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robin craig

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Everything posted by robin craig

  1. I know it is not my genre but grand to see another piece of Canadian history kept in Canada. Hats off to you Al for securing that. By the way, your garage is easily big enough for it, you just to jack the whole thing up and add about 5 feet around the bottom. R
  2. I would say that this should give you the latest on the Conq R
  3. Welcome fellow Canadian, from down the road in Ontario. Robin
  4. I differ in your opinion, firstly it is in your native country. Secondly with a modicum of work it could be resurrected for a Ferret as stated by others, thirdly this will likely be the last one you see for 10 years and you will be kicking yourself until that time, when the price will have gone up ten fold and will have easily have exceeded the cost of transport of this one now. Add to which, next year after you are "in the loop" of Ferrets and owners someone will ask you for a turret and you could flip this one at a modest profit, as you don't gouge friends, and another partial Ferret would be complete. Likely this will be melted down in 9 months time to reappear on your shores as a new Kia car. Buy what is around when you can if at all possible is my motto. Considering our bank interest rates at 1.2% this is likely a better investment right now than saving your pennies at the local Bank. R
  5. Cracking job Chris, as always, hope the new owner likes it when he opens the box! R
  6. Drew, are you thinking along the same lines Land Rover did about their swivel balls? I know they changed what was used to a grease as we use it in the 90 on the property. R
  7. Dear D + J, I ran into that problem of the heads of the socket head cap screws when using civvy replacements inside my Ferret gearbox, spun them up in a lathe and turned them down. R
  8. I see Marcus has obviously finished the clean up and it is listed on his website, no connection etc http://www.marcusglenn.com/catalog/viewphoto.php?shoph=10826&phqu=4 R
  9. That is a cool bit of history. From what I recall didn't the Patton museum in the US of A have a whole building that replicated an LST? R
  10. As I and others have said before, very nice. One question, were you at all tempted to apply a coating of something over the chassis to give it a black finish? R
  11. Chris, I'm surprised to see you making that piece as I had thought they were readily available. And before anyone tries to connect the dots, no the vehicle is not coming to us in the Union Jack Collection. Hopefully this Sabre and ours and another that landed over here recently will all end up together at an event this September. Should be a nice photo op. R
  12. John, apart from the guides on the front end, that trailer looks remarkably like the folding gooseneck trailers the Canadian Army has had around for quite a while. They had a donkey engine, usually a Honda, mounted between the wheels and operable by open a steel tap door. They were manufactured by company called Arne's Welding in Western Canada. I'm wondering if that is a left over one from the draw down in Europe, a ton of kit was sold off before the closure of CFE. R
  13. Man o man, that is better than when it left the factory status. You will be polishing bolt heads next! R
  14. Very common on Canadian Ferrets R
  15. Great thread, love reading it, proves every rule has an exception and in time of war . . . . R
  16. I know we are are frugal or value minded these days, and boy oh boy we have such a choice of off shore products to choose from. Sadly, I know this all too well as management loves to buy deals. We have a Kipor diesel generator that had a battery not much bigger than a one man compo ration pack and would not start unless it was used an hour ago and it was above 20 degrees C and used almost as much oil as diesel. We modified the machine so that there were a set of forklift quick disconnects on the battery leads and use a conventional decent quality battery in its static location now. The leading generator maker in my mind for small units is Honda and I would challenge anyone to beat the quality of their units and the cleanliness of the power produced. R
  17. The Faun Kraka and The Mechanical Mule are very interesting machines and somewhat similar products from essentially the same criteria but from different time periods from different countries. The Mechanical mule is one of the very few pieces of US origin kit that I have any time for. They are getting pricey now, over here the rough ones change hands for at least $3,000 plus and that usually has some parts missing. A fully complete pukka item goes for more. They are an excellent vehicle if you want to go to big shows and carry them in the back of a bigger vehicle and use it as a show run about. Also if space and weight are a factor they are quite easy to store and trailer. Not road legal over here as they were not fitted with required lighting etc. R
  18. Been bouncing around a field discing and trying to get a crop in between equipment failures and emails from HRH on my Blackberry. About to move out of this house into temporary digs for a few months as we build our own house as well, nope to get moved in around mid september, all my personal projects on hold until the house gets done. Will have armour and softskins out for an event at work in June. R
  19. Rick, you make mention of the lack of a head gasket. So does the machined parting surface between the two allow for some kind of proprietary sealant? R
  20. They look like a cover for something that rotates, with some kind of hold down that engages onto the studs. What does the underside look like? R
  21. Dont tell Aidrian, I think you are just after someone to dig your garden over! Could be true, recently I have been shown too many times truth is stranger than fiction. Good luck R
  22. You could always ask a member of the forum in the same country if they know the person and can do some background checking. I have done it twice for people R
  23. Welcome along, Nice to hear from someone who actually did things than someone who tells us what the manual says, classic example your radio usage. Hope you enjoy the forum, please post some pictures of your kit etc and start some threads. Robin
  24. Gents, to be clear, I have nothing to do with the vehicle now, having given up aspirations of its recovery myself a while ago. Whatever happens to it will be very slow and really I am awfully unclear as to what will happen with it. When units try to restore vehicles it is an absolute minefield of personalities. I will be watching and keeping an eye on it for quite a while yet. For those who have been watching on MLU on this subject be aware that just because you read it on a forum doesnt mean it is true, be very careful what you believe of what is posted. R
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