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Everything posted by eddy8men

  1. i was worried that the transport costs for tanks would have to be met by the owners, in which case i would not have gone, as £2500 to spend 5 days in a field in kent is not an option but the guy i spoke to seemed quite helpful and although he didn't give me a definative answer sounded sure i'd be sorted out with transport. rick
  2. didn't get into the steel specs as it doesn't matter as long as no one is shooting at you, just normal mild steel plate is perfect, prep time along the weld seam isn't enough to worry about. just turn the amps up and go for it. make no mistake though i am no master fabricator, just a guy that likes tanks. so don't take my word as gospel but it isn't rocket science either and when these things were put together in the factory 70 years ago they didn't do every weld perfectly !
  3. good luck with it, a difficult but very worthwhile restoration.
  4. i always try to keep as much of the original as possible and patch with original armour plate (if available) failing that just use mild steel. the turret roof of my cromwell was badly dented from an arty round and we ended up cutting the damaged section out and fitting mild plate instead, the work was done at bob's yard by a freind and looks original.
  5. seems to be one of those army cock ups, i'm fairly sure it officially changed from assault to armoured after th war but maybe someone didn't get the memo !
  6. be careful what you wish for, it might just come true
  7. andrew the mounting for the QF mechanism on the cradle looks the same as my cromwell, do you have any pics of the mechanism. i would be interested to know if it's the same on the 2 pdr. cheers
  8. very interesting reading thank you for posting it. as for the dig at aussies not being real men that was aimed not at you lot down under but at any sherman owners in the uk
  9. it was the batterie todt museum. i wish museums would see the bigger picture beyond their own collection
  10. you can drive the loyd on the road as it meets the regs for weight and track width. good luck with the purchase
  11. i have a set of original intakes but need them for my own churchill so no help to you but i would have thought dave arnold might have some originals, if not then adrian is your man. if the guys need anything else just let me know and i will help in anyway i can. rick
  12. as soon as i heard it had been scrapped i rang the museum and spoke to a woman who i believe was the curator, i was told it had been scrapped although she sounded a little cagey, maybe she was embarrassed to have scrapped a rare british tank that landed on french soil to help liberate the country. shame they put such little value in it. i was absoloutely livid at the time but i've learned that you can't save them all !
  13. lol I thought I had a lot of tank work to get through, good luck with it all. don't let Royce drive the Achilles again
  14. steve that's good news, we need more british armour on the scene. can you bump the archer up to the top of list. it's half way there anyway. rick
  15. most carrier track is the same british design but windsor track has a wider gap between the horns because the weels are slightly wider, aussie track will fit but has lead plugs to hold the pins in so looks slightly different as to supply there is a bit about, send kevin powles a pm and seeifhe has any spare
  16. great work, looks like you are ready to move up to something bigger
  17. if it's jacked up the chances are you're taking a wheel off, if so just push it under once it's off. that's how I've always done it
  18. couple of pics of the armoured shield and why the thickness of the roof armour determines the thickness of the shield base
  19. an example of a soviet copy, which will bolt straight into any british tank. should add that the top prism and shield are missing
  20. the old sunken tank story i have followed a few leads myself and would dearly love to pull one out some day. funnily enough one of them was a covenanter at langsett reservoir.
  21. long shot but does anyone have the cupola periscope haandles, the 2 black knobs that screw on
  22. there are plenty of projects out there still in uk or nearby, infact i'm trying to get a friend to buy one as we speak (we need more ww2 british armour) as to price £25k should get you started in the right direction. if you want one let me know and I will make some enquiries. rick
  23. i assume that a periscope fitted into a cupola (the whole cupola rotates so the scopes are fixed) are therefore referred to as episcopes. it took a while but slowly the information is beginning to sink in kev it's good to see you making friends and networking as usual !
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