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robin craig

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Everything posted by robin craig

  1. Ah the ancient tradition of placing a coin on the springs of the old donkey cart . . . . NOT! While your about collecting bits and pieces for your vehicle, about this for the living room http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/360352963725?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649#ht_3720wt_1004 R
  2. Jeff, thank you for that info on where the serial number might be. That sounds like it would be covered by the injection pump as it is on the left side of the engine or near there. We wont be pulling the engine out again in a hurry so I will just have to file that gem of info. The engine in a BV206 is well buried and access is limited at best. The part arrived Saturday at the dealership which is 1 1/2 hours drive away. Thanks R
  3. Thanks for the reply mate. I guess I am a bit more up front than others are and hence I ask. I just have a particular hate on for them and far prefer a good soldered joint with heat shrink over top. I was bludgeoned to death in a particular trade school on the standard of electrical connections. Each one being a potential problem, so if soldered then its a quality joint. At least that is what my teacher ranted on about, I guess I'm slowly turning into him! I guess also with our climate out here and the corrosion we get with salt spray in the winter it is just a standard I wont get away from too easily. Don't get me wrong, i'm not ragging on you, just trying to understand how and why folks do things. After all this is a forum, so when I see stuff I ask. No offence meant in any way. Keep up the rebuild, going to look grand when complete, I am envious. R
  4. Given the cost of land purchasing in the UK and your land taxes I think you are darn lucky to have such an area owned by your own government where they would let you go wallying around in your hardware (no Tony that wasn't specifically aimed at you!) to your hearts content. As long as they require insurance and you have it I cant see what difference it makes as to whether it was wheeled or tracked. Knowing history though . . . some clown is bound to screw up and get the lot of you chucked off, so peer pressure and self policing are likely going to be key to allowing the practice to continue or not. Just watch the hullaballo when someone pukes a final drive in a wet spot and sheen grows on the water . . . R
  5. I would think that if you load the trailer up you would stand a chance of the dog wagging the tail wouldn't you? What braking do you think you would use? Aren't they fitted with the over run type? R
  6. Now that we have had the question defined . . . . I would say that in Canada and our bretherin to the south in the USA also share an equal love and voracity in restorations. The difference I would say is that many of them have truck loads of cash and don't get involved with such forums as this or do but lurk and have private off line emails with people in the UK. A large number of these well monied people do not enjoy being in the public domain and do everything to stay that way. If you add to that the geographical remoteness possible in Canada and the USA one doesn't just bimble into them or spot their vehicle tucked behind a barn because their barn is 14 kilometres from the public road! It is surprising how much hardware there is around, recently a Staghound was exhumed locally, but i'm wandering off topic . . . . That is my viewpoint from this side of the pond. R
  7. Really looks grand the progress you are making. Just one question, is there a specific reason you are using butt connectors in your wiring instead of a soldered joint? R
  8. Are they Mk1 or Mk2? I am interested on some pieces R
  9. A small sidebar here, as Tony or M109a3 posted the Land Rover fuel tanks and radiators are made in Canada, by Spectra International. We have tried but they have an exclusive agreement to sell to the UK market, so its coals to Newcastle for us . . .. R
  10. Jason, I am a veritable newbie with the 432 series but yes as far as I know the pack has to come out. There may be a cheat like sucking it out of the dipstick tube like in a marine setting or like in a BV 206. You can buy the vacuum jugs that work very well. Thats how we do boats . .. and the BV 206 Im sure others will be along to cofirm or refute my statement R
  11. Jeff, from memory it said it was a 603A I dont think it had any digits after it. It was plonked in there by Hagglunds (not a transplant unit) so i'm thinking they get them from MB like that. I really do try to get part numbers off things to source locally. It is very funny how on the Canadian Forces parts inventory system it says the part is a "controlled item" and right below it is the civvy part number from MB. R
  12. Tommy from the transmission shop called yesterday afternoon. He says that it looks like a grenade has gone off inside the gearbox! The list of parts is long and he wants me to look at it. I'm going over on Saturday to see and get the list. R
  13. The fuel tank and the radiator went to the same shop. They want over $450 to repair the fuel tank and the radiator needs to be re cored and they want $400 for that. I told them thanks but no thanks and went and paid the inspection fee of $41 for the pair and took them back. A call to our local supplier of Land Rover parts got me a quote of $695 and $395 plus taxes landed at his door which is an hour and half away. A call to Craddocks in the UK got me a quote for $395 for the pair plus freight and import duties. I think considering we need a new exhaust and a host of bits for the gearbox and the engine this will be the route i'm going to take. If we had the fuel tank repaired that was only an estimate and as they said it will still be a 1985 fuel tank at the end of it. As space is at a premium I have bundled all the bits and chucked them in the back and fitted the A frame and towed it the 7 kilometres to our other site and parked it undercover so I can pull in the next project to the shop. Looks kind of sad sat there doesn't it. R
  14. Mike, Somehow I didnt see your last two postings. I paid a visit to a little man in green and he had a wonderful box on his desk that traded NSNs for manufacturers numbers and I will have the part in my hand in the next day or so off the shelf at $125 full retail, which we dont pay anyway. The NSN is 5930-01-173-9177 which crosses to Mercedes part number 000 070 2053. there are about 5 gasket options but to work out which we need is a crap shoot so at a cost of about $2 a piece I ordered all 5 and will bin what I dont need. Problem solved I hope. R
  15. Seeing as how you were at BATUS can you please explain what the usage / purpose of the so called "zap numbers" were versus the call signs? Thanks R
  16. Just had a picture from the inside of a Grizzly, its the same. Thanks Rob Robin
  17. cmpman, aka Rob, Can you turn the old machine on again and see if the same part is also for the Cougar? Thanks for the look up on the fiche, if you need bulbs I will buy you a few just for the answers I get from you. Am sending you an email tonight R
  18. Its interesting to see what you have made of it all. I hope you get plenty of fun with it, it definetly looks like there must be a movie waiting to have it as the star! Guess it is going to be a bad year on the books of the ink joint . . :cool2: R
  19. Allied to the thread I have on the traverse mechanism I came across this article which details the development of the AVGP Cougar. It has some interesting material and photos in it. R CAJ_vol2.4_19_e.pdf
  20. So, we have some progress. I am wondering if some parts got mixed up and it might actually be something that you guys in the UK have not seen before. In Canada there are vehicles with Scorpion turrets, namely the AVGP Cougar as seen in this picture. This one is sadly a monument newly installed. Im wondering if CMP man aka Rob knows anything of what mechanism goes in this turret? Further research shows that the Cougar had a powered traverse mechanism, the odds ar growing that this may be what it is . . R
  21. Andy, if you mean the square ish box upper left of last picture, I will have to go look at it but it looks like a firing button box for something with two buttons on it. Will have a look today. R
  22. I am amazed that so few people have even looked at this let alone no one has replied. My thoughts are that this might be Scorpion but as we don't have a Scorpion I don't know what one looks like. Do you? I thought that maybe it is a traverse for the Peak Engineering turret, again we don't have one of those, Do you? Maybe it is Warrior? Do you have a Warrior? We don't, do you? Honest, i'm looking for answers, not trying to set a riddle. Robin
  23. This mechanism landed in my hands a while ago. It came from the British Army by way of a few hands before me. Can anyone identify it, please???
  24. I've asked my knowledgeable guru and he doesnt know, so Im asking you guys, 'cos I dont know. What are these pads from? http://www.mod-sales.com/auction/vehicle/related/41636/Approx_125_Track_Pads.htm R
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