter box weighs 25 kg so it wouldn't be cheap.
  18. Its a job that that really only wants to be done once especially as its such a pain in the proverbial to get at. £75 is a good price
  19. This should do the trick http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=190492210705&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT#ht_768wt_1139 and this one http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Daimler-Ferret-Starter-Motor-B60-Rolls-Royce-/170591442030?pt=UK_Cars_Parts_Vehicles_Other_Vehicle_Parts_Accessories_ET&hash=item27b80ad46e#ht_500wt_1156 Try turning the engine on the starter handle if it turns over its not stuck on the ring gear around the fluid flywheel. You should be able to start it on the staring handle
  20. Germ warfare trials were taken very seriously by Mr Thomas Crapper he personally filled every bowl.:cool2:
  21. Have a look at this material http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=140493281356&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT#ht_661wt_1139 The supplier is in Cheetham Hill
  22. I say old chap this badminton lark is bl**dy expensive I can never find the damned shuttlecock! Do try and get it over to this side won't you old chap.
  23. If you have a liking for watches especially military watches this site might be of use. http://www.military-watches.net/
  24. Lewis Glad that you know what you're doing:thanx: I'm going all doddery :confused:
  25. The red taps r fine and as they should be, I wouldn't have thought that they would be bright red though. Nice bright colour under camouflage a no no Why place the taps externally for the same reason that battery cut off's r fitted externally some one else can switch the extinguishers on rather than the crew having frying tonight moment locked inside. The front aerial mount with the blanking plate should have an antenna base in its place.
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