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Bob Grundy

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Everything posted by Bob Grundy

  1. I have to ask how did you manage a flight in a BE2e ? You lucky chap, I would give a crisp £5 note to do that..........
  2. Please PM me with you phone number I may have a few.
  3. I might be able to help, where are you located ?
  4. The Science of D Day, This could have been much better, a poor and lame script let it down. Errors besides the Churchill's rubber tracks; Donald Duck tank.......never heard that before Iron and steel, referring to a Sherman..............very little iron in it Lovingly restored................by 'Jonathan' Pearson, who he ? DD Tank Division................no such thing Operation Smash........it was Exercise Smash Ministry of Defence............should be War Department Landers..............a new modern word for Landing Craft ? Landing Carriers..........never heard that either Army Flying Museum...........The Museum of Army Flying Lewis gun on a LCA...........Not 100% sure on this one.
  5. Found this in my clearing out, no idea to what this is apart from a 'Radiator Oil Cooler' which is printed on the cardboard box. Also these details 2930-12-144-1844, next line B 0144-15-242-20. A clue is in this; Kloeckner Humboldt Deutz. Over to the experts.......
  6. Andy That's the critter........ I have had quite a few Abbots and that is why I still have a bit of one. Thanks Bob
  7. I found this today but I don't know what it is......
  8. I saw them in use filling 432's at a visit to 1 Kings Mortar Platoon, October 1975. Remember thinking what a good idea.
  9. I have a 1918 .303 Vickers Medium Machine Gun that I may sell and to this end I contacted an auction house. This is based in the North East and I spoke to a chap who deals in the military side of antiques. He asked was it 303 (it could be .50 but unlikely) and was the magazine on the top, I of course put him right. We then got to the value of it complete with tripod and 50+ inert rounds he paused while he looked it up probably on one of those new fangled computers and came out with a value of £300, three hundred pounds! Despite giving him my reasonable views on value he was having none of it. It is a loss to me why reputable dealers/auctioneers employ people who obviously have no idea what they are talking about.
  10. Not what they were designed for, still children will play.........
  11. Thank you, I have never had an ARRV so I don't know how I ended up with it. Then again we all acquire stuff over the years but this one is a mystery.
  12. I found this today, probably post war but I have no idea what it is, has anyone ?
  13. Have we considered criminality ? A QM in an ordnance or transport unit has some tyres, engines, spares and hatches a plan with his storemen to bury items of value with a view to digging them up for later resale after the war. Times change and he is posted to say the Far East, upon his return the 'burial plot' is now inaccessible and so they remain to this day......
  14. Thought the music was out of character to the events. Also why show the blowing up of HMS Barham in the Mediterranean on 25 November 1941? Generally a poor effort.
  15. In the mid 1980's two Covenanters were discovered buried near Dorking. One was sent to the Tank Museum and the other is still there now under a vines. So things do get buried and decades later found..........
  16. I have found a Generator No11 Mk3 FV 959005, any idea from what vehicle it could have come from ? Thanks Bob
  17. I have been the first to comment on the article; "Please can someone justify with costs of £25,000 required for the tour?"
  18. I have a newly new drivers seat back and second hand smoke barrel covers. Some other bits and bobs, just let me know, and I will try to help.
  19. Great ! I will measure up and place an order with them Thank you very much Bob
  20. I am restoring the door tops from a Ford CMP and need a supplier of celluloid. Can anyone help please?
  21. I must confess that it was me that sold the Abbot to the man in Brixton, I was not aware what an idiot he was at the time. Subsequently after a few years I bought it back, it was wrecked. At one time they was to burn a hole in the hull side to get at the starter motor but I managed to talk them out of it. They could not lock the turret so angle was welded to stop it revolving. A very grim sorry looking Abbot complete with the remains of a dummy policeman strapped to the muzzle brake when it arrived at my yard.
  22. Found this Jerrycan today, not an expert on these cans but I have not seen one with this plain X on it before. Any ideas as to what it is ?
  23. Send me a PM and I will provide you with a phone number of someone who as one.
  24. All photos of the same tank. It was recovered from a site in Kent where it had been dug in for airfield defence c.1940. To my disgust it was taken away for scrap after a year or so at the Tank Museum.
  25. Thank you very much for that, Cheers Bob
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