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robin craig

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Everything posted by robin craig

  1. Great result, congratulations. Will it be ready for W & P 2018?:cool2:
  2. Richard, that is a great idea but has one minor flaw, I am in Eastern Canada and the nearest British Army base is an airfare away!
  3. Surveyor you are lucky to get a response with so much information, I asked the same question relating to the wide track trailers of the previous generation and drew a blank. You are lucky chum
  4. It has been a while since this thread has been updated, and I know how Clive has a passion for the Humber Pig. These are interesting the first is the Pig without wheels courtesy of Peter Barratt and the other is a trophy that someone may know more about. Hope you enjoy these Clive an maybe they show something interesting.
  5. Is there a particular location for your vehicle that you are trying to portray in that colour? Just curious.
  6. I found this picture in a junk store, all it had penciled on the back was 1918, there were other marks and scribbles but none decipherable. I took a cell phone shot of the whole picture and then as many smaller shots of the train detail. Hope this interests someone, at 95 dollars I was not going to buy it, lord only knows I have enough stuff in this house of dubious necessity.
  7. In or around 2015 these somewhat exaggerated vismod CVR(T)s were being used by the Royal dragoon Guards at BATUS in the OPFOR role.
  8. Well spotted Richard, glad you pointed that out, straight from the 432 manual, field expedient methods of repair, chapter 1, driver actions, para 2a.
  9. Here are a few shots from a while back that should g in here, being back loaded to the UK.
  10. I know other armies use such vehicles for training, the BATUS vismod CVR(T) are fairly well known. I thought we could use this thread to showcase some of the interesting disguises used for training that would get some great looks at a show. To me, VISMOD usually means something done to alter the silhouette, but sometimes it can just be garish markings and the crews dressed up in "foreign" looking uniforms. I was rummaging around and found these FV 432s on the web and have the permission of Terry Almond to put them up here. They date from the mid 1980s from his time n Munster with the Irish Guards, no exercise name was given.
  11. Stowage for "Scratcher for backs, driver and drivers mate, temperate climate use only, one for the use of"
  12. Looks grand, know you have done a lot of work to get to that stage. Love to see more of it
  13. Think about talking to a good local machine shop. You might be surprised
  14. Welcome along, It real nice to see someone join under their own name for a change. It might help future posts on the forum if you update your location on the visible profile portion that then appears on the top right of any posts you make. Hope you enjoy the forum, its been a great help and great interest to me
  15. Congratulations on your purchase. Now engage someone knowledgeable with decent standards and have them go over it before you export it and then buy a;; the spares that money can buy before you ship it home. Buy everything that you can find despite the cost because in a year from now likely the price will be higher judging by long term prices and availability. Well done on your purchase, please throw up some pictures for the rest of us to develop envy over.
  16. These pictures come from Terry Almond by kind permission. He was posted to Oxford Barracks in Munster in the mid 1980s in the Irish Guards. An interesting snapshot of one vehicle on one exercise. Maybe the owner is on here or will find them here one day.
  17. These come with the kind permission of Terry Almond ex of the Irish Guards and were taken when posted to Oxford Barracks at Munster in the mid 1980s, that is all I know. My thanks to Terry and there are plenty more very interesting images he has allowed me to post coming in the future.
  18. I once lived in South Heighton outside Newhaven, our deeds said we only owned the land to a certain depth as there were ex MOD tunnels beneath us, it was once known as HMS Forward. Info here http://www.abandoned-derelict.co.uk/hms-forward-tunnels/
  19. Stefan, where in the world are you located? Can you update your profile to reflect that ?
  20. Dear Steve welcome to the forum, for those of us in the far flung corners of the world could you perhaps post some pictures of your vehicles so we might enjoy them also?
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