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Everything posted by fesm_ndt

  1. Whilst waiting, I took a quick peek into the winch [ATTACH=CONFIG]56693[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]56690[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]56694[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]56688[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]56692[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]56689[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]56691[/ATTACH] Wish I didn't :wow:
  2. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: I like that, the first thought that popped into my head was one of those baskets on a Land Rover with those little pink and white streamers coming out each side.
  3. Oh no, heaven forbid!!!!!! Spare wheel goes on a Land Rover bonnet None of that compo claiming HSE silliness over here I got the tool fitting kit though, pricey, but new, complete and mine
  4. Was reading the bumped up post regarding prefixes. A lot of people including myself post bits we find either on Ebay or somewhere else as it may help out someone looking for said odd bit or part. The posts are more "info" or "find" posts I am wondering if these posts are the majority of the ones not being updated as sold? Is there a way that these type of posts i.e. if prefixed with "Ebay" are automatically deleted after 30 days?
  5. yep thats the deal I am very tempted by the flat metal grilles also. I originally thought the MoD bought off the shelf item but they appear to be MoD specific. I guess I should not be suprised as why by one from ebay for 50 quid when the taxpayers can pay 200 quid for one. Got this photo in my collection [ATTACH=CONFIG]56642[/ATTACH]
  6. Some of the other Army bits that I will pick up with the truck: 1. Warn 8274 winch 2. Roof storage cylinders 3. Hong Kong FFR bulkhead (Malaysian cars are not fitted with heaters so I got the bulkhead for that, but there is a lot of other MV bits on there with the FFR gauges, plates and a few other quirky bits) [ATTACH=CONFIG]56641[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]56640[/ATTACH]
  7. Well kinda like a WMIK actually but not striving for a back to Army look, if you visualise Lara Croft (which aint hard) G'Day Ray. I don't know if I will post much in here as it will be an MV, with lots of MV bits on it, but not green and some bling so it may end up being way off topic :cry: That don't sound that odd actually. I was looking at a scrap 90 with a bad tub and was measuring up a highcapcity tub to slice and dice and put on the back. Been done once before that I could find.
  8. Is there a standard picture for how this bling is fitted? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/330674403872?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649 I seen pictures but wondered if there is any dimensions?
  9. Getting this one done by a workshop so will be ready 'mostly' in 5-6 weeks Wont be at all original by then........... I wanted a 90 but they are scarce over here so the prices are beyond nuts. For some reason I started looking up modified 110 high capacity pickups and got some good ideas
  10. Can believe that as not riddled with bullet holes. In Kalgoorlie, 20 years ago the rule was shoot anything that moves. If it's not moving shoot at it to see if you can get it moving.
  11. Had some spare cash laying around so bought a Land Rover 110 300tdi high capacity pick up god help me :wow::red: [ATTACH=CONFIG]56601[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]56602[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]56603[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]56604[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]56605[/ATTACH]
  12. From my training years ago the length of the spanner is typically 10 times the width of the jaws, which in theory provides the correct torque unless ham fisted. One of the later military helecopters I used to work on shunned torque wrenches and relied mostly on the correct combination spanner. There was a technique to it and a really boring training video.
  13. Welcome Lightweights, the best Land Rover. One of the best mods I made was to change the transfer box to a high ratio one... can then drive it and have a conversation
  14. I was up in Shropshire last week but I only saw a shed full of Pinzgauers and a great fish & chip shop Didn't see no dukw, damnit Thinking what I could do with that and my mate the very cheap tig guy, makes me drool. Best of luck and be sure to post piccies PS dont tell the other half.... just say youre having an affair as they understand that. They dont understand guys wanting to spend alone time with vehicles
  15. It's curious given the reasonable pricing that the gas Pinz go for that few end up in the MV collections and go more to off roaders. If I was living in the UK my TD would of been painted up and fitted out as UK MoD. The 710 is a petrol and in the UK one thing that ups the price is the year of registration with the older higher priced if dont have to pay road tax I do Pinzgauer searches every couple of days and have found some cheap bargins in obscure locatios. A lot of the petrol stuff is LHD also. The petrol stuff is like a series Land Rover and the TD's are like a Defender in ride, noise, comfort and complexity
  16. Yep looks like an slr drill round not sure why they put the indentations down the side, possibly for strenght as a normal round is full of charge and normally cycled once
  17. What abouts Loyds crawlers http://www.antiquetractors.com/content/yph2604.htm http://redhillmuseum.wordpress.com/lloyd-crawler/61-lloyd/ http://www.tractormagazine.co.uk/news/rare-loyd-available?showresults http://www.booleroosteamandtraction.org.au/?p=115 is this one for sale http://www.oldtractorman.com/loyd_dp.html another for sale...... just cannot find a wrecked one yeah ok, I spent all night at the airport, then the flight was cancelled at 3 am so had time to surf :-D
  18. worst part about the site was when I first found it, I thought it was a junk yard selling parts :blush:
  19. Stumbled accross this as was looking for Pinzgauers but a bit of everything in there including tanks http://www.militaerfahrzeuge.ch/Raupenfahrzeuge_13_24.html
  20. mine 1, finish the engine rebuild 2, fabricate a hardtop 3, overhaul the drive train 4, finish the electrical 5, actually have some fun driving it, to Tesco 6, win the lottery sure I'm forgetting something.
  21. Lucky I got the UK MoD Repair Instruction manual as the original workshop manual was a bit vague on how this tool worked. The original 'English' manual states: "Note: set adjustment device to 125.5mm (the left-hand notch of the vernier is the reference point, as foe caliper gauge" "Turn driving flange until adjustment device and TDC marking on driving flange (flywheel) line up" The left-hand bit had me wondering, as the way the tool is used, and from the picture in the book. left-hand makes no sense. However in the UK MoD book it shows a much clearer close up drawing, so no need to know left from right. After seeing the picture left-hand would be if you thought of it as a bolt a looked sideways at it (yeah I know, confusing, the close up drawing is very good). Most likely a poor translation from the original Austrian. [ATTACH=CONFIG]55072[/ATTACH]
  22. Waiting with bated breath to see what the clean up reveals Best of luck for 2012
  23. Always good to see an update best of luck for 2012 in finding your missing bits ps what type of dash istruments, electrical stuff did it use?
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