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Everything posted by ferrettkitt

  1. A couple of months ago I placed a wanted ad for Sankey Narrow Track Trailer which was fit for spares. My intention was to make one good Narrow tracked trailer if I could obtain another one. Matt Rimmer responded that he had a trailer that was fit for that purpose so we arranged a rough date some time after Stoneleigh that I would pick the trailer up. The trailer was bought on the understanding that it was spares and repairs. The fact that it looked better than the one that I wanted to restore was an added bonus so I switched it around and decided Matts trailer would be the one that I stripped down. Link to album http://s55.photobucket.com/albums/g147/ferrettkitt/Sankey%20Narrow%20Track%20Trailer%20restoration/ As you can see it looks pretty good when I get the chance I'll upload a picture of the loosing trailer.
  2. Laughing in front of the computer on you're todd.... it just isn't right:-)
  3. Bit short sighted that saying no kids 'we are a living history group' no kids no future movement. I take it all the 're-enactors' will be around the age of twenty when they reenact? If not is it going to be a troop of Dads Army with beer guts and grey hair?
  4. Article says it all http://uk.cars.yahoo.com/31032011/36/terrifying-head-smash-caught-camera-0.html
  5. I think you're spot on saying that people just don't see this kind of wagon in the flesh. Looks complete though to my untrained eye
  6. But you have to pay tax on that if you use it and you're tank is dipped it will cost you £500 before you can drive again (£250 on the spot fine & £250 to send it away for testing). If you can't pay the initial £250 Customs and Exercise will seize you're vehicle and no doubt charge you recovery fees as well. If you run 50% vegetable oil & 50% Diesel it will still smell like a mobile chip shop and I expect that the above might apply if you're caught out on the road. Why do they allow Bio Diesel to be made at home (2500 litres personnel use) because the pollutants in the vegetable oil have been filtered out in the process of making the fuel.
  7. They don't have the time and certainly not enough of them to stake out a school. It is criminal of them to not at least bother to collect the tools for some sort of analysis. It just makes it look like that they can only throw money and time at the big cases all the annoying ones are left to wither away. Maybe its the new strategy by Government to reduce uptake of prison places...... Build more prisons
  8. Good day I bought a few things still in the back of the car for the most part. Luckily I'm not in the picture but my mate Chris is in the background black and red jacket.
  9. You could do just that plenty of people do. I have asked the person who makes the machines to join the forum whether he wants to or not.... Bio crap you can't get away from it its already been introduced into regular Diesel
  10. A clarification on the usage of Bio Diesel in older vehicles I've had a word with my mate yesterday (Chris) who makes Bio Diesel processing machines and he has said that it is possible to run an older vehicle on Bio Diesel. It would mean having the pump rebuilt with Viton seals. A customer of his who bought one of machines is running a classic bus and he had is pump rebuilt with new viton seals. For him it meant that he could go to more shows with his Bus.
  11. An inside job then... must be a pun for that
  12. Time traveller pure and simple you should have asked when he / they invented time travel
  13. Same here what a shame! Speaking to a maintenance guy yesterday he said that they once had a problem removing fridges / cookers and the like, they don't any more all they do is leave it out and its usually gone in 15 mins or less. Anyone remember how the Rag and Bone men used to work? They used to announced there presence with RAG BOOONEE! We have one bunch round here who do a similar thing with a loud hailer and a transit pick up all to theme of Chas and Dave. If that doesn’t say how much scrap is worth I don’t know with today’s fuel prices. For anyone not over a certain age have a look at Steptoe and Son http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKclI9Mk35s Forum for Steptoe fans http://www.steptoe-and-son.com/the_skinners_arms/
  14. The fun bit is removing the underseal (Narrow Tracked Sankey) its an absolute b to get off. I have been using an old sharp chisel and the MK1 arm to scrape the underseal off. If you're lucky large lumps will drop of revealing lovely deep bronze green paint underneath the sealant. I also found that it helped to remove all the loose paint from the sides of the trailer mildly therapeutic as well seeing paint flake onto the floor.
  15. We own an RB44 the braking issues were solved with the parts being rebuilt, replaced or just plain upgraded. Are RB44 does not swerve to either side under heavy braking I have found it easy to drive especially for the driver who has the comfier of the front seats.:cool2: The passenger seat is a fixed back and is completely none adjustable that might be my only gripe. Speed wise it goes quite well on the level going up hills it starts to run out of power which means dropping down the box... loss of momentum. Its a good vehicle worth its money proably one of my best buys Military vehicle wise. Its not something that can be left on the drive at the front its a touch to big for that. Fully loaded it can carry 2000 kg and pull a sankey trailer with ease.
  16. It will make a nice gate guard on that bit of land soon to be called Churchill Towers
  17. If its the same vehicle someone once took a lot of care in restoring repainting the Ferret
  18. I'll have a wander down I've got a No.2 Cooker to swap with another Ferret owner
  19. He emailed me awhile ago asking about Ferrets I must admit I didn't bother replying didn't think anything good would come of it. How right I was he must of only just bought it
  20. Jim, You should look for mobile brick type cleaning services I came across one the other day whilst I was wandering about. They don't seem to like advertising for some reason?!
  21. More than enough as it is thats why I'm trying to flog bits and pieces on evilbay
  22. Suspect its the type thats fitted to Ferret Brake master cylinder.
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