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robin craig

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Everything posted by robin craig

  1. As this is a subject near and dear to my heart, what with 52 pieces of self propelled equipment under my charge, the vast majority of which have internal combustion engines and get occassional usage. Currently we store kit in buildings lacking mains power, we have opted for inter-battery diconnects and solar 12 volt units with over charge protection. They seem to be able to keep up for the most part as long as during the summer months the levels are check religiously. We. augment with run ups on a regular basis except for some of the diesels when it gets stupidly cold at minus -15 degrees C and lower. The units are purchased at Canadian Tire locally and cost us about $40 a shot, so thats $80 plus a switch. I did call www.soneil.com who are in Canada about their 110v systems, if you buy a case of them they are about $140 per unit. If bought in single units through a distributor they are $280 a unit R
  2. self defeating technology, one time use, awfully difficult to get it back in the box after use. R
  3. Oily, Not wanting to spoil your wedding, but what is the point of wearing a uniform that is not you ie you are not a member of that unit. That is what is bothering my mind R
  4. An employee of mine is having a right set to with our equivalent of the DVLA. His left Dutch hand drive diesel 88" lightweight bears the VIN of 89501726A We are trying to pin down exactly the year of manufacture. We know it is between 1972 and 1979 We need something quite quick to determine which year, going through BMIHT is going to take way too long. Can anyone help us please? Robin
  5. This is interesting:- http://www.satrep.co.uk/scorpiontankcouk/Gearbox.htm who is Repaircraft anyway? R
  6. speak to Andrew Baker at AFV Society, believe he did it nearly from scratch. Major welding required. R
  7. I'm amazed that this thread has not had more posts to it, can't believe that the emergence of a new vehicle has not caused more of a ripple. I can only assume that everyone is on the show circuit and not at their computers. R
  8. Bet someone is kicking themselves that they flogged off the longer Stormers, would have made an interesting platform. Wonder how it handles being short and higher like that? One wonders if they have created a new rollover myth? See that the hull registration is not part of the early numbers yet it has the early format ie 09 FD 31 Bet Soldier magazine will have a blurb on it very soon as they always champion new kit. Oh well, its another one Andrew Baker doesn't have in his collection, as yet!! Bet it will sell better than a 432 at Withams unless they keep the turret to slap on top of. . . . . . . what next? R
  9. Well that is very interesting that it is in Scotland! I guess time travel can happen then! Take a look at this thread I started on Maple Leaf Up:- http://www.mapleleafup.net/forums/showthread.php?t=16569 R
  10. Dear Gritineye, when you say "brake reaction lever" to what do you refer? If we were to pull one Bedford MK with another how would that work? R
  11. I am trying to find out more about this Ferret. Does anyone know who owns it or may own it? I have no other details than the picture. Robin
  12. Yes, exactly as Chris said, what is your provenance for that scheme? R
  13. From the other side of the world, a warm welcome to the forum. We run in the collection a BV206 D6and an FV436 and two 101FCs to name a few. Robin
  14. My most sincere congratulations to you both, may you grow old gracefully and happily:nut: Robin
  15. screen comes up with "Not available in your area" any other links so we can watch this? R
  16. Paul, Welcome to the forum. Nothing like starting off with a simple quick project with a ready source of parts! You have as already stated passed the entrance exam to this forum with flying colours. Your mindset is admirable, the only one qualification that appears to have been omitted is how you will fund the project, I presume your kids will now have to go to school with home made lunches as you use their lunch money to fund the venture and your family are now all getting adjusted to riding secondhand bicycles as the family car has been retired as a cost saving measure. Regards Robin
  17. Noah, building an ark in our shop, will it ever stop raining? No end in sight at all. Most depressing spring, clay is waterlogged and we cant get any field work done R
  18. see as how no one else is giving it a stab, and how im so much not in German or anything WW2 I would say something German WW2 R
  19. This all sounds simple. One of our Ferrets had the fluid coupling get VERY hot, what could be damaged inside? Presume they are the same item. Got to pull that sometime. R
  20. Paul, what a grand job you have done. A few questions and observations if I may be so bold, in no particular order:- 1 you were very lucky to have your vehicle at home to do the work, as most people have to pack up the car or truck and womble over to where their beast is stored to do work. You on the other hand, could bimble the few strides from the supper table to the garage or outside and work away on small chunks at a time, as that is how you seem to work. That is every hobbyist's dream, no wasted travel time. 2 a high standard of work achieved, very creditable 3 what is the provenance for the blue / grey floor colour in the engine bay and drivers area? 4 Nice GPMG, we cant have them here 5 what did you do about the drivers hatch assembly that broke its welds off? 6 I'm impressed that you were able to rob such a clean J60 take out engine from that mid engined Chrysler van, must be a rare Euro spec vehicle, most of those vans over here are front engined. 7 why does the flat surface behind the front side and turn lights have a light colour to it and not the same hull colour? 8 why did you deac the smoke dischargers, was it for less hassle or did someone pressure you? 9 deac missile is a nice touch, will you make a full set to display? 10 what are the caps used on the deac smoke dischargers, are they a later version? 11 what era did the Striker come out of service? Is the fire extinguisher a later one? 12 was this one of the vehicles that came from the scrap yard in Gloucestershire Wiltshire between Cricklade and Swindon, if so I saw it many many years ago when it was becoming the goping minging mess you so wonderfully resurected. 13 as per Sirhc's comment, where are the proper headlights, you had them on at one point! Regards In awe Robin
  21. NOAH Airlines, in, two by two by two they went . . . R
  22. what were the symptoms and or noises that came before this event? I would be interested to know cause of failure to put it in my shop book of "lessons" along with ones like "fluid flywheel checks" and a picture of a smoked Ferret one . . . as a warning to others around me. R
  23. Actually there is more than one Mike on this thread and the comment was meant for the other one! R
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