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robin craig

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Everything posted by robin craig

  1. Shaun, Puttees are an art form that take practice. The intent is that the end result is smart. As you will see the wide fabric angles in at the end and that is where the thin band of fabric starts from. The desired result is that arrowing triangle points backwards at the middle of the ankle on the outside of the leg. So first off practice starting the puttee so that the end land s where it is supposed to. That is half the battle. Next, once you have a nice snug wrap completed you now take the "ribbon' of thin material and continue around the back of the puttee keeping it midway up all the way around. Some people do it a few times. Next, you need to take the end of the "ribbon" and secure it at the outside centre so that it comes up and down in a neat strip at the end of the narrowing triangle. For the life of me I cant remember how we did it but it was instinct after a while. You will find that the ribbon portion may have to be cut down in length but if you dont have the end folded and sewn it will fray all day long. There were some people who had "deluxe" "speed puttees" made up by the local tailors with velcro and sewn material. Most units frowned on them as they were a cheat. The other thing to remember is that the trouser legs should be "bloused" and made to come down just to the top of the puttee. You will never be able to connect the two as they will pull apart. The puttee stays at the top of the boot and partly onto the bare flesh. I will try to sketch it for you and take a snap with my cell phone. I could do it if you were in front of me but i'm a few miles away. Robin
  2. What about buying a used starter from a scrapie and swap the worn item over? That would be my answer, or go to a VW dealer and price a new gear. R
  3. Thanks for the replies guys. No I have not been relocated to Canada from the UK under the witness protection program. I was adopted in the UK at an early age is the reason, very simple. It must have taken incredible guts on the part of my birth mother and father to do so, for whom I hold the utmost respect. Never met them or traced them and at my age now, having just turned 50, it is unlikely to happen. Just thought I would throw it out there to see if the collective minds could figure it out. Absolutely no stigma attached to it. Quite settled over the whole event. Robin
  4. Your vehicle is yours to do with as you wish, there is no question on that. Just to me a bit of a shame to see the pioneer tool storage gone on the rear door and the bumperettes painted over. Very nice side stripes, what they cost and who from? Looking like a very clean truck R
  5. Just a word of advice. We are making it a policy, when given the opportunity, to change any hydraulic system like brakes or clutch over to dot 5 or silicone brake fluid because it is non hydroscopic. Brake wheel cylinders are one of the problem areas of any vehicles we have in the collection as the fluid absorbs water and settles to the wheel cylinders and then corrodes them and then they leak. So far on any vehicle we have upgraded we have had zero problems with afterwards. R
  6. Dear All, We have project to re engine a Spartan that has a blown engine. We have another to sort out and drop in. I am asking this question here, not because I dont know who to ask but would like to see the information posted here so that everyone can have the benefit of it being posted here for posterity and usefulness. my questions are these:- - what manual is best for info as far as swapping and engine and who has them? IE best technical information as far as alignment and shimming if any. - what manuals are there for a parts manual for the TN15 gearbox and who has them - can anyone help me by giving some basic mistakes in swapping out and engine? Is it that complicated, really? Thanks in advance R
  7. I call myself Robin Craig because that is my name. I was once legally Simon Turner. Can anyone guess why? R
  8. Zero-Five-Two, you crack me up! I used to have nightmares concerning our radio instructor who kept on about "O" is a letter "zero" is a number! I still prattle on about that today, drives those around me bonkers, they call me pedantic and old. Know exactly what you mean about Smiths and Brown and the like, they were all known by their last 3 and some like yourself just became the last three! Thanks for the reminder and the laugh. R
  9. For those under 50 years old disregard this post. For the rest of you it is starting to sound a lot like an old episode of Blue Peter, I can just see Valerie Singleton coming out with a "and here is one I made earlier" cornflake packet button stick and some bright shiny ones with clear lacquer! Classic material R
  10. Someone must live nearby to Cirencester to have a look? R
  11. I am enjoying watching this, thank you. R
