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robin craig

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Everything posted by robin craig

  1. I am a bit confused as to where to find these pdf manuals on the web. Is it possible to post a link? A significant coup and a hearty thanks to you for persisting and making this happen. Regards Robin
  2. Tony, nice MOBILE transportation machine, does the yellow extend to inside the vehicle as well? What does the military data plate designate it as? R
  3. Errr Point of Order young Tony. Modular not mobile home. Big difference. No I am not becoming trailer trash, thank you, nor an itinerant. Slap on the wrist to young Tony:stop: R
  4. From what I can see from the photographs it is lacking the usual details that would 100% define it's country of usage. It is missing most of the Canadian modifications found on most vehicles. I do have to say that my c/s 31 lacks some of them but has original markings and paint that trump anything else. The last Canadian Ferrets were released in the 1981 timeframe. A Ferret is such a bolt on or off meccano set of parts that if you wanted to back fit all the minor do dads and whats its to make a Brit Ferret it is very easy if you have the pockets to buy the bits and pieces it can be done. Without doing a ton more digging I can not for absolute certain state that it hasn't suffered that fate. Recently I have been given too many object lessons in how "Truth is stranger than Fiction" to make a statement without proof. R
  5. Well, Sad to say but the world as we know it has just changed dramatically for me. Although I will be assembling the gearbox this coming weekend that is about as far as things are likely to go this summer and I am expecting no other work to happen until well in the fall (autumn). We listed our house for sale last Friday, had a viewing on Saturday morning, an offer by the same afternoon, counter offered the same day and got an acceptance subject to two conditions yesterday (sunday). So, as of the 15th of June we are going to be out of this house. The catch is that we have no house to move to, we have 3 acres of virgin farmland and that is it. We have always intended to build a modular factory built home brought to site and craned onto a foundation. This is still the plan but it is all time and money. So here goes for a rock and roll ride! R
  6. Catch, You have to remember that the labour to clean it is a bit of a sweat heart deal between Tommy and myself. The second is that being out here in Canada means that the notion of any parts being available is non existent, to be able to part exchange for another unit is not an option. R
  7. If you do a quick google search there is evidence of a CVRW Fox on the mudflats shown on Sirhc's website. There were some CVRTs and what looks like a Chieftain ARV and some ad hoc improvised targets. http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/1811867 http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Geograph-1811886-by-sylvia-duckworth.jpg R
  8. Dropped in to see Tommy at the shop. He has the last of the gearbox apart. Seals are on order plus a bearing and some fasteners that need replacing, all parts washed and inspected, massive amount of time doing that. Big picture plan is to go at assembly next weekend on the Saturday and Sunday in a marathon session and get it out of his shop. I'm quite excited R
  9. Here is the original thread http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?27684-BATUS-vehicles-heading-west-to-Withams R
  10. I wont say anything about the picture or the photographer, I know both very well. What I will say is that the vehicle is part of a fly forward unit and that it was a headquaters signals element that was about to embark in or under a helicopter in a tactical bound to be ready for staff to establish control and command from the new location. Without digging into boxes buried in a sea container I cant find the info of the unit, my recollection is that it was taken in the early to mid nineties. R
  11. It is funny how there are few original ideas in the world, I do notice a vague resemblence to the trails of the 105mm "spaghetti" gun that was so popular with airborne forces. I guess if an idea ain't broke dont fix it. R
  12. Well, I have heard legends of jeeps in crates, seen pictures of a motorbike still in a crate, but a Spitfire, yowzer! R
  13. Chris, are you changing your avatar daily just to confuse the enemy? Oh and welcome Paul! R
  14. Found this tonight, not my vintage, so over to you experts. http://www.macearchive.org/Archive/Title/midlands-news-18041963-montys-tank-st-georges-barracks-sutton/MediaEntry/6012.html R
  15. A couple of things. I recognised the dulcit tone of Douglas Landy's voice on the sound track. Speaking as a sleek trim and fit (not likely) 265 lbs (and ever growing it seems) nigh on 6 foot tall then yes there is loads more comfort in the Stormer drivers position. I have commented before that the Sabre is my least favourite vehicle in our fleet. Our Spartan is snug but ok for me by comparison. R
  16. doing a Google search this add from milweb from a while ago popped up, never saw it at the time. One wonders if it is the same as the one above? http://www.milweb.net/classifieds/large_image.php?ad=57807&cat=1 R
  17. I guess Mr Brooks got one. http://www.milweb.net/classifieds/large_image.php?ad=61719&cat=1 More power to him for getting it. R
  18. Well, lets be fair kids. How many of you are used to these vehicles? We have a Stormer TRV in the collection and yes it does smoke, at first, but does get better when warmed up and those two didn't look like they had warmed up at all. The first vehicle I swear he had the parking brake still on and had maybe he was in a gear higher than he should have been in, hence it was labouring too much. That would be my summation. Did you notice how matey clipped the yellow ramp as he went by? Honestly, if you have driven any of the Gen 1 CVRTs with the J60 in them you will love these as they have bags of low down grunt power like they need after being super sized from the Gen 1 vehicles. I adore the TRV we have and it is so easy and comfortable to move the drivers seat and get in and out, all very slick compared to the Gen 1 vehicles bungee cords. Did notice not much in the way of bling on them. R
  19. Marcus Glenn, as I know him and Jennie personally, prefer to spend money with friends. And he is as honest as the day is long. Bannisters, because they have stuff. R
  20. We have deer ticks out here in plenty and confirmed human Lyme disease cases, part of each years joys when the snow has gone. R
  21. Looking at the serial number tag on the side of my engine the other day, the light bulb came on as to just how many engines were made. My serial number is in the 9000 range, so that gives a rough ratio of just over 2 engines for every vehicle produced. What are other peoples engine numbers? Does anyone have a higher number than this one? Regards Robin
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