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robin craig

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Everything posted by robin craig

  1. Jon, Quite a while ago I was passed these pictures to post on this forum by Alan Turner (think I got the name right) of the RAWHS. They are posted elsewhere on this forum and this seems to be an appropriate place to post them again. I did notice differences at that time to ours and yours confirms that. There are so many differences, like how the generator receives its forced air for cooling etc etc. So will you be putting a breather on the bevel box then? R
  2. Dear Old Git, Are you the gent I have been emailing with over the last year? You are scaring me as to the size of the whole thing, as I have also bought but not yet received a scale bridge set, the M4 Treadway type. Robin
  3. If by "boxes knocked off" you mean the centre side bin then I have some insight. This has been kicked around before quite a bit. The opinion I have gathered is that for the BRITFORLEB which was British Forces in Lebannon mission here is certainly photographic eveidence of them being removed across the fleet that was in service there. Some claim the spare tyre was also removed. http://www.iwm.org.uk/collections/item/object/205190342 That is all that I can say with any kind of proof to back up what I am saying R
  4. Jon, A couple of points. As you well know the bevel box for the fan volutes is a sealed housing with seals on the shafts to the fans themselves. Why wouldn't you take the fill plug and replace it with another fastener of the same thread and drill it and tap it and make a vent line like I did on the one over here. I used brake line and an in line filter for a fuel line to stop any fluid escaping. I ran the line horizontally to the right and then turned it up a ways. Sorry I cant find a picture of it. Since you are not going to be swimming your beast, then the need for that bevel box to be sealed is negated. I most honestly believe that the fan bevel box is a poorly designed unit in as much as level checks and top ups are not possible without taking the rear of the vehicle apart. By putting a breather on the bevel box then you relieve the internal pressure that builds and therefore hopefully have a longer lasting restoration. The other thing that puzzles me about the pictures, is that you seem to have left the engine bay unpainted. Any reason? regards Robin
  5. welcome to the forum, could i suggest you yhink of these ideas 1 join G503.com and advertise them for sale there 2 join the MVPA and advertise them on their "green sheets" newletter 3 put a posting on this forum in the for sale section 4 advertise them on http://www.milweb.net Those will get results over time Regards Robin
  6. If you take google streetscape and head to Bovington and site yourself at the junction of Bovington Lane and Linsay Road you will see a CVRT Spartan 02 FF 97 on driver training with L plates! Here is the link http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=50.695991,-2.241704&spn=0.000595,0.001341&t=h&z=19&key=ABQIAAAA0HkOWVI_XXaF1IIuIWOQ_hR8dHNNjlmz10qxHVUqoUXC9eBtuxTXATjcIRpWU-JNA136Mmx-DrDbpQ&mapclient=jsapi&oi=map_misc&ct=api_logo Just follow Linsay Road out to where it meets Bovington Lane. It is funny what one can find aimlessly cruising the world with a cup of coffee and a computer. R
  7. Here is a link to the Scorpion at Bovington D + M school http://preservedtanks.com/Profile.aspx?UniqueID=1594 R
  8. Oh silly me, I just took a look at the museum website. It looks like a Spartan with the Milan Compact Turret if i'm not mistaken. Vehicle is 01 FF 49 Link here http://staffordshireregimentmuseum.com/ have a look in their gallery and also vehicle section. R
  9. John, using everyones desk top spy tool, google streetscape I have had a look at the Staffordshires museum. There is a collection of MVs and kit outside, as you described. Some kind of sand coloured foreign tracked thing, likely a Gulf War 1 trophy, a Bren gun carrier, a MOBAT, a Ferret, a 432, looks like a Mk1 and some kind of CVRT Spartan. As far as the Spartan goes I cant quite make out what is on the top on the right side of the vehicle, some kind of box affair. Does anyone live nearby who could have a look at it? Thanks John R
  10. My apologies to you as an armourer. Original post duly changed. I meant no harm, honestly. R
  11. Thanks for posting the Sabre. I notice it has a very much later set of turn signals and side lights fitted. Wonder why? Great responses. R
  12. Alien, I think what you and I are both saying is that while butt numbers were common there were over the yers many different ways that storemen kept weapons in unit armouries. The big aim was accounatbility 100% and ease and speed of issuance and return of weapons. I guess to be blunt, they all tried to re design the mouse trap in a fashion. R
  13. Rick, you only like it as others are giving you a "buffet style" viewing of the goods that you can oggle at and decide which one your going to grab next to restore . . . . :iloveyou: R:dancinggirls:
  14. First off does anyone care to identify what they are? Second, I highly doubt they will come to us unwashed civvies, more likely get a wash out and blow over paint job and a lube job and sold off to a "foreign government":yawn:. Don't forget Withams are in business to make the best money for the MOD on disposals not as our personal cheap source of toys. If not, then likely as not, if there is an ounce of material "made in the USA" in them they will be subject to ITAR and get cut up etc etc. Mind you, I'm always willing to be proved wrong, who ever thought we would see Snatch sold off . . R
  15. This is the Fenham Barracks vehicle from Google satelite, streetscape stops at the gates. http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=54.979793,-1.630676&spn=0.004926,0.017166&z=16&key=ABQIAAAATeDsGqBUjK2SttbNk2PvHRRtxERe_wv1PFwR2RiRF3XPY_JkmRQYIEU2QDsUGVCoA07p7Z8vIDic0Q&mapclient=jsapi&oi=map_misc&ct=api_logo You have to zoom in a bit but its visible R
  16. Maybe, if any of these are local to anyone, could we get some pictures posted of them, please? R
  17. ahh you say "last months" MMI? well being in the colonies we should get that around Chritsmas. R
  18. Most people know about the few DUKWs in service with the Royal Marines at Instow in Devon. I know they have been retrofitted with diesel engines, if i recall, someone from this forum was involved. My basic question is just how much longer does anyone reckon they will be in service for, what will cause them to be disposed of when the time comes, and just what will they be replaced by? Idle questions I know, but just cant help asking the basic questions sometimes. R
  19. I have to ask the question, are there any CVRT gate guardians around and if so does anyone have pictures of what and where they are? Thanks in advance R
  20. Tony, your tracked rapier avatar has gone all squiffy. R
  21. I would agree that it is a shame he retired from driving it. After all in my book, the last perfect person was crucified. I know I put my trousers on one leg at a time. R
  22. Do you know if he allows parts to be bought from a vehicle rather than the whole vehicle or it the same price? R
  23. I think this is one end of the atomic canon thingy isn't it? R
  24. The Canadian leaf you are talking about is the Maple Leaf. Could I suggest you also post your enquiry on Maple Leaf Up Forum? R
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