  12. Howdy NOS, I think you should change your forum name to Jammy Git, more suitable after finding that! What a find, you must be darn chuffed with that! Looking at it a few thoughts come to mind from a practical point of view. I see there is no hoisting point or structure to support one on the top, only four corner holes. It was made before the days of pallet forks. How will you display this? Will you trailer mount it? Was there a "kit" to do that? What was the proper trailer? In some ways it looks as if it was designed with a skid base because of the upturns at each end. R
  13. Does anyone have any information on the Ferret located in the TA Centre on Somerford Road, Cirencester, Glos. It is also the home of 1329 (Cirencester) DF Air Training Corps., If you are looking for it on google use the ATC name as your search as the TA Yeomanry unit pops up in a location called Highbury house just down the road and is NOT where the Ferret is. It is visible on Streetscape. Last I saw of it, likely 1997, it was a shed, in a sad state so I can't believe it has gotten any better. I know Matt will want to know all the details. R
  14. One question, where / when did the red reflectors on the back come into play? R
  15. Hell yes it is an MV! Now stop wasting time and rub it down some more! R
  16. Original photo in use for sale on ebay oz here http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/THORNYCROFT-MIGHTY-ANTAR-TRUCKS-SNOWY-MOUNTAINS-A3-PICTURE-POSTER-/280736209871 R
  17. Some pictures here http://www.truck-photos.net/picture/number1447.asp R
  18. Some more recent footage here http://www.abc.net.au/tv/collectors/segments/s3300321.htm R
  19. Nice looking truck mate. What is the problem exactly that you are trying to fix, I am a bit lost as to what the gist of it was. Who added the side bars, was that a previous owner? Robin
  20. Well, it has been a while hasnt it? I have recently turned 50 and many other distractions have been circling but I am trying to plug away on the gearbox with my friend Tommy and his transmission shop. We spent most of the day saturday working but were distracted by hangers on who dropped by for a gawp and the arrival of the greasiest pizza you have ever eaten. In between all of that we did get some work done. The bottom plate of the gearbox was stripped bre as the thickness of the sludge in the bottom of the gearbox meant that getting it clean was difficult. We also noted that there was what appeared to be pitting in the aluminium bottom plate from where moisture has sat at the lowest point in the small depression. We presume various things precipitate out of the oils in time as well as the water and causes the corrosion to the plate. We ended up glass beading the plate and will likely use JB weld to fill in the pitted area. We did start assembling the brake bands bake onto the lower plate, we had lots of fun with the small springs that are in either side under the brake bands. One of those got loose on us and travelled quite a ways across the shop very fast.:cool2: You can see an example of one of the springs in the second picture. Anyhow, we used sealants on all the bolts holding the brake bands down and Loctite on the threads so I'm feeling happy. I had hoped to see more of it assembled but it wasn't to be. I am told I have a date again this saturday coming so hopefully more will be done then. R
  21. I was in the transmission shop last Saturday for other reasons and took the opportunity to take a couple of photographs. The gearbox and transfer case are apart right now and a diagnosis of what parts need to be ordered which has been done and so we sit and wait for the parts now, which will be just over a week I figure. The main cause of the failure of the syncro and gearbox was this tapered bearing which I believe if I recall what Tommy said, goes on the end of the main shaft. Once that had failed the shaft was not rotating but more oscillating and hence the syncros wouldn't engage properly coming down in the gears. This also lead to other wear in the gearbox which caused other problems. R
  22. Oh dear, really? That is such a sad state of affairs to hear about. I am well sure there is a lot more that you want to say but cant say and likely best you do not right now I do so very much hope that things get sorted out but I fear from your posts that things are grave to beyond redemption at this point. So very sad R
  23. Alastair, I think it is a great topic. I know a chap out here has made replica panels for the usual pieces cut off Bren carriers and the number of carriers coming back into circulation rises by the day, another one recovered by a chap out here last week. R
  24. Blimey, that looks like a whole new tub will have to be made for a genuine restoration job. Never seen that early type before, nice piece of kit. R
  25. Danny, Knowing you, there is a reason behind your question. Having spoken with you on the phone I think your mind races faster than you can type. Your question is a little bit unclear as to what you are trying to work out. Are you talking about supply of wartime Shermans? Are you talking about supplying war surplus to governments after the second war? I am sure there is an answer for your question. R
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