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robin craig

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Everything posted by robin craig

  1. Basic rule, if you had to sign an end user certificate when you acquired the item then you will have to get one from the purchaser. If you email me I might be able to help R
  2. There have over the years been a number of S3 Land Rovers that have been "restored" as "recce" vehicles in a kind of mickey mouse wanna be Pink Panther type equipment fits that honestly look so hokey. Is there any documentary evidence of such a vehicle existing in service and can anyone post them or point me that way? R
  3. The gearbox is the one that was causing me the most trouble, many people say many different things. Thanks gents R
  4. I think they were also used by 5 Bde as well on exercises. R
  5. Can anyone shed any light on what fluids should be used for the gearbox and transfer case on a fresh rebuild. There are some conflicting opinions and specs in various sources Thanks R
  6. Recymech, "you are not obliged to say anything unless you wish to so, but anything you do say, may be taken down in writing and used in evidence against you, your nicked" R
  7. I have no clue why you are talking about selling the container. It is yours for the term of usage from loading to unloading and that is it. It is owned by a third party and not yours. Please contact me by email, as requested before. R
  8. Do not send it Ro Ro, it invites too many problems. Put it in a sea container and have it lashed down inside. No you do not need the floor strengthening. R
  9. I really hope you are happy with your work, that must be a great step forward having it work. If numbered from left to right the back door on number 2 doesn't seem to open fully on the first few cycles but did on the last one. What was causing that? I think you need more inspiring music to go with it, I'm thinking something from Thunderbirds would be appropriate. there is a connection between the palm trees laying down in that show and the missile rack coming up in my mind. I'm keen to know what you are going to put in the tubes and what techno FX you will execute to mimic the missile firing! I have some devilish ideas . . . . . of what I would do. Can't wait. Congrats R
  10. Are the ignition locks you refer to the same as on a Champ? If so they are the same as a Ferret and there is a good source of info here http://www.ferret-afv.org/ignition_locks/Install_Info.pdf R
  11. Th big thing that a lot of people miss during the purchase of armour to export abroad is the whole spares side of ownership. I cant tell you how expensive it is to support a piece of armour away from the UK where everything or nearly everything is available next day by courier from a dealer. When you buy your vehicle, buy as much in the way of power train and engine and running gear spares to cover the next 10 years usage. The cost of that sea container is so cheap compared to having a spare alternator or spare engine sent out to you later on. Don't consider an A vehicle without getting the track tools, attempting to split track for whatever reason without track clamps and track pin tools is not worth the risk to yourself. You have to develop a real "what if" mentality and support yourself. Also, when you do get the vehicle home, operate it in a sane manner and don't thrash it and you will have a grand investment and many years of enjoyment. Thrash it and you better be able to recover and repair it yourself or be prepared to pony up the cash to have it done for you. All your new found friends will melt away as soon as it comes to pulling engine decks and splitting track and skinning knuckles. That is my humble advice. R
  12. I like keeping money within a circle of friends as it were, that is a basic practice. I have never met Bob Grundy but he has dealt with two exports that I have been in various ways connected with. I would use him as your go to guy, I concur with Chris. The Jackson Spartans are Belgian ones so they differ slightly, we have one out here. 25,000 pounds for one is over the odds, I would take the Sabre advertised on this forum at that price. I'm interested that you choose a Spartan and not a Sabre, that is my choice as well, much prefer them. Feel free to email me if you like, there is a lot more on this subject we dont need to bore others with. Regards Robin
  13. Walter, 1. I am Robin Craig, Mr Craig was my father and he has been dead an buried for 34 years now! 2. Although of British birth I now live in Canada R
  14. I'm glad you have all taken well to this thread and kept it within the bounds of MV related events, knowing as I do now that HMVF is a "sports free" forum so i'm reliably informed by management. I was thinking of the Centurion tack link hurl. I like the tyre changing moving up in vehicle sizes as we go. R
  15. No, bouncing is not what I suggest. Drive in a straight line for a few meters and push in the clutch as you come to a stop, leaving parking brake off. Then do your shifting with the levers and it goes either way in a charm. Dont forget to use clutch again, seems to help. R
  16. So, watching the telly last night, I was wondering what events we would have if we as MV owners were to have an "Olympics" of our own? My suggestions:- 1 Syncronised paint needle gun pairs 2 Mens short track on CVRTs 3 Individual track washing, location Beltring? Just thought I would get into the spirit of London 2012;) R
  17. NOS, we refitted the shaft once we got home so the problem is over. What I have found is that the drivetrain wants to be fully relaxed when going between 2 and 4 wd, wheels straight. Now it is easy peasey. It was quite the drive I do have to say, some of you should look at the distances. I did it all solo. The first departure from Halifax ended when I had sparks coming out of the exhaust. Typical of a "new" vehicle ex uk mod it had sat around for a while. I put back into Halifax and had the fuel system drained and flushed and new filters fitted. We did find later on that the brass screen in the lift pump had been overlooked but that it had done its job. Anyhow, at the end of the first day on the road I made it to Edmunston, New Brunswick and parked for the night at a motel. In the morning I awoke to snow and I needed fuel and it was a long downhill into the town for that and then a long uphill to rejoin the Trans-Canada highway. Being a CALM variant I had little weight on the rear, and bar grips didnt help. The only way I could get motion started was to back up under the gas station canopy on the clean forecourt and take a run at it. I was slithering and sliding up the main street cursing the lack of 4wd. It was an adventure but in retrospect fun. R
  18. Man o man, where to start? Really nice camera work and editing. Hats off the the Belgian Tank museum for saving one of every flavour of CVRT variant, including the Halls greenhouse driver training version. That is a pile of work to get all those vehicles up to that standard, I presume they are vounteers and what a grand job they have done. Something for all of us to strive to achieve as a standard. R
  19. From experience, as a newbie MJ operator, the first one we received Ro Ro via Halifax on the east cost of Canada was locked in 4wd when i got it out of the port. As I was not aware of the vaguaries of the system I was battling against myself to get it into 2wd. Being away from home base it was easier to get a mechanic to drop the front shaft and drive as is the whole way home, it takes 2 solid long days of driving by the way! We have used the truck on a regular basis ever since and never a problem. Obviously, we have since learned the tricks to the switching between two and four wheel drive. R
  20. Welcome boot DMS, i guess on that basis I should have called myself "trousers lightweight"! Shows us ya models mate, please? R
  21. I find it highly amusing if not warped that your government allows you to buy that considering all the B/S that exists under the ITAR controls that all of us up here are enjoying. Cudos to you for being able to buy it and own it and presumably operate it on the road. Is there an add on hydraulic crane for the rear? R
  22. Welcome from someone else in Canada. Why don't you update your profile to put your near location? R
  23. Look forward to this thread. what is with the modified rear end of the Ferret beside it? R
  24. Come on you lot! There are many people from outside of the UK who can't make it over who are really wanting to see more pictures, so please post some more pictures. R Canada
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